Comments received on poems by Christina8

Yorelzinala said:

With you; your friend has a voice. Thank you for sharing.

May 20th, 2018 21:06

The Nature Of Worry
Poetic Dan said:

A beautiful inner writing
May you turn the worry into something amazing
There\'s nothing you can\'t do it just takes stages
Never forget you\'re as awesome as your words are ;)

May 16th, 2018 06:04

The Nature Of Worry
Goldfinch60 said:

We should always live in the moment and treasure each one of them. We can not change the past but if we live in the moment we may be able to ease the future.

May 16th, 2018 01:01

The Nature Of Worry
Michael Edwards said:

Worry = stress - sage write Christina.

May 15th, 2018 16:30

The Nature Of Worry

What a Friend we have in JESUS
All our Pain & Grief to bare
What a privilege to carry

Thanks for sharing and caring CHRIS ~ Life does try us from day to day and I know (from experience) how important a CAR is in the USA ! In the UK things are close enough to walk or cycle and we have great local BUS SERVICES and 50% of UK families don\'t own a car ! My experience of the USA is that because over 85% of Families own a car ~ bus services decline ~ nobody walks and it is dangerous to cycle ~ SO A CAR becomes a NECESSITY not a LUXURY ~ so I do understand ! FOR EVERY 1000 People in the USA 910 Cars CANADA 662 Cars UK 519 Cars ~ In LESOTHO (South Africa) where some of my extended Family help with a Mission & Prince Harry runs a Project there are only 4 Cars per 1000 people ! Those I have met are very happy in a CAR~LESS SOCIETY ~ Both my sets of Greatgrandparents ~ never owned a CAR ! I know these stats don\'t help but it does show how dependent we have all become on TECHNOLOGY and by doing so we are destroying the PLANET with Global Warming ~ Deforestation ~ Sea Level Rise etc ~ What annoys me is that Trump is blind to all this and America uses more fossil fuel and produces more CO2 per capita than any other Country ~ You should all push for AL GORE to be President in 2020 ~ OK Sorry for the rant ~ We are praying for you 24/7 ~ Tus Hermanos ~ Angela y Brian @@@@@@@

May 15th, 2018 14:35

The Nature Of Worry
orchidee said:

A fine write Christina.

May 15th, 2018 14:27

The Nature Of Worry
Lorna said:

And chamomile tea helps.............

May 15th, 2018 13:33

The First Thing
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write Christina. \" I do\" says it all.

May 10th, 2018 00:51

The First Thing

WOW CHRIS ~ I love your Love Poems ~ They always ring true because they are based on 15 years loving experience ~ and are straight from your Loving Heart ! Its not GOOD LUCK it\'s TRUE LOVE ! I love every word of this Poem ~ SISTER ~ because of my experience (so far !) with ANGELA ~ I can empathise ! Big Hugs de tus Hermanos ~ ANGELA y BRIAN XOXOX

May 9th, 2018 16:00

The First Thing
lasergraph said:

Great tribute to him and a good reflection on you both. I enjoyed the read.

May 9th, 2018 14:48

The First Thing
Michael Edwards said:

One lucky Hubby - great tribute to you both.

May 9th, 2018 14:44

Out Of Harmony
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write and very true, you must go to bed in harmony, the last word that my wife and I say to each other as we go to sleep are \"I love you\" and this has been said every day for 37 years of married life.

May 9th, 2018 00:48

Out Of Harmony
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes harmony is worth striving for in any relationship and this verse brings to the fore an excellent aim to never let the day end with anger in the heart - a fine message Christina.

May 8th, 2018 16:11

Out Of Harmony

THANKS CHRIS ~ or a fine poem of \"self resolve\" The Good Book advises ! \"Don\'t let the SUN set on your WRATH\" or as you say \"Don\'t go to bed arguing\" ! Bed is for cuddles ~ not curses ! Unintentionally your poem is shaped like an 8 and that is the Chinese number for prosperity & harmony ! Secondly it\'s presented in (mainly) Rhyming Couplets again that suggests preciseness and decisiveness. I love the resolve ~

\"It\'s vastly important to me
That we\'re in harmony\"

Angela and I disagree on many minor issues ~ but we always reason together and have never had a real argument yet ! I like to go to London by Train ~ but because they don\'t run late Angela likes to go by car ~ I prefer Indian Food to Chinese etc ~ but these are only small things and easily resolved ~ usually by consensus ! You are so much in love that any \"differences\" are easily solved and \"cross mode\" is replaced by \"cuddle mode\" ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Abrazos de Hermanos Angela y Brian @@@@@@@

May 8th, 2018 14:06

Out Of Harmony
Michael Edwards said:

I said earlier against another posting that I get tired reading poems about personal experiences and relationships but there are always exceptions to the rule - and this is sure one of them - great write Christina

May 8th, 2018 12:57

ron parrish aka wordman said:

hope you find something to smile about soon

May 5th, 2018 22:04

Netashi said:

Life always has speed bumps or just bumps in general just remember to wear your seat belts and that life does go on and continues. Other then that very nice poem Christina keep up the good work

May 4th, 2018 11:48

Lorna said:

You can have a hundred people around you on days like that and nothing seems to help........ but they go away.........

May 4th, 2018 05:13

Goldfinch60 said:

In our lives we have bad times but all you need to be is thankful that you are alive and WILL be able to go into better times. Follow the light.

May 4th, 2018 00:41

Accidental Poet said:

Better days are coming Christina.

May 3rd, 2018 18:25


IN ESSENCE CHRIS ~ I agree with you because I know that for the majority their PUBLIC life is MASQUERADE of Normality while their private lives can be dross ! I get really upset when Students (& Staff) are so \"stressed & depressed\" that they attempt suicide ~ an extreme often well hiudden ! I am fortunate ~ good Health ~ good Job ~ lovely Fiancee ~ Both Parents ~ Loving Family ~ Strong Christian Faith and few Responsibilities ! I have always been an optimist and never suffered from depression or anxiety ! Some of the Poems I read on MPS indicate that I am in a MINORITY ~ but I thanks GOD I don\'t have to wear a MASK ! I try to entertain ~ educate ~ support & encourage all members of MPS. I am aware of the UPS & DOWNS of your life and I know that ~ You will be FINE next week ~ AMEN Thanks for sharing ~ Praying for You 24/7 ~ Brother Brian !

May 3rd, 2018 18:04

Laura🌻 said:

Your write is somewhat sad. I hope by the end of this day you’re feeling better!


May 3rd, 2018 17:18

onepauly said:

only if you want it to.

May 3rd, 2018 13:30

Michael Edwards said:

Great reflective write and I\'m making a silly face as I type this - so go on - smile at the thought - I dare you.

May 3rd, 2018 12:16

Netashi said:

Such a lovely poem, love is amazing to feel and remember(currently love struck by some girl), keep up the good work christina

May 2nd, 2018 18:27

Lorna said:

Some things you just can\'t risk telling for fear of being misunderstood or nullified by others... best to keep the \"best\" little moments for oneself I think.

May 2nd, 2018 09:43

Goldfinch60 said:

Very well written, we all have hidden secrets that mean so much to us and will be with us as we go into eternity.

May 2nd, 2018 00:27

Accidental Poet said:

Your secrets are yours to keep until you decide to let one or two out with whom you choose. My secret? No one in my family, friends and co-workers know that I write poetry. I used to have a best friend who knew, but I could read his thoughts and we are no longer friends at all. I value respect in my friends, which is why I\'m here on MPS.

May 1st, 2018 19:46


Thanks CHRISTINA ~ It\'s what we don\'t know about PEOPLE that makes them interesting & intriguing ! On a POETRY site like MPS we accidentally (or otherwise ?) drop snippets of our lives which ameliorates the dialogue and keeps us interested and commenting ! I try to answer direct questions (as you know) but reserve the right to say NO ! I only know a little about ANGELA but what I do know keeps me in LOVE and our Knowledge of each other (and Love for each other) grows every day. This is true on MPS and I am glad there is a cohort (12 or so) with whom I comment and vice-versa ! I know some well enough to have the temerity to dedicate a Poem too or to collaborate on a Poem with ! Also some like FAY who we can all learn from ! For me FAY is the BEST POET on MPS ~ perfection. Thanks for your intriguing poem ~ it has made us all think Tus Hermanos Amorados ~ Brian y Angela @@@@@@@

May 1st, 2018 15:54

orchidee said:

Oohh you\'re a tease - and I would swoon, if I heard it all, I bet! heehee.

May 1st, 2018 13:54

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