Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Twelfth Night
L. B. Mek said:

how quick
those chocolate eggs, hatch
it seems...
\'onwards then
with Spring festivities, firmly
in our sights
may we all arrive as whole and hopeful
as we feel
at this, treasured moment of all-things
Newly stamped
Twenty, Twenty Two..\'
(another great shorty, Andy
thank you
and as always, Love the music!)

January 5th, 2022 05:55

Twelfth Night
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes how true Andy - - - that is what\'s called \"retail initiative\" and it works on a vulnerable public with cash in its pockets. Loving the number you chose today.

January 5th, 2022 04:04

Twelfth Night
orchidee said:

Oh lol, good write Gold.
You read Shakespeare \'What You Will\', I think is also Twelfth Night? I didn\'t get far with it.

January 5th, 2022 03:13

Am I Now A Romantic?
spilleronsheet said:

Have een an avid reader of mystery, crime and thriller but romance is a genre which I haven’t touched much
Will google her then
It’s never too late to visit new place, to learn a new language and stream eyes upon a new genre i think…

January 4th, 2022 12:59

Am I Now A Romantic?
GardenDelights said:

We do change throughout our lifetimes...possibly you have become a romantic. Possibly there is more than romance to these books and that attracts you also? You seem devoted to this particular don\'t say you are reading other author\'s romance novels. Maybe her writing is particularly outstanding to you in some way. Just some thoughts your write has provoked. Very engaging.

January 4th, 2022 10:20

Am I Now A Romantic?
GardenDelights said:

We do change throughout our lifetimes...possibly you have become a romantic. Possibly there is more than romance to these books and that attracts you also? You seem devoted to this particular don\'t say you are reading other author\'s romance novels. Maybe her writing is particularly outstanding to you in some way. Just some thoughts your write has provoked. Very engaging.

January 4th, 2022 10:19

Am I Now A Romantic?
John Prophet said:

Experiences I think have a cascading effect which tumbles down on us.

January 4th, 2022 07:42

Am I Now A Romantic?
L. B. Mek said:

I dare to proclaim
you were a romantic from birth, dear Poet
well, at least
since I\'ve been reading your poetry
because someone
as in love with the chore of living
as you are, can only be a romantic
at heart.. lol
what a fun read
and Happy New Year, my friend

January 4th, 2022 06:45

Am I Now A Romantic?
Dove said:

Romantic By far!

January 4th, 2022 06:41

Am I Now A Romantic?
dusk arising said:

Our Goldfinch a romantic? Of course you are, you can;t see the wood for the trees disallusioned man LOL

How could this man who regularly tells us of undieing love be anthing but a true and real life romantic.

No Andy, life has brought you great romance and somewhere along the way, long ago, you became a romantic.

January 4th, 2022 06:10

Am I Now A Romantic?
Neville said:

I always knew you woz or rather suspected becoz ..................... :)

January 4th, 2022 04:53

Am I Now A Romantic?
Rozina said:

I shall look her books up. I\'ve always read crime and thrillers and hardly ever go to the romance shelves since a teenager. She has bewitched you...

January 4th, 2022 03:57

Am I Now A Romantic?
Caring dove said:

I’ve never heard of her .., hardly ever read these days .. maybe I should )

January 4th, 2022 03:19

Am I Now A Romantic?
GardenDelights said:

We do change throughout our lifetimes...possibly you have become a romantic. Possibly there is more than romance to these books and that attracts you also? You seem devoted to this particular don\'t say you are reading other author\'s romance novels. Maybe her writing is particularly outstanding to you in some way. Just some thoughts your write has provoked. Very engaging.

January 4th, 2022 03:11

Am I Now A Romantic?
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

January 4th, 2022 02:58

The World at My Table.
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you spilleronsheet, most kind.


January 3rd, 2022 15:00

The World at My Table.
spilleronsheet said:

In times of a hardly opened world
Your poetry takes me on tour
The beautiful world with its mouth watering dishes
Good one dear Andy

January 3rd, 2022 14:35

Point A Finger.
dusk arising said:

Reaching or achieving ones dreams/goals can involve hard work and suffering..... i\'m hoping (lol) to see past my finger this year

January 3rd, 2022 07:27

Point A Finger.
Paul Bell said:

Some do reach their dreams, most don\'t, but sometimes climbing the hill is the challenge.

January 3rd, 2022 05:50

Point A Finger.
Rozina said:

Very true words. Can only keep on trying and maybe one day...

January 3rd, 2022 05:06

Point A Finger.
AuburnScribbler said:

Brilliantly put here Andy, sometimes the frailty of our being can make us too shy to chase what we wish, so this poem of yours is an encouraging reminder to \"fight for your right!\"

Bravo, and I hope that all is well!

January 3rd, 2022 04:36

Point A Finger.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
Aww, why they point, by way of direction, to the hills far away when I say \'I\'m gonna sing\'? lol.

January 3rd, 2022 03:05

Point A Finger.
Caring dove said:

I especially like your last words .. good writing . Sometimes we have dreams but we do not understand how to reach them ..

January 3rd, 2022 02:19

No Washing Up!
Michael Edwards said:

So it was a smashing meal

January 2nd, 2022 15:40

No Washing Up!
Jerry Reynolds said:

Cheerful write, Andy.
Been there done that upon occasion.

January 2nd, 2022 15:01

No Washing Up!
spilleronsheet said:

Good thing the meal was so good I can imagine with drools
Bad thing the plate fell off
Lost for long
Good thing a new plate witness the hall
This poetry really well made me smile ear to ear

January 2nd, 2022 14:08

No Washing Up!
dusk arising said:

Amazing where a drop of good fortune can come from

January 2nd, 2022 06:53

No Washing Up!
orchidee said:

Ahh, do that every time, then in a while you won\'t have any washing up ever! Get paper plates! lol.

January 2nd, 2022 03:15

The New, New Day.
Laura🌻 said:


Beautiful words from a wonderful man whose positivity is inspirational. Wishing you and your loved ones the best and happiest New Year.


January 2nd, 2022 00:54

The New, New Day.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good read, Andy.
Stay safe Happy New Year
I had never seen that before- it was so much fun. Thanks for sharing.

January 1st, 2022 12:43

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