Comments received on poems by Christina8

Two dozen roses

WOW CHRIS ~ You are a very Blessed Girl ! ONE DOZEN ROSES says I love You ! But TWO DOZEN says you are the most adorable Girl in the whole universe. On St Valentine\'s Day I normally only send ONE ROSE ~ I have a lot to learn. Pleased you sent a very happy poem today ! It\'s almost 2017 (check my poem today !) and I pray that it will be your best year ever ! Big Hugs in the Spirit and a big juicy kiss from PANDA ! Yours CHIMPAN~ BRIAN~ ZEE

December 28th, 2016 06:09

Two dozen roses
WriteBeLight said:

Beautiful flowers for a truly beautiful, and loving relationship! So sweet, Christina! So happy for you!

December 28th, 2016 05:06

Two dozen roses
P.H.Rose said:

Love in every letter
It\'s beautiful Chrissy
So glad your happy
Lovely poem. Well done

December 28th, 2016 05:03

Two dozen roses
Augustus said:

You sound truly appreciative.

December 28th, 2016 00:05

P.H.Rose said:

Bloody good poem Chrissy
I\'ve read this one second
But both can Be read either
Way.... very well done.
I really do know exactly
How you feel....
thank you for this poem

December 27th, 2016 19:04

That\'ll be the day
P.H.Rose said:

Really good
Poem Chrissy
I like it very much
My early years
Were shaped by
Something that
Doesn\'t deserve
To have a title
I have wrote a
Poem but as yet
Don\'t have the
Courage to post.
Thank you for
This poem....

December 27th, 2016 18:59

That\'ll be the day

In all these situations CHRIS ~ the choice is ours. I have never been abused by a Family Member ~ but the situation is even hard when it is some one you considered a Friend ~ especially when they cross your PATH. Thinking of you and praying for you 24/7. Every Blessing & Hugs ~ Yours as always BRIAN

December 27th, 2016 12:21

That\'ll be the day
willyweed said:

You will never forget the pain, but forgiveness is a gift to yourself.
I agree with WBL break the cycle. peace & joy ww

December 27th, 2016 10:52

That\'ll be the day
WriteBeLight said:

A person like a parent is always in your mind and life in some way or another. So, I do not know if the day will ever arrive when the words from an abusive parent or family member will no longer impact a child. Best thing is not to become a person like that. That is what I have done. Excellent job, Christina!

December 27th, 2016 08:00

willyweed said:

This is good Chrissy overflowing with emotion. This reminds me of a poem I once wrote \" Captain Ignoramus killed his daughter\" Any way glad its behind you, enjoy the children and the holidays. peace ww

December 24th, 2016 10:40


Ohhhhhhhhhh CHRIS the pain in this poem made me cry. Because God loves you as His Child he has given you a Lovely Husband and some lovely Friends on MPS to make you understand there are some lovely MEN on this Planet. My DAD is a lovely Man and the only (deserved ) spankings I got were from my MOM ! One day (if I get my skates on !) I hope to be the Best Dad in the World. Thanks for caring and sharing CHRIS ~ You are Wonderful and just the sort of Daughter I would love to have ! Big Spiritual Christmas HUGS ~ TU AMIGO DEL ESPIRITO DE NATIVIDAD ~ BRIAN

December 24th, 2016 05:45

WriteBeLight said:

I totally understand what you are saying. Parents have to understand that their children will feel no greater hurt than the betrayal of the parent abusing them physically or mentally. Your poem is the person shaking their fist and letting the abuser know they are done with their bad behavior. Good to get it off your chest with this poem! I am so happy for you knowing that you have a great life, having done so by becoming strong! Merry Merry Christmas! I bet your household will be a lot of good crazy fun!

December 24th, 2016 04:53

Augustus said:

\"Put on a happy face\". Great advice.

December 16th, 2016 15:24

Tony36 said:

Awesome write

December 16th, 2016 12:42


Thanks for caring CHRIS ! You bring me sunshine ~ You bring me Joy ~ You bring me Spiritual LOVE. Your poems ~ comments ~ positive attitude are a great blessing to all members of MPS. Keep smiling ~ stay as sweet as you are ~ we all love you ! Big Hugs in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN

December 16th, 2016 10:48

WriteBeLight said:

A smile makes all the difference! Very beautiful feeling from this!

December 16th, 2016 09:31

Looking forward to Christmas
Augustus said:

I miss shopping for kids, malls, choir groups in the halls. Now I sit at home and order on Etsy or Amazon. Nicely done. Glad you are safe.

December 14th, 2016 18:08

Looking forward to Christmas

WELL DONE CHRIS ~ I like you focus Christmas is all about LOVE and the FAMILY. Sorry about the Weather ~ The best laid plans o\' Mice & Men gang aft agley ! (BURNS) The only positive advice I can give you is to move to Florida in good time for Christmas 2017 ! Hugs in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN

December 14th, 2016 17:00

Looking forward to Christmas
P.H.Rose said:

We almost always
Are still at it
On Christmas Eve.
Very nice poem...
Well done....

December 14th, 2016 14:37

Looking forward to Christmas
Tony36 said:

Still working on mine. Just been to cold. Great write

December 14th, 2016 14:22

Looking forward to Christmas
WriteBeLight said:

Got mine done last week. But, I agree. The weather makes a huge difference. Very nice work.

December 14th, 2016 12:09

Christmas surprise
Augustus said:

When you think about it, the generosity at this time of the year even more than the gift giving is phenomenal. Even Scrooge loosens his purse. Nicely done.

December 13th, 2016 19:52

Christmas surprise

ANOTHER HAPPY POEM CHRISSY ~ It lifted my Spirits ~ The reason for the Season. Gods gift of His Son JESUS is the perfect gift we can all receive with JOY ! I return we can give GOD our life & devotion ~ AMEN. I love to GIVE ~ BUT ~ like you I do get Christmas Gifts and I receive them with JOY because they all say I LOVE YOU ~ especially a Cuddly Toy ! HUGS in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN

December 13th, 2016 06:28

Christmas surprise
WriteBeLight said:

Got my fingers crossed for a nice bonus! Very cheery message Christina!

December 13th, 2016 05:56

A letter to heaven
Augustus said:

Touching. Brought tears to my eyes. Sorry for your loss.

December 9th, 2016 23:57

A letter to heaven
gelyn said:

Beautiful dedication to your mom. ... I love this piece ...Full of emotion and you just show it effortlessly. ..

well done


December 9th, 2016 17:03

A letter to heaven
Tony36 said:

Beautifully written

December 9th, 2016 14:50

A letter to heaven
ron parrish aka wordman said:

such a beautiful and heartfelt tribute..

December 9th, 2016 13:42

A letter to heaven

This is BEAUTIFUL CHRIS and talking to Seniors this week some were crying at our Carol Sevice. I gave one lady a HUG and she said her husband had died in March and this was her first Christmas alone. By coincidence the CAROL that made her cry was O HOLY NIGHT which was her Husbands favorite. For some CHRISTMAS can be a sad time and we always have to be sensitive and empathetic. I love the ASSURANCE of Eternal Life ~ for you and your Mum ~ In my experience such assurance does make the death of loved ones more bearable. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Your caring Friend BRIAN

December 9th, 2016 12:59

A letter to heaven
WriteBeLight said:

I lost my Dad in April of 2013 and my sister in January 2010. I do believe that they are in heaven. I also believe they are in the bodies they felt best in. So, I miss them but have comfort knowing that they are happy and healthy and out of pain. I think your poem to your Mom is really touching. Look for pennies and things like that to appear when you need her touch. Note the year on the penny, for example. It may be significant. Just a little something I like to think about....:)

December 9th, 2016 12:34

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