Comments received on poems by BRIAN & ANGELA

HAPPINESS IS .................... ? An Acrostic
Christina8 said:

Warm smiles sent your way on a busy friday. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!! Great poem!--Sisterly hugs Christina

March 9th, 2018 07:54

HAPPINESS IS .................... ? An Acrostic
Laura🌻 said:

Mio Caro Amico BRIAN,
A happy smile is on its way directly aimed at you! A delightful acrostic you have written to share...and that, my friend, makes us all smile. Enjoy your weekend!
Un Abbraccio e Baci...

March 9th, 2018 06:06

HAPPINESS IS .................... ? An Acrostic
Fay Slimm. said:

Sharing my today\'s happiness aby sending a contented smile to you Brian - thanks for this lovely verse which gives fine examples of what makes for real happiness.

March 9th, 2018 05:35

HAPPINESS IS .................... ? An Acrostic
Michael Edwards said:

A cheery piece and - yes - a smile makes the world of difference .

March 9th, 2018 04:47

HAPPINESS IS .................... ? An Acrostic
orchidee said:

I\'m happy as a pig in muck, with me pork pies and sherries! lol.

March 9th, 2018 04:42

HAPPINESS IS .................... ? An Acrostic

HI FRIENDS ~ I\'m very Happy Today ~ well it is Friday and I don\'t (normally) work on Saturdays or Sundays ! I expect to be very Happy tomorrow ~ Sunday and even Monday ~ because I love my Job & My Partner & Family etc ! BUT who knows what a Day may bring forth ? So my Mantra is \"Enjoy and share your HAPPINESS while you have it !\" Then ~ if you hit a PROBLEM ~ Those you made Happy will support you and make you Happy again ! Happiness to ALL ~ Love BRIAN XOXO

March 9th, 2018 03:56

Christina8 said:

Very good Brian! I wish I was as creative! That bridge looks wonderful but scary to!! Great form! Sisterly hugs-Christina

March 8th, 2018 18:20

orchidee said:

A fine write Brian. Relatively easy to think of Quebec for Q. Dunno about Wuppertool - where is it? How about Wapping Town (for syllables fit) instead?! lol.

March 8th, 2018 10:52

Michael Edwards said:

Great flow in this and do like the form - super work Brian.

March 8th, 2018 05:03

BATTLE OF THE SEXES ~ Conversation Piece
Jonathan Dylan said:

Had me going right until the end! Brilliant!

March 7th, 2018 17:30

HAVASUPAI TRIBE ~ An Acrostic 9 5 Sonnet
Christina8 said:

You did a fabulous piece on these Native Americans! I live near an indian reservation and it is fascinating to see how they live and the goods they make. What I would give to observe these people you wrote about!! Fascinating! Sisterly hugs--Christina

March 7th, 2018 13:03

HAVASUPAI TRIBE ~ An Acrostic 9 5 Sonnet
Lorna said:

I\'m so glad it\'s so hard to find them! Maybe they will make it another 1000 years if we leave them alone - aren\'t their clothes beautiful!

March 7th, 2018 06:20

HAVASUPAI TRIBE ~ An Acrostic 9 5 Sonnet
Laura🌻 said:

Mio Caro Amico BRIAN,
Yes, people of the
blue-green waters!
A great write to remind
us to respect and preserve
all cultures!
Un Abbraccio e Baci...

March 7th, 2018 04:37

HAVASUPAI TRIBE ~ An Acrostic 9 5 Sonnet
orchidee said:

A fine write Brian. Remote and unspoilt. I\'ll get me coat ready to visit them - and me horse!
I thought the number 7 bus went that way? Some wag adds: Nope, it\'s the number 11 bus you need!

March 7th, 2018 04:25

HAVASUPAI TRIBE ~ An Acrostic 9 5 Sonnet
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, and like Michael I agree that there culture is being observed and hopefully preserved.

March 7th, 2018 04:20

HAVASUPAI TRIBE ~ An Acrostic 9 5 Sonnet
Michael Edwards said:

It\'s great that the preservation of their culture is at last being observed - oh that that were the case for all cultures. Fine write Brian.

March 7th, 2018 04:13

C H A M E L E O N S ~ A Rhyming Acrostic
Christina8 said:

Like you and Angela, my husband and I are the perfect match! Great acrostic! This was lovely--Sisterly hugs Christina

March 6th, 2018 12:25

ANGELA ~ SNOW LADY ~ A Flow Line Poem
Ryuji said:

May you be happy in your love forever

March 6th, 2018 11:33

C H A M E L E O N S ~ A Rhyming Acrostic
Goldfinch60 said:

Mention the Moody Blues and Pink Floyd upin one line is quite cool Brian.

March 6th, 2018 09:08

C H A M E L E O N S ~ A Rhyming Acrostic
Fay Slimm. said:

The acrostic enumerates so n=many reasons to really know those whom you feel are your fated companion - cos sometimes we are proved wrong - good points here Brain and the best of wishes to you and Angela as being more suitable you evoke a bright future together.

March 6th, 2018 07:35

C H A M E L E O N S ~ A Rhyming Acrostic
orchidee said:

A fine write Brian. Oohh should I meet her? Never on a Monday - swoon! lol.

March 6th, 2018 06:51

BATTLE OF THE SEXES ~ Conversation Piece
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write.

March 6th, 2018 01:39

Christina8 said:

This is a fantastic poem! So much has happened in the light of discovery by mistake. Or try and try again until they got it right. Great job on this one! Sisterly hugs-Christina

March 5th, 2018 08:41

BATTLE OF THE SEXES ~ Conversation Piece
Christina8 said:

Good for a giggle! Great job! Monday smiles--Christina

March 5th, 2018 08:37

BATTLE OF THE SEXES ~ Conversation Piece
Lorna said:

Funny Brian - good laugh........

March 5th, 2018 06:11

BATTLE OF THE SEXES ~ Conversation Piece
orchidee said:

Nearly brought a swoon on, this did! lol.

March 5th, 2018 05:56

BATTLE OF THE SEXES ~ Conversation Piece
Michael Edwards said:

Got me all excited - great funloads Brian.

March 5th, 2018 03:55

OUR PLANET EARTH ~ An Acrostic Sonnet
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Brian. Yes we need to do what we can to save the earth, it is being destroyed by homo sapiens.

March 5th, 2018 02:02

OUR PLANET EARTH ~ An Acrostic Sonnet
Michael Edwards said:

Entertaining and educational - fine work Brian

March 4th, 2018 06:57

OUR PLANET EARTH ~ An Acrostic Sonnet
orchidee said:

A fine write Brian.

March 4th, 2018 06:29

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