Comments received on poems by Christina8

A Love So True
Simple-Man87 said:

Beautiful... I loved it.

September 15th, 2017 13:13

A Love So True
Michael Edwards said:

Uplifting so to speak and an enjoyable read

September 15th, 2017 12:54

A Love So True
WL Schuett said:

Very nice for you to share such a personal experience, a very moving write ... well done

September 15th, 2017 12:25

A Love So True
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

September 15th, 2017 11:58

A Love So True
lasergraph said:

Sensual and romantic woven together. Great write.

September 15th, 2017 10:57

A Love So True

WOW CHRIS ~ You sure caught the HEATWAVE flowing through MPS ~ reading your sensuously elegant poem ~ full of rhyme and teasin\' and rhythm too ! You are so so fortunate the temperature has stayed high ! V1. A gentlemanly approach always gets the GIRL V2, & 3. Aroused LIBIDOS V4. Strangers in the Night ............. ! Love it Chris when you let your Hair ( and everything else) down. It prepared me for Angela tonight ! Mega Cuddles & Hugs ~ BRIAN

September 15th, 2017 09:19

A Love So True
malubotelho said:

A sexy little piece and also full of feelings. Nice writing. Enjoyed reading.

September 15th, 2017 09:13

A Love So True
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, may you dance together for eternity.

September 15th, 2017 08:12

A Love So True
orchidee said:

Swoon! heehee.

September 15th, 2017 08:09

A Love So True
Seek said:

Romance will never lose its charm. So well written.

September 15th, 2017 07:28

A Love So True
myself and me said:

So romantic. Dance in love, dance for love, dance to love.
Such a beautiful piece.

September 15th, 2017 07:05

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write. The pitfalls in your life made you the strong person that you have become and this will be reflected in the good life that your children have found.

September 15th, 2017 01:02

WL Schuett said:

So glad you no longer endure but thrive , wonderful poem overcoming and rebirth ....

September 14th, 2017 19:34

Accidental Poet said:

Maybe a rough start, but as evidenced here in your writing, you\'ve turned out very well. Your kids are the proof. ; )

September 14th, 2017 19:26

myself and me said:

\"Now I am free to live and love as I please\"

What a blessing, how wonderful is that. Glad to see the hard time has passed.
Beautiful writing.

September 14th, 2017 17:49

Simple-Man87 said:

Oh my god. This is literally my life, in a nutshell. You have touched my heart with this one.

September 14th, 2017 14:04

lasergraph said:

We are a product of all that we\'ve been. The challenges teach us and it appears you learned well. Now you can look back and know you survived.
Great motivation.

September 14th, 2017 13:41

Tony36 said:

Great write

September 14th, 2017 11:25

Fay Slimm. said:

A positive end to a challenging start in life Christina - The courage you must have shown comes through with such honest words - -

September 14th, 2017 11:04

orchidee said:

A fine write Christina.

September 14th, 2017 10:17


Thanks SWEETHEART for filling in a few more details of the hardships you\'ve come from to the BLESSINGS you enjoy today ! In many ways you are BLESSED because for many (including some on MPS) its the other way round ~ from Heaven to Hell. We all love you CHRIS ~ You generous personality ~ your caring and sharing and your loving and supportive comments on our ODD ODES. So it is a great blessing to us to share a genuine CHRISTINA S POEM ~ because they are always written from the depth of your beautiful heart ~ ILY ! Love the last line ~ answered Prayer for You & Yours ~ AMEN ~ The times of enduring & persisting have CEASED ~ PRAISE THE LORD ~ AMEN ! Cuddles & Hugs in abundance & in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN ~ Always your BESTIE on MPS !

September 14th, 2017 09:34

Seek said:

You make it seem so easy, when in fact holding that team together with bonds of love is a real challenge. And you are up to it!

September 14th, 2017 09:27

Michael Edwards said:

Heart warming tale and long may good fortune stay with you Christine

September 14th, 2017 09:22

My Dear Mother
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write. Your Mum will always be with your Christina.

September 12th, 2017 00:17

My Dear Mother
myself and me said:

Her love for you will never gone.
Beautifully composed.

September 11th, 2017 19:07

My Dear Mother
dusk arising said:

Clearly a heartfelt loving tribute.... mum\'s... wonderful creatures, teachers of unconditional love. Quite lovely.

September 11th, 2017 16:15

My Dear Mother
WL Schuett said:

Nice tribute to your Mom and to every Mom , a really nice poem

September 11th, 2017 12:47

My Dear Mother
Michael Edwards said:

This is just so touching and I can feel my eyes welling - it could have been written about my Mum (and my dad come to that) - thanks so much for posting.

September 11th, 2017 11:10

My Dear Mother

I Love you SWEETHEART because you are so so Loving ! Most of you poems focus on the Love you have for ~ and receive from ~ your Loving family and I find that very very beautiful . Love your Christian Faith ~ that you KNOW Your Mum is in Heaven and also that one day you will meet her there ~ AMEN ! We only have one Mum and it pleases me (because we are Poetic Soul Mates) we both have the Best Mum in the World ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Daughters like you are very very Precious ~ Brotherly Hugs ~ BRIAN

September 11th, 2017 10:38

My Dear Mother
kevin browne said:

beautiful x

September 11th, 2017 09:39

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