Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Pendant Power.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY : As you know Im half SPANISH (Papa) and half ENGLISH (Mama) so the FRENCH are always the ENEMY : be it in RUGBY or FOOTBALL. The KIWIS try to subjugate their opponents with the HAKA : The WELSH with LAND of our FATHERS & The FRENCH with the MARSEILLAISE ! The UK National Anthem is beautiful but it is too effete to scare a Scarecrow ! Thanks for a touch of FRANKOPHILITY ! Being a LADY I adore Jewellery and Marie Antionettes Pearl & Diamond Pendant has great providence and elegance and is priceless. Natural Diamonds & Pearls are among the most elegant gemstones (an interest of Mine & Brians) and artificial ones (man made) lack integrity ! Thanks for your Picture Video & Poem : I trust you will enjoy my comment ! Blessings & Love to You & Your Lady : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 15th, 2018 06:25

Pendant Power.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'d rather have a gin and tonic - pity you can\'t wear it round your neck - Cripes - I\'m getting as daft as Orchi - well almost.

November 15th, 2018 04:23

Pendant Power.
onepauly said:

now they can manufacture
diamonds from carbon!
ha! ha!

November 15th, 2018 04:01

Pendant Power.
orchidee said:

Didn\'t we share the cost of it, and pay half each? Did we add it to our museum collection? We\'re in the actual collection ourselves as exhibits. Doh!

November 15th, 2018 03:12

Her Beauty - Senryu.
onepauly said:

so wonderfully mild.
and strong.

November 14th, 2018 17:29

Her Beauty - Senryu.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY : Love BIX a very sweet Horn to accompany your Love Poem ! Your love & devotion to JOYCE is a great inspiration to All Young Lovers like ANGELA & I ! Love to YOU BOTH : BRIAN & ANGELA : 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 14th, 2018 09:35

Her Beauty - Senryu.
Laura🌻 said:


A heartfelt, emotive Senryu and great jazz clip! Thank you for sharing!

My love to Joyce and you!


November 14th, 2018 08:45

Her Beauty - Senryu.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

November 14th, 2018 02:37

The Corner of My Dreams.
w c said:

Where would we be without art? I enjoy the paintings of the Impressionists.

November 13th, 2018 15:47

The Corner of My Dreams.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Beautiful Music and an intriguing poem. I love ART and the inclusion of a GATE: DOOR : Curve in the PATH is a technique to draw the beholder into the Picture and away from the things of Time and Sense. We lose ourselves in the PICTURE. I love all Uncle Mikes : Poems & Pics. I loved ART & MUSIC (Keyboard) at School but my DAD believes Higher Education should be a MEAL TICKET so I studied Science & Physiotherapy instead : which I dont regret ! Please check my HEXAGON : thanks.
Blessings & Love to You & JOYCE :

November 13th, 2018 04:59

The Corner of My Dreams.
dusk arising said:

In western mainstream religion the concept of reincarnation has been pushed away. Though it used to be a part of christian belief till around 900AD.
Why do i raise the subject here? Well i believe that once we pass on to the other place we will be reborn as something and live again rather than be forever in a \'paradise/heaven\'.
Most western minds have trouble with this concept because they place restrictions upon their outlook imagining that reborn means to be reborn human and also into the reality as we know it here on earth today..... both in contradiction to spirituality itself.

November 13th, 2018 03:56

The Corner of My Dreams.
Debsspot said:

The best art of any type affects the soul like this and your words explain it beautifully. Your Daughter must be very proud and very good.

November 13th, 2018 03:34

The Corner of My Dreams.
onepauly said:

you are getting better all the time!

November 13th, 2018 03:06

The Corner of My Dreams.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Erm, I discovered a locked gate round the corner. I jumped over it, and fell in a bog. I wondered why it said \'Keep gate closed - No entry\'. In 1066 that was. Lands were more marshy then, yes? Doh!

November 13th, 2018 02:47

The Sea of Harmony.
Laura🌻 said:


What a beautiful outlook on life! I enjoyed the poem very much! Reading your optimistic work is always uplifting! Thank you for sharing your write!

My love to Joyce and you!


November 12th, 2018 17:29

The Sea of Harmony.
dusk arising said:

Thats a truly great mind picture. Like that area of the moon but not so barren the \'sea of tranquility\'.

November 12th, 2018 12:51

The Sea of Harmony.
Michael Edwards said:

Very prophetic -great read Andy

November 12th, 2018 10:40

The Sea of Harmony.
Christina8 said:

Very nice poem, Andy!

November 12th, 2018 08:57

The Sea of Harmony.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY : It happens : but I always love your MUSICAL extracts : very eclectic ! Love the Poem. I have Spiritual PEACE & HARMONY in my Heart : but I leave many footprints in Aucklands side waiting for \"Brians Bort ter Cum In\" ! Love & Blessings to you both : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Brian & I are in Vanity Fair (PILGRIMS PROGRESS) please check : Thanks A !
Thanks for Video Link : YOU RAISE ME UP : VOCAL HARMONY : On of my FAVES : A !

November 12th, 2018 04:45

The Sea of Harmony.
Goldfinch60 said:

Cannot get the video to play and I cannot remove it from the site. The video is at this address

November 12th, 2018 03:10

The Sea of Harmony.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. I\'m not seeing anything - clip won\'t play. Did you take that walk at night? heehee.

November 12th, 2018 03:04

The Guns Stopped.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Love the SONG and the POEM \"We will remember them\" Many KIWIS died in both World Wars and we had a wonderful Memorial Service in St Patrick\'s Cathedral yesterday and many Members of the NZ ARMED FORCES (KIWIS & MAORIS) were present in Uniform. Thanks for your Tribute :
Love & Blessings to Yourself & JOYCE :
ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 11th, 2018 18:11

The Guns Stopped.
Goldfinch60 said:

I too have no answers, I wish I did or someone in authority did.

November 11th, 2018 12:01

The Guns Stopped.
dusk arising said:

No the guns havent stopped you\'re so right. Sadly mankind seems responsible for repeating the same mistakes....... So there are those of us who would do otherwise.... the pacifiers..... Chamberlain comes to mind.... what IS the answer when faced with a regime which demands war? I\'ve no answers. So the next evil regime forces us to repeat...... as always was.... so shall it continue????? I wish not.

November 11th, 2018 11:25

The Guns Stopped.
Lorna said:

It really wasn\'t all that long ago was it Andy - and what a mess of wars in the time since...... and more than ever before they have become political ploys to deflect attention from rotten agendas... it makes you despair.... all those beautiful young men.

November 11th, 2018 04:52

What Integrity.
onepauly said:

Great song!

November 11th, 2018 02:54

The Guns Stopped.
orchidee said:

A fine write and tribute Gold.
\'Meanwhile\'(from my book of the same name, recalling all sorts of nuttiness) - I\'m a bit old. I remember the Boer Wars too. I was in them!

November 11th, 2018 02:43

The Guns Stopped.
Michael Edwards said:

A contemplative and moving write Andy - just wish I was up to joining all the celebrations (if that\'s the right word) here in our village. The pub and Remembrance garden are boy
th covered in popies and there will a fire tonight on Beacon Hill plus a big event and dinner in the village hall.

November 11th, 2018 02:43

The Guns Stopped.
onepauly said:

I have a documentary dvd collection
of that war. I have 95 documentaries
of the war after that one. ive seen them about 5 times each over the years. yes, I am a historian of that war. I know everything there is to know about that war. you hit the nail right on the head. lol

November 11th, 2018 02:29

What Integrity.
Laura🌻 said:


I hadn’t heard that song in a while! It was nice to hear it again! Thank you for posting it!
As far as working from home...
Many do take advantage!
Of course, there are others who are conscientious and do not take advantage of the choice they have been given!

I enjoyed the the read! Thank you!

My love to Joyce and you!


November 10th, 2018 17:14

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