Comments received on poems by Christina8

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
Tony36 said:

Great collection

August 28th, 2017 10:26

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
WriteBeLight said:

Super Christina!

August 28th, 2017 08:08

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
WL Schuett said:

Very well done the feeling shine through

August 28th, 2017 06:31

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
dusk arising said:

There is FIRE in your words. The fire of passion. Love these short pieces.

August 28th, 2017 03:51

Untamed-Collection of Senryu

Ohhhhhhhhh CHRISINA ~ Wonderful to feel the passion back in your Poetry. You lovely SENS echo perfection of sensual Love in a perfet marriage ! Pasionate Fury ~ Spoken love ~ Untamed Bliss ~ ENTANGLED ~ WOW ~ I need a cold shower ! Hugs from your BROTHER ~ BRIAN ~ Please check my MPS Family POEM ~ Thanks B.

August 28th, 2017 03:45

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful senryu Christina.

August 28th, 2017 01:51

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
Frank Prem said:

Tese work well, I think, Christina. Well done.

August 28th, 2017 01:02

Untamed-Collection of Senryu
Michael Edwards said:

Superb collection and a lovely surprise to read this early (6.30am in the UK) in the morning. great stuff Christina.

August 28th, 2017 00:48

My younger years
ron parrish aka wordman said:

can i have this dance

August 27th, 2017 22:15

Nature\'s Symphony
FredPeyer said:

Beautiful poem, Christina. Reminds me of the mountain brooks of my youth!

August 26th, 2017 20:42

Nature\'s Symphony
malubotelho said:

Christina, I love your poem. So soft and rhymes so perfect. Thanks for sharing it.

August 26th, 2017 19:39

Nature\'s Symphony
myself and me said:

Nature is in such a harmony, the sound, the color, everything in it. It\'s far beyond any artificial power to reach.
Deeply immersed in your Nature\'s Symphony.

August 26th, 2017 19:10

Nature\'s Symphony
ron parrish aka wordman said:

and i can hear it every night,,lovely

August 26th, 2017 10:39

Nature\'s Symphony
WL Schuett said:

Cool poem

August 26th, 2017 09:24

Nature\'s Symphony

Thanks for your song
Keeps me Happy
All day long
With your pony tail
An\' pretty smile
Rock on my porch
For a little while
Rope me in
From a Country Mile !

Your poem is so so beautiful CHRISTINA full of the Country Joy of God\'s lavish creation. It stirs all our senses, Because of the undiluted JOY in your Poem ~ My SATURDAY is a MAD as a HATTER DAY. Thanks for shining as Big & Bright as the MOON ~ Lunar Hugs ~ BRIAN @@@@@@@@@@

August 26th, 2017 03:15

Nature\'s Symphony
Michael Edwards said:

Every moment even in depths of winter has its beauty - love this one Christina

August 26th, 2017 02:04

Nature\'s Symphony
Goldfinch60 said:

Natures symphony brings so much music to the world, I often just sit and listen to it in all weathers.

August 26th, 2017 00:57

myself and me said:

\"Kisses, make me feel like the lucky one\"
You are not the lucky one, you are the most lucky one.
Lovely writing.

August 25th, 2017 21:16

ron parrish aka wordman said:

beautiful tribute to your soul mate

August 25th, 2017 18:35

WriteBeLight said:

Such a lovely poem Christina! So happy you have a soul mate to pull your through!

August 25th, 2017 11:56

Goldfinch60 said:

Good loving write, your love for each other shines through these words.

August 25th, 2017 07:35

Michael Edwards said:

Like me you are truly blessed - super work Christina

August 25th, 2017 04:16


WOW CHRISTINA ~ This made my DAY ~ I caught a glimpse of the Old Angel that I know and love ! Angela is a great kisser ~ and for me (like You) being kissed by ones Lover is one of life\'s greatest experiences. Every KISS Angel ~ makes You even more lovely ! Your HUSBAND is a \"Gift from God\" and worthy of your KISSES and You of HIS ~ AMEN !
HUGS from BRIAN ~ Happy Man. Please check my Office Poem posted this morning
Also i have written a Fusion Poem with SANTITA on Games & Pastimes ~ please add a POEM ~ Thanks B.

August 25th, 2017 04:13

dusk arising said:

Envious of your partnership. Great piece of writing.

August 25th, 2017 03:34

FredPeyer said:

So beautiful Christina! I just love it!

August 25th, 2017 02:35

Michael Edwards said:

Anxiety is not something I have ever suffered from but I have known those who do. An awful affliction and you\'ve captured the turmoil so well - great work.

August 25th, 2017 01:32

myself and me said:

Under this particular circumstance, it is OK to be stand down in front of your family. They are your support. If you even could not be yourself at home, then when and how could you beat this monster. What I did was to explain to my family my situation, so when I get weird, they know what is going on.
There will be an end, just be patient. Cry is fine, angry is OK., but do not give up.
Well done.

August 24th, 2017 14:52

dusk arising said:

I only ever had one panic attack - horrible. Good writing.

August 24th, 2017 11:45

WriteBeLight said:

Great expression here Christina.

August 24th, 2017 08:40

Fay Slimm. said:

Panic asserts its presence at most unexpected times and your finely written description in this moving poem reminds us to stand firm and not \"lay low\" -- thanks for sharing a difficult subject Christina.

August 24th, 2017 06:20

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