Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Musical Brass.
Laura🌻 said:
I’m so happy that you’re getting some much needed R&R!
After reading your delightful poem, I closed my eyes and attempted to envision myself at that Festival! 🎼 🎶
Happy Sunday!
July 7th, 2019 03:31
Laura🌻 said:
I’m so happy that you’re getting some much needed R&R!
After reading your delightful poem, I closed my eyes and attempted to envision myself at that Festival! 🎼 🎶
Happy Sunday!
July 7th, 2019 03:31
Musical Brass.
Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Ahhh PERSHORE WORCESTERSHIRE ! Great place for a Great Brass Band Festival ~ The Sound of Paradise ! I (BRIAN) played a BUGLE in the Scout Band ~ but never a TRUMPET ! Having been born & bred in Lancashire ~ Brass & Silver Bands were part of our Heritage !
They should (& do) make all our body hairs rise up and take notice ! We do have a few a Few Brass & Silver Bands in Essex mainly conducted by ex-pats frorm YORKSHIRE ! £7:50 Good Price for 12 hours BRASSING ! It wouldn\'t even buy you an ICE CREAM in the London Palladium !
Love & Blessing to YOU & JOYCE
Yours ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
July 7th, 2019 03:01
Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Ahhh PERSHORE WORCESTERSHIRE ! Great place for a Great Brass Band Festival ~ The Sound of Paradise ! I (BRIAN) played a BUGLE in the Scout Band ~ but never a TRUMPET ! Having been born & bred in Lancashire ~ Brass & Silver Bands were part of our Heritage !
They should (& do) make all our body hairs rise up and take notice ! We do have a few a Few Brass & Silver Bands in Essex mainly conducted by ex-pats frorm YORKSHIRE ! £7:50 Good Price for 12 hours BRASSING ! It wouldn\'t even buy you an ICE CREAM in the London Palladium !
Love & Blessing to YOU & JOYCE
Yours ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
July 7th, 2019 03:01
Missing You.
Michael Edwards said:
I know you\'ll miss her but do enjoy the break - you deserve it.
July 6th, 2019 13:57
Michael Edwards said:
I know you\'ll miss her but do enjoy the break - you deserve it.
July 6th, 2019 13:57
Missing You.
Suresh said:
I\'d like to believe that her mind is exploring the cosmos,
July 6th, 2019 11:48
Suresh said:
I\'d like to believe that her mind is exploring the cosmos,
July 6th, 2019 11:48
Missing You.
dusk arising said:
Life brings many changes. The guy next door showed me a picture of his wife on their diamond wedding anniversary - \"There\'s six stone there i never bleedin married\" he said.
July 6th, 2019 10:42
dusk arising said:
Life brings many changes. The guy next door showed me a picture of his wife on their diamond wedding anniversary - \"There\'s six stone there i never bleedin married\" he said.
July 6th, 2019 10:42
Missing You.
moordykspot2 said:
A sad piece of verse my friend the truth as seen quite often is. For the casual observer my friend the spark is still there as can be seen in your eyes.Wonderful expressive things are eyes. A pleasure for me to see you both Take Care
July 6th, 2019 09:23
moordykspot2 said:
A sad piece of verse my friend the truth as seen quite often is. For the casual observer my friend the spark is still there as can be seen in your eyes.Wonderful expressive things are eyes. A pleasure for me to see you both Take Care
July 6th, 2019 09:23
Missing You.
Laura🌻 said:
Joyce’s dementia IS sad...especially for you to witness every single day 24/7! So painful for you! She is blessed having you to take care of her! Take advantage of this week to take care of yourself! You deserve all the R&R you can get!
My love to Joyce and to you!
July 6th, 2019 03:29
Laura🌻 said:
Joyce’s dementia IS sad...especially for you to witness every single day 24/7! So painful for you! She is blessed having you to take care of her! Take advantage of this week to take care of yourself! You deserve all the R&R you can get!
My love to Joyce and to you!
July 6th, 2019 03:29
Missing You.
GOOD MORNING UNCLE ANDY : ANGELA HERE (8pm !) Just relaxing after Sailing in the BAY ! I miss BRIAN too : but I know when he comes in October to take me back HOME to Essex we will be together for Time & Eternity : AMEN ! We pray for You & Joyce that GOD will give you BOTH Peace & Joy in your hearts *For the Good Times* Your steadfast love & Support for JOYCE is always an inspiration and an encouragement to us : AMEN ! Love the MUSIC : Male Close Harmony is the highest expression of Choral Music !
Love to you Both : Your GOOD FRIENDS
July 6th, 2019 02:12
GOOD MORNING UNCLE ANDY : ANGELA HERE (8pm !) Just relaxing after Sailing in the BAY ! I miss BRIAN too : but I know when he comes in October to take me back HOME to Essex we will be together for Time & Eternity : AMEN ! We pray for You & Joyce that GOD will give you BOTH Peace & Joy in your hearts *For the Good Times* Your steadfast love & Support for JOYCE is always an inspiration and an encouragement to us : AMEN ! Love the MUSIC : Male Close Harmony is the highest expression of Choral Music !
Love to you Both : Your GOOD FRIENDS
July 6th, 2019 02:12
Missing You.
orchidee said:
A sensitive write Gold.
A Christian \'faith-healer\' even had his own couple of ailments, plus one of his daughters had deafness. Yet God worked through him to bring healings and miracles to many.
July 6th, 2019 00:56
orchidee said:
A sensitive write Gold.
A Christian \'faith-healer\' even had his own couple of ailments, plus one of his daughters had deafness. Yet God worked through him to bring healings and miracles to many.
July 6th, 2019 00:56
But Worse Than That.
Thanks UNCLE ANDY for sharing FUR ELISE and salutary true story ! Beethoven himself was striken with deafness later in his LIFE ! ANGELA is a classical Pianist and she too brings out the Pathos in FUR ELISE ! Because she is a Masseuse she has a very dellicate touch and on a Decent Instrument (My DAD has a rosewood upright grand) she can do justice to Beethoven ! Music really is the Food of Love ! My Parents love ANGELA because she is a good Classical Pianist an Angela\'s Parents love me because I am a good Classical Guitarist as every Suitor for a Senorita should be ! Were our instruments reversed would have been the END of a Beautiful Romance (BROMA = JOKE ?)
When I did my Teacher Training Course (PGCE) the MANTRA was *If your Students havnt learned anything ~ then You havnt taught anything* That is especially true teaching ~ AUTOMOBILE SCIENCE ~ to a Class of reluctant Garage Mechanics ~ on a Friday afternoon in Summer Time ! The Workshop Tutor could swear and threaten them with a 12 inch spanner ! I had to use my charm ! To treat teaching as just child minding goes against all the principles of PEDAGOGY ! And to me really is ANATHAMA !
Blessings & peace to YOU & JOYCE
Love in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
July 5th, 2019 11:37
Thanks UNCLE ANDY for sharing FUR ELISE and salutary true story ! Beethoven himself was striken with deafness later in his LIFE ! ANGELA is a classical Pianist and she too brings out the Pathos in FUR ELISE ! Because she is a Masseuse she has a very dellicate touch and on a Decent Instrument (My DAD has a rosewood upright grand) she can do justice to Beethoven ! Music really is the Food of Love ! My Parents love ANGELA because she is a good Classical Pianist an Angela\'s Parents love me because I am a good Classical Guitarist as every Suitor for a Senorita should be ! Were our instruments reversed would have been the END of a Beautiful Romance (BROMA = JOKE ?)
When I did my Teacher Training Course (PGCE) the MANTRA was *If your Students havnt learned anything ~ then You havnt taught anything* That is especially true teaching ~ AUTOMOBILE SCIENCE ~ to a Class of reluctant Garage Mechanics ~ on a Friday afternoon in Summer Time ! The Workshop Tutor could swear and threaten them with a 12 inch spanner ! I had to use my charm ! To treat teaching as just child minding goes against all the principles of PEDAGOGY ! And to me really is ANATHAMA !
Blessings & peace to YOU & JOYCE
Love in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
July 5th, 2019 11:37
But Worse Than That.
dusk arising said:
Isn\'t this a story for us all as we age my friend. We lose the things which have been a most important part of our life. Odd though that accompanying such losses is a learning about our selves and life itself... all this at a time when we are possibly most able to appreciate the lessons.
July 5th, 2019 02:40
dusk arising said:
Isn\'t this a story for us all as we age my friend. We lose the things which have been a most important part of our life. Odd though that accompanying such losses is a learning about our selves and life itself... all this at a time when we are possibly most able to appreciate the lessons.
July 5th, 2019 02:40
Strange Friend.
Suresh said:
Desire to know others (or personal gains) is what encouraged humanity to venture out of its comfort zone, and today the whole planet is accessible to us.
July 4th, 2019 10:08
Suresh said:
Desire to know others (or personal gains) is what encouraged humanity to venture out of its comfort zone, and today the whole planet is accessible to us.
July 4th, 2019 10:08
Strange Friend.
dusk arising said:
Yep, even in the cold war Sting voiced \"I hope the Russians love their children too\".... all of us everywhere are human with everyday needs and aspirations.
Though i do wonder if some of our multi-cultural comanions are quite as civilised as us english, scots, welsh and irish.
July 4th, 2019 09:37
dusk arising said:
Yep, even in the cold war Sting voiced \"I hope the Russians love their children too\".... all of us everywhere are human with everyday needs and aspirations.
Though i do wonder if some of our multi-cultural comanions are quite as civilised as us english, scots, welsh and irish.
July 4th, 2019 09:37
Strange Friend.
Good Morning UNCLE ANDY : Nearly midnight here (NZ) just trawling MPS before I *hit the sack* (I love colloquialisms) ! Love AKER BILK (great name) and SOTS in particular molto soothing and conjures up wonderful images of Me each night waiting for *Brians Boot ta cum in* (Im getting maudlin again). Love the POEM and the concept : I think its a JIM REEVES song that says *A Stranger is a Friend youve never met* I love all My Friends on MPS : You all make it come alive for Me ! Sometimes one meets *Strangers on the Shore* on Holiday and they become Friends who one emails and mutual visits etc. I now have over 100 Friends in NZ : so so awesome !
Please check our POEM on USA Independence : THANKS
Blessings & peace to YOU & JOYCE
Your FRIENDS as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
July 4th, 2019 06:04
Good Morning UNCLE ANDY : Nearly midnight here (NZ) just trawling MPS before I *hit the sack* (I love colloquialisms) ! Love AKER BILK (great name) and SOTS in particular molto soothing and conjures up wonderful images of Me each night waiting for *Brians Boot ta cum in* (Im getting maudlin again). Love the POEM and the concept : I think its a JIM REEVES song that says *A Stranger is a Friend youve never met* I love all My Friends on MPS : You all make it come alive for Me ! Sometimes one meets *Strangers on the Shore* on Holiday and they become Friends who one emails and mutual visits etc. I now have over 100 Friends in NZ : so so awesome !
Please check our POEM on USA Independence : THANKS
Blessings & peace to YOU & JOYCE
Your FRIENDS as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
July 4th, 2019 06:04
Strange Friend.
Michael Edwards said:
Friends they may well turn out to be. When I look at someone I don\'t know I feel quite detached - almost indifferent until I think: they probably have loved ones just like me, they probably have the same feelings just as I do, they may have health issues or financial worries. In other words they are no different to any of us. They are real people and deserve the same courtesies and consideration as any of us. We are all much the same. Cripes I\'m getting all philosophical.
July 4th, 2019 01:22
Michael Edwards said:
Friends they may well turn out to be. When I look at someone I don\'t know I feel quite detached - almost indifferent until I think: they probably have loved ones just like me, they probably have the same feelings just as I do, they may have health issues or financial worries. In other words they are no different to any of us. They are real people and deserve the same courtesies and consideration as any of us. We are all much the same. Cripes I\'m getting all philosophical.
July 4th, 2019 01:22
Strange Friend.
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. Pity that Harold was a stranger. I befriended him in 1066, and look what happened!
July 4th, 2019 01:19
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. Pity that Harold was a stranger. I befriended him in 1066, and look what happened!
July 4th, 2019 01:19
The First Move.
Fay Slimm. said:
Yes all the lonely people and never moving around to meet others but sitting at home - such a sad state of affairs and perhaps a pen-friend club is the answer at first to encourage contact....... your verse spells out need without a doubt.
July 3rd, 2019 15:29
Fay Slimm. said:
Yes all the lonely people and never moving around to meet others but sitting at home - such a sad state of affairs and perhaps a pen-friend club is the answer at first to encourage contact....... your verse spells out need without a doubt.
July 3rd, 2019 15:29
The First Move.
dusk arising said:
This is a very fine piece indeed Goldfinch.
There are those who choose the singleton way and are quite happy with it among the apparently lonely too.
July 3rd, 2019 05:22
dusk arising said:
This is a very fine piece indeed Goldfinch.
There are those who choose the singleton way and are quite happy with it among the apparently lonely too.
July 3rd, 2019 05:22
The First Move.
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : ANGELA HERE 10pm and almost time for BED ! The MAORIS live in extended Families so in all the Maori Families I have visited in POOY NOOY (smell like a Kipps Apparatus H2S : Brian has an empty one in his Flat !) there were NO lonely ONES. In the UK Parents & GParents often live 100\'s of miles away from Children and in America they are thousands of miles apart. The answer is OLD PEOPLES HOMES but that is not the Solution they are some of the loneliest plces on Earth ! In the UK Brian & I live close to our folks and see them regularly ! Brian visits my PAPA for a glass of RIOJA and a chat : in SPANISH ! MAMA is also fluent ! Brain is good with Geriatrics (now he is Middle Aged - 35 !) and organises the SENIORS CLUB & SILVER SURFERS @ College. Love the MUSIC very soothing & soporific. Ive listened to the whole piece ~ while writing this comment and now I am asleep !
Blessings & lasting Peace & Joy to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡
Nobody ever visits a PHYSIO cos theyre LONELY but cos theyre DISJOINTED !
July 3rd, 2019 04:25
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : ANGELA HERE 10pm and almost time for BED ! The MAORIS live in extended Families so in all the Maori Families I have visited in POOY NOOY (smell like a Kipps Apparatus H2S : Brian has an empty one in his Flat !) there were NO lonely ONES. In the UK Parents & GParents often live 100\'s of miles away from Children and in America they are thousands of miles apart. The answer is OLD PEOPLES HOMES but that is not the Solution they are some of the loneliest plces on Earth ! In the UK Brian & I live close to our folks and see them regularly ! Brian visits my PAPA for a glass of RIOJA and a chat : in SPANISH ! MAMA is also fluent ! Brain is good with Geriatrics (now he is Middle Aged - 35 !) and organises the SENIORS CLUB & SILVER SURFERS @ College. Love the MUSIC very soothing & soporific. Ive listened to the whole piece ~ while writing this comment and now I am asleep !
Blessings & lasting Peace & Joy to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡
Nobody ever visits a PHYSIO cos theyre LONELY but cos theyre DISJOINTED !
July 3rd, 2019 04:25
The First Move.
orchidee said: fact it was worse than my singing, if one was able to \'smell\' my singing!
July 3rd, 2019 01:56
orchidee said: fact it was worse than my singing, if one was able to \'smell\' my singing!
July 3rd, 2019 01:56
The First Move.
orchidee said:
A good write Gold. Some - a few - may be off-putting though. I encountered a pongy person. I mean an indescribable smell. I nearly retched. Smelt like rotten flesh. I don\'t know their situation though.
July 3rd, 2019 01:55
orchidee said:
A good write Gold. Some - a few - may be off-putting though. I encountered a pongy person. I mean an indescribable smell. I nearly retched. Smelt like rotten flesh. I don\'t know their situation though.
July 3rd, 2019 01:55
The First Move.
Suresh said:
We have become more and more isolated, and these gadgets are now our companions
July 3rd, 2019 01:54
Suresh said:
We have become more and more isolated, and these gadgets are now our companions
July 3rd, 2019 01:54
The First Move.
Michael Edwards said:
What a true write and so many of them are the elderly who deserve not to be so.
July 3rd, 2019 01:26
Michael Edwards said:
What a true write and so many of them are the elderly who deserve not to be so.
July 3rd, 2019 01:26
The First Move.
Neville said:
this is an absolute must read and should be seen as a public health service announcement ... an anthem for the lonely no less.......... Neville
July 3rd, 2019 01:25
Neville said:
this is an absolute must read and should be seen as a public health service announcement ... an anthem for the lonely no less.......... Neville
July 3rd, 2019 01:25
FROM the New World!
Laura🌻 said:
Your informative write is very much appreciated! It is a pleasure to read and learn from your writings!
Thank you for sharing!
My love to Joyce and to you!
July 2nd, 2019 19:13
Laura🌻 said:
Your informative write is very much appreciated! It is a pleasure to read and learn from your writings!
Thank you for sharing!
My love to Joyce and to you!
July 2nd, 2019 19:13
FROM the New World!
Goldfinch60 said:
Thank you Brian, exact nomenclature is needed in al forms of life and work.
July 2nd, 2019 09:11
Goldfinch60 said:
Thank you Brian, exact nomenclature is needed in al forms of life and work.
July 2nd, 2019 09:11
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