Comments received on poems by Kevin Michael Bloor

Poems for all Seasons
Goldfinch60 said:

Such great words Kevin, words can come and go in seconds and when they come to us by the bucket load we have no way to write them down. But these words of yours relate to so many of us who write such words.


June 12th, 2021 00:50

jarcher54 said:

A sweet little piece but the photo is just as perfect!

June 11th, 2021 22:01

Poems for all Seasons
jarcher54 said:

Your style and theme blend perfectly here. There are many really inventive, sincere, crafty, elegant, or inspiring pieces on MPS, but this work epitomizes what sites like this were made for. A real treasure. This reminds me of the elusive, tragic, self-taught genius poet of the English farm and field John Clare. (If you haven\'t read him check out his listing in MPS.) We all thank you.

June 11th, 2021 21:58

Poems for all Seasons
Accidental Poet said:

I know this feeling all too well Kevin. Sometime those lyrical wheels seem to have 4 wheel drive and keep on truckin through the toughest of terrain. Then other times its like the lyrical wheels have run out of gas, leaving you dead on the side of the road. But this poem you have here is in itself a masterpiece of work. It shows you have graduated from amateur to pro. Keep on truckin Kevin. ; )

June 11th, 2021 20:33

Poems for all Seasons
Caring dove said:

Great poem . 🙂

June 11th, 2021 08:44

Poems for all Seasons
Doggerel Dave said:

You are too good for me - I can\'t find anything intelligible to make commentary with. It would sound too pedestrian after that.
All I can do is fave it ......
Thanks Kevin.

June 11th, 2021 08:05

Poems for all Seasons
Saxon Crow said:

Beautifully written Kevin and completely relatable. Faved

June 11th, 2021 06:09

My Whore From Salinas
Jerry Reynolds said:

Explosive read, Kevin.

June 8th, 2021 13:55

My Whore From Salinas
orchidee said:

I only got a far as \'whore\', then swooned. I would! lol.

June 8th, 2021 05:27

Aphrodite\'s Grief
L. B. Mek said:

there\'s a stark quality that I can\'t help
but relate to Euripides
the way, he too exposed the monstrosity of war
to his fellow Grecian\'s (during war)
except your words, explore the suffering and oppression
of womankind in general, I think..?
still, such an engaging read
liked the way you weaved
mythology with theology, with purpose
added a lot of depth
to what interpretive meaning
we readers have to play around with
really well executed, thank you for sharing

June 3rd, 2021 03:41

Accidental Poet said:

A compelling write Kevin. And editing a previous write has no crime. ; )

May 29th, 2021 08:33

Doggerel Dave said:

Metaphor only for recovery from lost love? I hope so from a selfish point of view as I suffer from terrible seasickness.
Absolute admiration for technical quality of your verse.

May 29th, 2021 07:48

Trenz Pruca said:

Stirring. Thank you.

May 28th, 2021 22:38

orchidee said:

A fine write Kevin.

May 28th, 2021 10:11

Land of no more Sorrow
Accidental Poet said:

One of my entries I think you\'d appreciate, \"This is Not Good-Bye\". Yes Kevin, you and your wife will be together again. But she is always with you. ; )

May 27th, 2021 05:13

My Darling of Divine Delight
L. B. Mek said:

\'With waterfalling golden hair
and eyes that flash and twinkle fair.\'
you, dear Poet
is the living embodiment of that beautiful term:
\' \"Give them their flowers while they yet live.\"
When they can smell the rose
and hold your hand
to receive the flower you give.\'
(another symphonic dedication
thanks for sharing)

May 20th, 2021 04:32

My Darling of Divine Delight
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving write Kevin.


May 20th, 2021 00:10

My Darling of Divine Delight
Accidental Poet said:

She definitely has that light of life in her. And such a beautiful tribute to her. Easy to see just how deeply you love her. I too know this kind of love for over 50 years now. Excellent write Kevin. ; )

May 19th, 2021 19:06

The Girl I Love and Live For
Goldfinch60 said:

That love will be there forever Kevin.


May 8th, 2021 00:30

The Girl I Love and Live For
jarcher54 said:

I am not sure which of you is more blessed... but it\'s pretty clear you are hooked!

May 7th, 2021 23:33

The Girl I Love and Live For
Dove said:

Beautifully written, love the last two stanzas, of course the picture is beautiful as well !

May 7th, 2021 09:07

The Girl I Love and Live For
L. B. Mek said:

is the Artist the lucky one to find such a Muse
or the Muse, who lucked-out to bring out, that Poet in her man
blurred - lines: indeed...
thanks for sharing, dear poet

May 7th, 2021 06:44

The Girl I Love and Live For
Accidental Poet said:

This is why I wrote my latest poem. I think you\'ll appreciate it as much as I do yours here. Excellent write Kevin. ; )

May 7th, 2021 04:58

First & Last Love
L. B. Mek said:

again, yet another wonderful dedication!
\'Hourglass hips and fairy feet,
angel eyes and smile so sweet.\'
this heroic couplet should be in a country music song
or maybe, all of them...

May 7th, 2021 04:57

First & Last Love
Goldfinch60 said:

That first love returning is so wonderful Kevin.


May 7th, 2021 00:27

First & Last Love
Accidental Poet said:

Great write Kevin. I too know the feeling of first and last love. ; ) AP

May 6th, 2021 18:10

Passion Flower
L. B. Mek said:

\'She’ll go on being beautiful
while I am sound asleep.

And when I wake refreshed again
she’ll still sit there serene.\'
simply brilliant, dear poet
(fun fact or maybe not? lol)
the latin translation \'passiflora\'
I also used to title
a mother\'s day poem dedication

May 6th, 2021 04:55

Passion Flower
PrEm Ji said:

beautiful lines... straight from the heart...

May 6th, 2021 04:00

Passion Flower
Goldfinch60 said:

That passion will always be there Kevin.


May 5th, 2021 15:10

Passion Flower
orchidee said:

Good write Kevin.

May 5th, 2021 13:28

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