Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

orchidee said:

I never get far - Fido never lets me have anything \'erotic\'! heehee.
I should get my coat and get out more, as they say - but not to give Fido extra walkies!

September 2nd, 2022 14:18

Neville said:

I got turned on by the first stanza .. and by the end of the fourth, I was overcome .. 💖 each could be a stand alone poem in its own write but I dig what you have done here and take my hat off to you mistress Fay .. actually I didn\'t, I\'m sitting here completely naked except for my sombrero ... :) x

September 2nd, 2022 13:07

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful fun words Fay and many of them are so true.


September 2nd, 2022 00:51

Neville said:

that\'s girls well n truly nailed for ya ..

I wonder who did the spoiling in your household while growing up .. :) x

September 1st, 2022 12:42

MendedFences27 said:

This is like the story of my life. Needless to say, we raised a few girls. Three, in fact. The one line that hit me the most, \"or laying the blame on innocent brothers.\" He was the only boy and got blamed for everything. They blamed him sometimes when he wasn\'t present.
A very thorough depiction of life trying to raise \'Girls.\" BUT- You\'ve got to love them though. Yeah, they do wrap Daddy round their little fingers. Enjoyed it immensely. - Phil A.

September 1st, 2022 12:22

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
Aww, why little boys made of slugs and snails and puppy-dog tails, and girls all sweetness and light?! lol.

September 1st, 2022 11:26

Goldfinch60 said:

I often watch blackbirds and starlings in my garden gathering food to feed their offspring Fay, it is great to see.


September 1st, 2022 01:00

MendedFences27 said:

We currently have a nest of doves, living on the underside carrier beam for our elevated deck/patio. We are therefore confined to front door use only. Can watch them from inside through basement window. It\'s an amazing treat to see the parent Doves constantly going back and forth between feeding and searching for food. I told my wife, \"That\'s what we looked like when we had four kids.\"
Thanks for the capture of their efforts to survive. this is the second year they have nested here. If it is, in fact, the same pair. A lovely poem that reflects on Nature\'s constant struggles. Loved it. - Phil A.

August 31st, 2022 20:34

Bella Shepard said:

Blackbirds are the most engaging and intelligent creatures, a marvel to watch. Your description brings this wonderful scene to life. Beautifully written!

August 31st, 2022 11:19

Neville said:

I first read this while getting ready to visit my GP this mane and thoroughly enjoyed it .. your poem, that is ..

I read it again just now, before leaving work and heading for home & I liked it even more ... x

August 31st, 2022 10:24

Doggerel Dave said:

Yes the maternal (and in occasional instances paternal) care and regard displayed for offspring in the avian world is is heartwarming, Fay. And to use your term, made even more endearing by the shape and colour of your piece here .

August 31st, 2022 07:41

orchidee said:

A fine write and pic Fay.
Now a song about a talking blackbird - eh? Morning has broken....Blackbird has spoken.....! heehee.

August 31st, 2022 07:21

Goldfinch60 said:

Powerful words Fay, I just do not understand how this sort of thing could happen.


August 31st, 2022 00:26

orchidee said:

A sensitive write Fay.

August 30th, 2022 14:40

Bella Shepard said:

Oh, dear poet as I read this poem, and think of the plight of so many women all over this world, I can\'t help but weep. I see the strength and courage of those who will not be subjugated, and their determination is unmatched. They not only fight for themselves, but for all women. I not only applaud your words, but your commitment to speak truth. This is such a favorite!

August 30th, 2022 14:39

MendedFences27 said:

Women are half of the world but possess about one percent of the power in the world. By power I mean in all phases of living. Half the women in the world do not know what it is to be free.
A well written poem that explores this issue in a unique style. Let\'s hope the free women of the world can actually bring about the necessary change of which you speak. The world would be a better place if it happens. I was impressed by the style used to explore the point of this poem, \"Inward, Outward\". It tries to explain some of the rationale that forces these women into subjugation. Let\'s hope they rise up and take control. - Phil A.

August 30th, 2022 10:05

Doggerel Dave said:

Let’s make it clear: this is one of the strongest and straightforward statements of why feminists are motivated to be feminists I’ve happened upon in a long while.
Good for you, Fay.

August 30th, 2022 05:57

SureshG said:

If on the words alone I must comment, then you know I think you have a mastery over them, as they mesmerize the reader.
If on the subject I am allowed to comment, then everyone who sits in silence is equally guilty of such heinous acts.

August 30th, 2022 05:35

SureshG said:

If on the words alone I must comment, then you know I think you have a mastery over them, as they mesmerize the reader.
If on the subject I am allowed to comment, then everyone who sits in silence is equally guilty of such heinous acts.

August 30th, 2022 05:35

Neville said:

I am almost too ashamed to suggest how much I enjoyed this poem .. and how equally appalled by the thought of so much suffering ..
I now bow to your pen mistress Fay ........... x

August 30th, 2022 03:34

Neville said:

Now that, is what we call poetry around here ............................ x

August 29th, 2022 02:58

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

August 29th, 2022 01:47

MendedFences27 said:

People change with time and can find that they hardly recognize themselves. This can cause friction in a relationship. It becomes like a new courtship and hopefully ends well.
You have captured this happening is the most delightful way. I think your last stanza sums it up most aptly, in that \"together-reality.\" A lovely poem, Fay.- Phil A.

August 28th, 2022 20:01

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely writing Fay 🙂

August 28th, 2022 14:00

Neville said:

this is indeed verily goodsome and then some my lady ... x

August 28th, 2022 01:33

Goldfinch60 said:

Each new day brings a smile to me Fay as it obviously does for you as well.


August 28th, 2022 01:20

LittleTalks said:

eloquent and beautifully worded Thank you for this lovely image

August 27th, 2022 15:37

Bella Shepard said:

Beautiful imagery of this wondrous scene, played out in the heavens. Loved it.

August 27th, 2022 12:27

Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m awake either too early or too late for all this (disturbed sleep patterns). Thanks for the gift of rich detail to aid my attempt to get this sorted, Fay.

August 27th, 2022 07:12

dusk arising said:

Valourous Sol once again holds victory over night times dark defenders. And so it was this morning with a luscious glowing warmth to greet our wakening.

August 27th, 2022 05:09

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