Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

That Book.
Ok Waleed said:


March 9th, 2022 03:04

That Book.
orchidee said:

Was it a new, or new-ish book, or one you had to dust down from the shelf?

March 9th, 2022 02:47

That Book.
dusk arising said:

Plugged the headphones in and glad I did. Really enjoyed Rick Braun\'s playing. I love the velvet sound of a flugel horn. I shall have to explore. Thank you.

Yes, isn\'t that just what a good book is all about but don\'t you just miss it so much after that last page..

March 9th, 2022 02:37

More Wonderful.
Crowns4Christ said:

I can answer your question why,
You both had great marriages,and your wife and her husband passed, your marriages were to prepare you for each other Andy, just listen, God let you have a great marriage and you learned how to be a terrific husband,you experienced a fraction of what love is, when your spouse\'s passed it closed a door, and yes it was painful,but God already had a plan, after a while,you fell into a love,a true love,see Andy,we all have to walk through pain and get burned,to get to the great stuff, I\'m not preaching at you, I m just trying to show you that God has never once left you

March 9th, 2022 00:14

More Wonderful.
John Prophet said:

You are one lucky man. Great write.

March 8th, 2022 13:33

More Wonderful.
rrodriguez said:

Gold, this is so special a write. Let there be days \"More wonderful than they always have been\" for you my friend.

March 8th, 2022 11:34

More Wonderful.
L. B. Mek said:

this is why, we choose to believe
in Love
because nothing comes close
the real thing, enters our lives..
(so happy for you, dear Poet
enjoy the flight
indulge and soar high, forget
uncertainties and questions
cherish the now and squeeze it
for all its got!)

March 8th, 2022 05:39

More Wonderful.
Rozina said:

You found your soulmate.

March 8th, 2022 05:30

More Wonderful.
dusk arising said:

I thought about your question. Why.

And I reckon it\'s is because you are both at an age that you are so much wiser about what love is together with your age placing you both in a far less competative, more relaxed time of life where outside pressure are few. This doesn\'t say it all but aside from the actual love itself those two points are salient.

Anyway chump.... stop analysing it and give her another kiss.

March 8th, 2022 03:24

More Wonderful.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

March 8th, 2022 02:55

Total Success.
Rozina said:

I agree. To appreciate the simple things in life now we would have endured the bad times, the hurt, the suffering and not given up.

March 7th, 2022 22:41

Total Success.
SureshG said:

A spoonful of honey, that’s what them words of your are……..

March 7th, 2022 17:13

Total Success.
Bella Shepard said:

I guess if we never had the bad days how would we know the good. It would just be the same all the time. Bad days can give us something to reflect upon, and when we have that good day it really feels good. Love the message of your poem.

March 7th, 2022 16:16

Total Success.
Blackstar said:

Can\'t look up, if can\'t look down.

Nice short point and cute birb foto

March 7th, 2022 12:25

Total Success.
Rocky Lagou said:

I love this message. Although we may all have tough days we can surely overcome them and make them into beauty.

March 7th, 2022 09:34

New Life Together.
Rocky Lagou said:

Lovely poem! The emotions are perceptive and the love in the air is fervent. Have a great day!

March 7th, 2022 09:15

Total Success.
dusk arising said:

Leave it out Andy. You don\'t have bad days anymore - you\'re not allowed them and you can take that as the official MPS line on the matter.

Keep writing those uplifting love influenced chirpy, young again, pieces that you refresh us all with.

March 7th, 2022 07:45

Total Success.
L. B. Mek said:

looking out, at London\'s early Spring
sunshine of Sublime, all I can say
is \'Amen!\', dear poet
thank you for the timely, reminder

March 7th, 2022 07:17

Total Success.
Doggerel Dave said:

A bigger load of old rubbish I\'ve have never come across.
At no time in my stay at MPS have I ever known you present anything other than total optimism. Continue to go with that Andy. 😊

March 7th, 2022 04:23

Total Success.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
It\'s a pity I spoil every day for everyone, by singing! heehee.

March 7th, 2022 02:33

Total Success.
Neville said:

I want half a teaspoon full of what you just had for breakfast mate .. :)

March 7th, 2022 02:32

Second Gift.
Fay Slimm. said:

Dear Andy - -- having been off line for a while with damage to wrist I must confess having caught up with your writing that I am filled with delight at your meeting with happy love as your \"second gift\" and may I although late send warm congratulations with best of wishes for a future of joy together.

March 6th, 2022 16:24

New Life Together.
Crowns4Christ said:

M so happy for you two Andy,,ma God bless this love forever

March 6th, 2022 15:07

New Life Together.
SureshG said:

Love once experienced is never lost, it just needs a companion to live on.

March 6th, 2022 13:42

New Life Together.
Christina8 said:

Wishing you a wonderful and truly happy life together, Andy!

March 6th, 2022 10:39

New Life Together.
Thekkinkkattil said:

Wishing you a wonderful life together

March 6th, 2022 07:17

New Life Together.
Neville said:

being a man of few words .. I shall merely quote L\'Oréal ... \'Becuz ya both worth it\' ......................... N :)

March 6th, 2022 03:03

New Life Together.
orchidee said:

Good wishes to you both. :)

March 6th, 2022 03:02

New Life Together.
Michael Edwards said:

And I wish you all the best .

March 6th, 2022 02:45

New Life Together.
dusk arising said:

(My best Tommy Trinder impersonation ===>) You Lucky People.

So inspiring.. If you keep writing like this then you\'re going to put such a ZING into everyone\'s springtime. Your happy vibe travels.

March 6th, 2022 02:34

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