Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Work Enjoyment.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Itโ€™s nice to be able to have a job that you can actually enjoy . Many people donโ€™t have jobs they like and I guess it probably affects their moods , and how they feel

Glad you enjoyed your job

May 12th, 2021 01:09

The End Of The Day.
Fay Slimm. said:

Lovely read of your pleasure in Mozart my friend - wonderful talent both the music and the fab. Cleo perfectly interpreting in her expert style

May 11th, 2021 12:47

The End Of The Day.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Enjoyable over morning coffee, Andy.

May 11th, 2021 09:38

The End Of The Day.
dusk arising said:

The right music is such an aid to finding peace of mind and so to sleep.

May 11th, 2021 08:55

The End Of The Day.
Accidental Poet said:

I\'ve noticed that with certain music, if I close my eyes I feel as if the music lifts me up like on a cloud of euphoria. Wonderful way to end the day Andy and a great write. ; )

May 11th, 2021 06:27

The End Of The Day.
John Prophet said:

The arts, mankind\'s greatest achievement!

May 11th, 2021 05:54

The End Of The Day.
L. B. Mek said:

\'That sound of music touched me\'
\'Taken to a world of beauty\'
\'That place of Utopia
Brought to me
At the end of the day\'..
a wonderful dedication and detailed rendering, of such a relatable scene
(sorry for messing with the order of your lines Andy
I meant no disrespect, just wanted to highlight
that unassuming poetic skill: you hide in your write\'s, at times\'

May 11th, 2021 05:30

The End Of The Day.
Andy Hunter said:

Music can take you to another place. Great write Andy

May 11th, 2021 05:08

The End Of The Day.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Did you put one of my recordings on, of me singing, and it ruined the day for you?! heehee.

May 11th, 2021 01:29

Life Anchors.
Trenz Pruca said:

Uplifting -- thank you

May 10th, 2021 11:57

Life Anchors.
Accidental Poet said:

Helping others is like a band aid upon our own heart. Great write Andy. ; )

May 10th, 2021 05:30

The Light Of The New Day.
L. B. Mek said:

\'yup, its that Trudge
through our midnight Blue\'s of discontent
that has us looking all listless and bruised
in the Bright light of our new day
that we seldom, take the time: to highlight...\'
more wonderfully enriching, hopeful words, Andy
thank you for being an unending source, of positivity!

May 10th, 2021 04:49

Life Anchors.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Yes, some may burn out trying to do it all. Would they go insane in the end trying to meet ALL the world\'s needs? Or certainly have a breakdown.
They would go mad trying to help me to sing anyway. Millions have tried! lol.

May 10th, 2021 01:37

Life Anchors.
dusk arising said:

Yes I can see that. Giving of ones self in a form of compensation for some thing missing perhaps. Whereas they themselves are needy but for many a reason, possibly cannot recognise that or, will not seek some form of easing or help.

But it has to be said that helping others is often cathartic or even a self healing process.

May 10th, 2021 01:32

Life Anchors.
Neville said:

A master of every day observation .. there is a whole lot of insight, wisdom and truth in these words ...

May 10th, 2021 01:29

The Light Of The New Day.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Nice, Andy. Could use some long days myself, everything between Fridays is a blur.

May 9th, 2021 11:21

The Light Of The New Day.
orchidee said:

Well, dusk poet has fallen! lol.
Good write Gold.

May 9th, 2021 01:39

The Light Of The New Day.
dusk arising said:

As dusk falls AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGH i fell..... but i do agree, theres always a better day to come and i never lose sight of that even in my dark wasteful times.
I\'ve lots to look forward to do, as I know you have.

May 9th, 2021 01:35

Coffin Dodger.
myself and me said:

Like the humor.

May 8th, 2021 19:58

Coffin Dodger.
dusk arising said:

Great to laugh at ourselves isn\'t it. Lets be honest, we all want to dodge the box as long as possible so long as good health is on our side.

May 8th, 2021 12:40

Coffin Dodger.
Accidental Poet said:

My Dad had a computer and email for a few years, but he hates anything that\'s even related to technology communication. But, he\'s from a generation who accepted snail mail as all they\'ll ever know, He\'ll be 95 in July. Great write Andy. ; )

May 8th, 2021 10:02

Coffin Dodger.
Doggerel Dave said:

I reckon that manager needs to take a few lessons on respect. Wasn\'t very PC was he - or woke either for that matter.
Oldies need to be treated with kindness and consideration......... When I reach old age, that\'s what I shall expect......

May 8th, 2021 04:56

Coffin Dodger.
Neville said:

... we only fear what we dont understand ... having said that .. I do understand how some folk feel when faced with something new ...

May 8th, 2021 04:14

Coffin Dodger.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I know a couple. The hubby won\'t use e-mail. The wife calls him a dinosaur!
So we know him, us two?! lol.

May 8th, 2021 01:45

Painting To Music.
myself and me said:

Have not been here for a while. It is always a delight experience reading your writing. Art and music touch us with their special power.

May 7th, 2021 19:54

Painting To Music.
Doggerel Dave said:

Feels almost like a synesthete\'s manifesto...
You may gather followers with that one, Andy....

May 7th, 2021 07:17

Painting To Music.
L. B. Mek said:

miles davis, Brilliance
Andy\'s soothing, words
shimmering, sunny Sky\'s..
yup, I think this what Poetry: is all about...

May 7th, 2021 06:40

Early Morning Love Noise?
L. B. Mek said:

hmmmm, ah I know why I\'m frowning
instead of laughing - along...
see, some truth\'s just penetrate too deep
for lips to smile, without straining
like a tearful clown, rubbing
at those smudged - cracks
on his unnervingly, too wide
painted grin...
(I think I exercised some hidden laments with my reply) lol
thanks for the stark-reality served: Antarctic - chuckles, Andy
(and your neighbours need to readjust
their fantastical perception of: \'love making\'...
if it can be heard all the way next door
that\'s that perfectly natural: fleshly urges, sating - sex;
but, a comprehensively different animal: entirely!)

May 7th, 2021 04:31

Painting To Music.
Neville said:

there is indeed a kind of marriage between the two ..
I can see, and hear and appreciate your well articulated view ...
I was gonna say opinion but .. hey, there ya go ...... and go well sir ..


May 7th, 2021 03:14

Painting To Music.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Nice words ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚ both are great

May 7th, 2021 02:45

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