Comments received on poems by Christina8

onepauly said:

you expressed it

May 1st, 2018 13:29

Azura Nightsong said:

Love and memories and memories of love, bittersweet and just sweet alike have their own wonders! lovely poem.

May 1st, 2018 12:59

Goldfinch60 said:

Writing from the heart is so important, it shows emotions not thoughts. Your heart is strong and will overcome these anxious times.

April 29th, 2018 00:42

onepauly said:

there are many remedies
for anxiety.
find the one for you.
good poem
keep writing.

April 28th, 2018 14:41


Thanks SISTER for writing the Poem you wanted to write ~ FROM YOUR HEART ~ instead of something LESS melancholy ~ FROM YOUR HEAD. I can empathise because I tend to follow my HEAD and write an INFORMATIVE Poem on New Orleans ~ like I did today ! With ANGELA leaving for New Zealand (over 11,000 miles) in two weeks ~ If I wrote a melancholy Poem it would make you all cry ! God alone knows what I\'ll write in three weeks time when my ANGEL has FLOWN ! I understand the circumstances which evoked this poem and my PRAYERS are with you until the Time is Right ! Every Blessing ~ Abrazos de tus Hermanos especiales ~ ANGELA & BRIAN @@@@@@@

April 28th, 2018 13:26

orchidee said:

A fine write C. Is \'she\' you?

April 28th, 2018 13:16

Goldfinch60 said:

So glad that spring has arrived for you Christina, may your journey with nature now become warmer.

April 28th, 2018 00:11


S PRING ~ season of Love
P retty flowers blooming everywhere
R ivers & Streams unfreeze and flow
I Love Spring ~ birdsong ~ vibrant
N ever lie in in Spring ~ ENJOY
G et out and about ~ It\'s SPRING !

Thanks for your Poem Christina ~ colder this week (50F) and rain ~ BUT ~ Your poem made me appreciate the JOYS of Spring and it is FRIDAY ! I agree with you last couplet ~ America the Beautiful ~ from Sea to shining Sea ~ make a Plan to visit every State (including Hawaii !) in the next ten Years ! ENJOY SPRING and your State is awesome in the Summer ~ love the Tourist Website ! Spring Hugs ~ Angela & Brain @@@@@@@

April 27th, 2018 14:29

onepauly said:

springtime surely is the best season.
and after a long cold winter.

April 27th, 2018 13:31

Simple-Man87 said:

That was happy. It made me happy reading that. Once again, your heart proves it can be happy.

April 27th, 2018 12:49

Netashi said:

Don\'t like spring much but i do like the poem. And here in California it is very bipolar weather haha. Good job though keep up the good work.

April 27th, 2018 12:25

Bad Luck
skyebellasario said:

I am so sorry I have missed so many great writes like this Christina! The bad days will pass, keep looking forward :)

April 26th, 2018 13:42

Bad Luck
lasergraph said:

I hope the storm passes soon and the sunshine warms the soul.

April 25th, 2018 15:13

Bad Luck
Lorna said:

I love your positive ending! I love your first two lines - \"wry\" is the word - and damn it that the pen broke! Some days you can\'t win for losing.........

April 25th, 2018 06:43

Bad Luck
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write and may the sun always shine on your life.

\"Life isn\'t about waiting for the storm to pass...It\'s about learning to dance in the rain\"

April 25th, 2018 00:29

Bad Luck

Thanks CHRISTINA ~ The TITLE belies the content of the Poem ! It contains some paradoxes ! Without BAD LUCK how could you recognise the GOOD ? Without RAIN (real & metaphorical) how could you enjoy the SUN (it\'s only 60F in the UK today & rain !) If you had never experienced DISAPPOINTMENT how can you count your BLESSINGS ~ To everything there is a REASON and a PURPOSE to everthing under HEAVEN ! Loved the elegance of the Poem and the last STANZA reflects the happy girl inside you always wanting to share her JOY !

SO ~ I WILL count my Blessings
SLOWLY ~ one by one
And LISTEN to the Birds
Sing in the rare glorious SUN !

Power of Positive thinking ~ AMEN
Thanks for sharing your DAY !
Abrazos de Hermanos ANGELA y BRIAN

April 24th, 2018 17:42

Bad Luck
Laura🌻 said:

A bit sad but a fine write!
I hope the sun has shined all day long for you!


April 24th, 2018 16:53

Bad Luck
kitcat said:

Sounds like my sort of days :-) Loved your poem Good read

April 24th, 2018 14:46

Bad Luck
orchidee said:

Let\'s not believe in luck - I don\'t anyway! then we will have neither good nor bad luck! And why must rain always be wet?! heehee.

April 24th, 2018 13:39

Bad Luck
Michael Edwards said:

Great flowing write - don\'t switch the sun off Christina.

April 24th, 2018 12:34

orchidee said:

Yes, a fine legendary poem C!

April 20th, 2018 02:00

Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful poem that belongs in your anthology of love poems! Could feel the love in every line! I enjoyed the read very much! God Bless!


April 20th, 2018 01:35

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful love filled write Christina.

April 20th, 2018 00:43

Accidental Poet said:

Nothing better than love that stands the test of time. And I\'m sure your other half would say the same for you if you asked him. Beautiful write Christina.

April 19th, 2018 19:14

Michael Edwards said:

Ditto Brian - keep that love going - my own wonderful wife is currently playing international scrabble with friends in the US - off to see if she needs a hand - cheating maybe but two heads are better than one - don\'t tell anyone :)

April 19th, 2018 16:29

AllTheRandomThings said:

Wonderful job my dear, I can feel the passion and captivation of the bond you share. Love always overcomes, and I hope that love you experience lasts forever.

April 19th, 2018 15:21

Netashi said:

Guess you can say this poem is legendary, no but all jokes aside a very nice poem

April 19th, 2018 14:39


A LEGEND IN YOUR OWN TIME ~ LOVEWISE ~ CHRISTINA ! That is a high claim ~ but having followed your love Poetry I know it to be true because you write from your heart. Never unnecessarily only when the Muse of your poetic Spirit moves ! So we all know if you DON\'T post you are meditating and when you do it is fragrant ! YES your LOVE for your Loving Husband is mutual and LEGENDARY ! I love the last STANZA \"Our love will be legendary !\" Withstanding storms ~ witnessed by GRANDCHILDREN ~ not conforming to SOCIETAL NORMS ! Its past 8 O\'clock here and having read your delightful Poem ~ I can go to bed HAPPY ~ Yours Loving Brother ~ BRIAN

April 19th, 2018 14:15

Bad Dream
Lorna said:

We certainly can be unnerved by dreams......... I always think that we are connected in a way that makes us aware of things on an unconscious level so yes, they are worrisome!

April 19th, 2018 06:34

Bad Dream
ron parrish aka wordman said:

sometimes dreams tell you something,sometimes it`s just stress or you worrying about some one or something

April 17th, 2018 22:17

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