Comments received on poems by Ternic73

God Called You Home
ForeverJesus7 said:

This was a very nice piece. It is very well put together, and a nice tribute.
Persistence is key

March 28th, 2019 17:35

God Called You Home

Thanks for sharing TERESA a very moving Poem. We can have hope of future GLORY when People die who have acknowledged GOD in their Lives ~ AMEN. Love the structure ~ Good rhythm (meter) and five rhyming couplets ~ and a Closing Line (11) which you have rhymed with Line (8) ~ excellent ! Love the content too ~ thanks for caring & sharing ! I would mark the POEM an A !
Blessings & Peace BRIAN
Please check our site ~ Thanks B & A !

March 28th, 2019 15:07

Place to Belong
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful write, that place where we belong is always within us.

February 6th, 2019 01:25

Place to Belong
psychofemale said:

this was written beautifully :) good stuff you have here

February 5th, 2019 19:45

Place to Belong
Ternic73 said:

Thank you Brian I will say that you have been nothing but kind to me. You and Angela make me feel like I do belong. No one judges my work harshly anyway

February 5th, 2019 17:37

Place to Belong

HI TERESA ~ Thanks for a lovely Poem in rhyming couplets from your HEART. YES we all want to be accepted in our own Community and on Cyber sites like MPS ~ You are accepted here and I hope you get more comments ~ your poems deserve them. If you look @ our site you will see that a number of people FAY ~ ORCHIDEE etc always comment and I comment on theirs. If you start to comment regularly on their Poems ~ they will always comment back on YOURS ! Christina S is American but the others are UK. They all appreciate Poets like yourself ~ who write interesting Poems which Rhyme & Scan ~
OK ~ Every Blessing ~
Your MPS Friends BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡

February 5th, 2019 14:39

Never Walk Alone
Ternic73 said:

thank you

February 5th, 2019 14:00

Never Walk Alone

HI Teresa ~ Welcome back ! Angela & I promised each other \"We shall never walk ALONE !\" We are 11,500 miles apart (UK & NZ) but we protect each other 24/7 through PRAYER. Your POEM is a reminder of just how dangerous our streets have become ~ and the need to protect each other ! We all need to walk much closer to GOD. Thanks for caring & sharing
Your Friend BRIAN
Please check our site ~ Thanks !

February 1st, 2019 18:26

Never Walk Alone
psychofemale said:


January 22nd, 2019 23:39

Ternic73 said:

Thank you

October 1st, 2018 18:38

Belle said:

Such powerful emotions,great job

October 1st, 2018 17:36

Goldfinch60 said:

We all make choices the odd ones are the wrong choices but with those we get the experience to make the right choices in the future. In our lives the right choices outweigh the wrong ones. Very good write.

September 3rd, 2018 00:58

Christina8 said:

Great poem, true to the end!

September 2nd, 2018 21:08

Crystal Hope said:

Awe. This is so true. Loved your poem. Full of meaning.

September 2nd, 2018 19:59


GOOD EVENING TERESA : ANGELA HERE : BRIAN has been to visit me in New Zealand and is sleeping off the Jet Lag in the UK. I am his fiancee and we share the SITE. I like the FORM of your Poem : Rhyming Couplets and excellent Rhythm. The choices we make every day influence our lives for the future. In Stanza 1. You share that your choices are your own : have helped you grow and that you might like to forget them : but in my experience you cant ! In STANZA 2. You talk about wrong choices, and being a Lady Ive made some of those, but BRIAN is a right choice. Like you I want to forget the wrong ones ! I like to meet up with Old Friends and it is the memories (and choices etc) that savour our discourse ! Love the line \"Believe in yourself and keep up the fight\". That is the best way to survive but we all need to make choices & cherish our memories : Your Friend ANGELA

September 2nd, 2018 18:33

Your Choices
Ternic73 said:

Thank you Brian. This poem was written about someone a friend I have known for over 20 years, I just cant handle it anymore. I cannot give anymore and be treated that way.

August 2nd, 2018 10:40

Your Choices

HELLO TERESA ~ thanks for another Perfect Poem in Rhyme ~ Rhythm ~ Recollection ! We can empathise because we have both had Friendships that have \"gone cold\" and you don\'t always known why ! We also have Friends whose marriages have \"frozen\" and they have separated or divorced ~ which is even sadder. Your poem will make us all think about all our relationships ~ thank you ~ HUGS Brian & Angela. Please check Angela\'s Poem WELLINGTON and our Fusion on ICE CREAM ~ Thanks B & A.

August 2nd, 2018 10:12

Looking Back

Thanks TERESA ~ This is a wonderful nostalgic poem and it really lifted my HEART as you spoke of your traumas when you were young & overweight and all that you have succeeded since. Nursing is a tough profession and especially with wounded servicemen who need lots of TLC as well as medical care ! The things you mention \"picked last in the Gym\" bullying etc are suffered by the few and perpetrated by the many. But I like your desire to show the BULLIES how much you have already achieved ~ and asking them \"What have you achieved in the past year\" AMEN. I also like the fact that you feel that the BULLYING and ILL-TREATMENT you suffered when Young have made you a stronger person today and pleased to be YOU ! Contents of the poem excellent. The structure of the poem ~ the spacing and your use of RHYME & RHYTHM is also EXCELLENT ~ Well done. Hugs BRIAN & ANGELA ~ Please check our latest poems ~ Thanks B & A.

July 31st, 2018 16:47

Looking Back
Poetic Dan said:

Brilliantly done the young you is loving the joy, the best thing you can do is pass that pride on!
I\'m definitely reading this one to my kids so I guess you already have.
Thank you
Much peace and respect

July 31st, 2018 13:51

I Found A Place
poetboy123 said:

Wonderful write, a place for all of us to hideaway!

July 20th, 2018 17:06

I Found A Place

This is awesome TERESA and a perfect tribute to MPS. I have saved it as a FAVOURITE ! EIGHTEEN balanced lines (Rhythm) and rhyming couplets (Rhyme). MPS is a perfect site where we can share & comment. I agree we all feel: Free ~ loved ~ happy ~ safe ~ supported ~ healed ! I FOUND A PLACE ~ AMEN ~ Love BRIAN & ANGELA XOX Angela is my Fiancee and we share a site. She is in New Zealand on a Work Exchange. Please check my FUSION (on Prayer) and today\'\'s Poem ~ MADE IN MICHIGAN ~ Thanks A & B !

July 20th, 2018 02:52

I Found A Place
Rainbow said:

Lovely poem

July 20th, 2018 01:40

I Found A Place
Goldfinch60 said:

Great write and so true. We are free as the words flow onto the paper, if people enjoy what we write that is a bonus as your words are to me

July 20th, 2018 00:43

I Found A Place
dusk arising said:

What a lovely read. Light hearted, free flowing and joyous.
A wonderful tribute to this great MPS site. I too share your feelings.

July 20th, 2018 00:32

My Poetry Journey
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good and very true write, poetry is the way to get the wonder and troubles from our mind onto paper and feel that release.

July 2nd, 2018 00:10

My Poetry Journey
Ternic73 said:

I hope so Tepo. Thank you for your kindness and support

July 1st, 2018 12:12

Ternic73 said:

Thank you very much

June 27th, 2018 17:51

Holding a Sign
Frogspoetry said:

This is a very beautiful poem.we often forget that many of those whom are homeless cannot help it.I know people who stand on the corner asking for money,even though they don not need is really sad.

June 12th, 2018 22:01

I Lose Myself
Clarita said:

Great write and very relatable

June 12th, 2018 17:06

I Lose Myself
Lorna said:

I absolutely never go anywhere without a book - great escape from: \"what if the car breaks down\", people I don\'t want to talk to, being stuck in a boring place, very unhappy so wish to be somewhere else, being with someone who never ever can into the car quickly...... and on and on.........

June 12th, 2018 05:54

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