Comments received on poems by MendedFences27

Her Passing
Doggerel Dave said:

The pain of loss more than adequately portrayed there, Phil. Your final stanza really makes plain the rawness of memory, which sometimes never heals.

November 29th, 2022 03:26

\"Salacious Sal\"
Doggerel Dave said:

Kept me guessing and off on my own fantasies along the way....
That\'s entertainment, Phil..

November 23rd, 2022 23:13

Alone At Last
L. B. Mek said:

a reality far more common than we like to admit
we speak of loyalty as a moral ideal
yet, we never let ourselves recognise
its trappings..
no horror movie can surpass life
for sheer emotional devastation!
(an important subject
an eloquent narrative poem
a wonderful showcasing of your inking skill)
thanks for sharing dear Poet

November 21st, 2022 05:12

Alone At Last
Doggerel Dave said:

I feel all caught up in this one, MF.
The whole issue of domestic violence, the ambivalence felt only gradually drawn out, so well paced. But first hauled in by the issue of capital punishment, which always leaves me in turmoil (no fault of yours…)
A great write (in case I haven’t made myself clear).

November 20th, 2022 22:33

Clouds of Love
Fay Slimm. said:

An exhilarating picture of love re-kindled and an absolute pleasure to read my friend. Clouds of love indeed.

November 11th, 2022 12:50

Tomorrow\'s Bridges
Neville said:

message so well penned it would be impossible not to have received it loud n clear ..... Neville

I hear Lorraine\'s in Spain fall mainly off the plane ...... and Maureen\'s still got it :)

October 15th, 2022 04:06

Tomorrow\'s Bridges
orchidee said:

A thoughtful write M.
Bit like trying to get the No.7 bus tomorrow (Sunday), but it only runs today (Saturdays). Doh!
The \'crossing the bridge when we come to it\' theme, I mean.
Hope you follow this garbled explanation!

October 15th, 2022 02:00

Tomorrow\'s Bridges
Goldfinch60 said:

We all have bridges in our life Phil and we do find that stable one that will lead us to stability in life and love.


October 15th, 2022 00:49

A Love Story
Neville said:

I really can\'t sing my praises for this beautiful tirade loud enough Phil, tis bloomin brill sir, and I aint talkin fish :)

October 5th, 2022 08:22

A Love Story
Morwenna said:

I reverberate with your rant. Thank you for it.

October 4th, 2022 15:47

A Love Story
Goldfinch60 said:

Good and worthy rant Phil.


October 2nd, 2022 01:51

A Love Story
Doggerel Dave said:

That title - l very nearly passed this by - almost didn\'t stop....
Exceedingly glad I did not.
A rant worth ranting. Absolutely no need for an apology. Enjoyed greatly - My circulation is much improved after that read, Phil.

PS: Couldn\'t get a proper handle on K. B. Morrison. Care to enlighten?

October 1st, 2022 20:29

A Different Man
Morwenna said:

Such a simple format to contain such a deep thought. Brilliant.

October 1st, 2022 09:13

A Different Man
orchidee said:

Good write MF.
Ahh, you\'re a ghost-writer now! Doh, corny joke there! lol.

October 1st, 2022 02:15

A Different Man
Goldfinch60 said:

Powerful emotive words Phil.

Glad you are back.


October 1st, 2022 01:54

A Different Man
Neville said:

and it aint half good havin you back sir ........ I am so glad I stopped by ..

September 30th, 2022 12:54

La Danse Apache
Neville said:

Seriously good sir .. They say that fact is often stranger than fiction don\'t they ..

I must confess, due to my former ignorance, I also had a great deal of fun researching your characters Mistinguett and Max (note the e being deliberately removed) Neville

September 30th, 2022 12:51

A Different Man
Fay Slimm. said:

This read filled my heart with the tragedy of love lost when parted by long distance - - Phil you captured the feeling of desolation when a loved one boards ship or plane with Goodbye - -- a favourite thisone for sure.

September 30th, 2022 12:20

Burning Roses
Neville said:

love can be bloody brutal sometimes ..
you sir Phil are the master of this poetic genre sir ............. Neville

September 4th, 2022 03:56

Burning Roses
Dr. Soma said:

The story is heart-touching.Thanks for sharing.

September 4th, 2022 03:45

Burning Roses
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh poor Tom and poor Jack of course
- what a sad end to a woman\'s dilemma -- you have such a way with conjuring tales Phil - this read brought me so close to tears and goes to my faves.

September 3rd, 2022 09:50

The Words We Spoke
orchidee said:

Good write Phil.

September 3rd, 2022 01:50

The Words We Spoke
Goldfinch60 said:

That love will always be with you Phil no matter what words are spoken.


September 3rd, 2022 01:34

The Words We Spoke
Doggerel Dave said:

You captured the dynamic of a long term relationship to perfection there, Phil. I felt and could identify with every development, the passing of time…
And so was my time with your work well spent here.

September 2nd, 2022 19:07

Love So Deep
Lincoln said:

Wow! I must say I\'m impressed
This artwork got me thinking allday

September 2nd, 2022 16:24

The Words We Spoke
Fay Slimm. said:

A wise and tender look at what happens to love over years -- those final lines say it all Phil. A beautiful read and it goes to my favourites.

September 2nd, 2022 13:05

The Words We Spoke
shaa said:

I really enjoyed the last part, felt like the cherry on top. Its a lovely piece. I love it

September 2nd, 2022 12:55

The Words We Spoke
Dr. Soma said:


September 2nd, 2022 12:43

Love So Deep
Neville said:

I would say a story wrapped securely within a prose poem .. a compelling read from one end to the other ..

ps -

The shiver down my spine at the conclusion is a clear indication, to me at least, that it was indeed a fine example of poetic prose ..


September 2nd, 2022 02:27

Love So Deep
Fay Slimm. said:

I could hardly breathe as the tragedy struck in this tale of love and loss Phil - -- so sadly special and truth or not I was captivated by your vivid telling.

September 1st, 2022 01:32

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