Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

poetboy123 said:

A brilliant message in a brilliant piece my friend

February 27th, 2018 18:27


Thanks ANDY ~ The trouble is most conversation is trivial and it gets trivial answers. I have several Friends with whom I have in depth conversation about things Spiritual ~ Temporal & Scientific and I relish our encounters of the third kind. In a piece we wrote for a Christmas Skit is the line \"I wanna put my white coat on again ~ talk with Academic Gentlemen ~ Play with our Model Molecules ~ Smell H2S again ~ Make compound out of THIOPHEN ~ I ain\'t seen a good explosion in Years. The Science conversations when engaged in Research are very special ~ among people who share similar interests and a common (but rare vocabulary ~ about quantum mechanics etc !) is a thing of beauty ~ but alas \"en~passant\" conversations are very mundane compared with those privileged years. Once at a wedding (I am an ex-Rock Climber) I found that with the Best Man ~ I could discuss the pros & cons of \"The Curving Crack on Cloggy\" but such moments are rare ! Thanks for making the point ~ I refuse to carry a MOBILE PHONE ~ too intrusive and too trivial ~ Angela even brings hers to BED ! Yours BRIAN

February 27th, 2018 17:00

dusk arising said:

The missing ingredient is thought. Listen, think, then reply. I do so agree.

February 27th, 2018 13:36

Christina8 said:

A lot of truth to what you said. We are so used to being interrupted by commercials and texts, we no longer have an attention span.

February 27th, 2018 13:14

orchidee said:

Oohh have a little lie-in - if you can sometimes!

February 27th, 2018 06:24

orchidee said:

A fine and true write Gold. Also, some are too busy thinking of what they are going to say next, what THEY want to say next, that they don\'t listen.

February 27th, 2018 06:20

Michael Edwards said:

Whilst visiting the Leicester Botanical Gardens on Saturday we were amazed that we only saw about 12 people and everyone except a couple of very young children, were looking down at their mobiles (probably texting each other) - no attention given to each or to the beautiful surroundings - no wonder communications are almost a thing of the past. Based on this I wonder if even spoken words will soon be a thing of the past.

February 27th, 2018 06:12

Lorna said:

Oooooooo a hard truth that we aren\'t even aware of most times..... there\'s often an element of \"what can I say so they won\'t think me this or that\" going on ...

February 27th, 2018 04:56

The Painting of Love
Laura🌻 said:

A fine poem...and your daughter’s painting is extraordinary! So talented! All the best to her! Maybe you and she can collaborate on a book of poetry. You write and she’ll illustrate!


February 26th, 2018 15:57

The Painting of Love
Fay Slimm. said:

A fantastic picture of breaking free Goldi - - your daughter has real talent and good that she chooses to go back again and to heal in the gift she has been given. Thanks for sharing both image and poem.

February 26th, 2018 12:50

The Painting of Love
Christina8 said:

A lovely poem and a gem of a painting. So happy that she found her original love again!

February 26th, 2018 07:26

The Painting of Love
FredPeyer said:

I admire the painting and love the poem. My daughter went through some hard times way back (she is now happily married and just had her first baby) and during that time took up painting at the local community college while waiting to get into University of Hawaii. Her first two paintings won a school competition. During that time she painted a lot, but when life got better, the painting stopped. Right now there is no time. I am so glad that your daughter is painting again. The poem is beautifully sensitive and full of love and hope!

February 26th, 2018 05:09

The Painting of Love
Lorna said:

I am loving the support you must have given her all her life to make her so creative....... wonderful Dad!

February 26th, 2018 05:00

The Painting of Love
dusk arising said:

Sadness, pain, love and joy all come through your words here and aaaaah.... relief!

February 26th, 2018 04:25

The Painting of Love
Caring dove said:

hello goldfinch , this is so lovely , such a tender and sensitive piece of writing :-) and i love the painting , its very good! i think creativity can be therapeutic and helpful in times of sadness and despair, glad she is painting again .. nice

February 26th, 2018 04:24

The Painting of Love
Michael Edwards said:

I am so pleased to learn that she is on the road again and I just love her painting - will you be able to publish more over time? And I do like the poem which is written with such sensitivity.

February 26th, 2018 03:17

The Painting of Love
orchidee said:

A lovely write and fine pic Gold.
But as for me - that looks a bit like the ball and chain KP put on my leg. There\'s no hope for me though. How will I ever break free? I should have known, with the wedding being on Halloween! I did not see the bad omen. heehee.

February 26th, 2018 03:09

The Intensity of Silence.
Laura🌻 said:

The more she is silent, the louder are her screams! She is extremely quiet, but her body movements communicate a different

A relatable poignant write, my friend!


February 25th, 2018 16:23

The Intensity of Silence.
dusk arising said:

Reminds me of when i was asked to stand quietly in a sound laboratory where they were testing the volume of noise generated by gas fires - after about twenty seconds the noise of blood pulsing through my ears was close to painful.
Silence reveals the missing. The missing shouts for attention.

February 25th, 2018 11:32

The Intensity of Silence.
Michael Edwards said:

I know you have the strength to overcome. I can recall my father telling me never to get drawn into pointless argument - in silence there is strength.

February 25th, 2018 04:33

The Intensity of Silence.
Lorna said:

And then we can truly think........... ahhhh peace.

February 25th, 2018 04:33

The Intensity of Silence.
FredPeyer said:

Sad, but true, Goldie! As time goes on the intensity will get louder and louder. But I know that your strength and your faith will overcome these louder and louder silences.

February 25th, 2018 03:51

Dancing to Eternity.
FredPeyer said:

You are not only a good writer, Goldie, you are an incredible guy. Beautiful tribute to that love of yours!

February 25th, 2018 03:14

The Intensity of Silence.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Know what you mean. In so silent places, it can actually hurt one\'s ears.
Then - silence was shattered, cos I began to sing! lol.

February 25th, 2018 02:55

Dancing to Eternity.
dusk arising said:

So it shall be for you both. This is where i get confused with the ten commandments (not being a christian but holding christian values as being wholesome) for envy is a sin. But in the nicest wholesome way, i envy you two for the love you have..
A really moving piece.
And a truly magnificent piece of music from the irreplaceable NKC.

February 24th, 2018 15:14

The Man in the Mirror.
FredPeyer said:

Goldie, this is a beautiful tribute to your dad. Yes he does live on through you and I am happy that you are aware of it. In many ways we are mirrors of our parents, be it good or bad. Our parents not only gave us life, they shaped who we are and what we have become. Great poem!

February 24th, 2018 14:12

Dancing to Eternity.
Jooles said:


February 24th, 2018 12:57

Dancing to Eternity.
Accidental Poet said:

May you feel her in your arms and your dance last for all your days Andy.

February 24th, 2018 08:08

Dancing to Eternity.
Lorna said:

I love that you still see her as she was.........

February 24th, 2018 04:47

Dancing to Eternity.
Laura🌻 said:

With tears in my eyes, I just finished reading your beautiful poem...the true meaning of LOVE! You are an exceptional and inspiring role model! Thank you for sharing your most private and intimate moments you share with your wife! Keep on dancing!


February 24th, 2018 04:44

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