Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Paid Retirement

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Love send in the Clowns (Politiciians ?) and for us Cleo Lane is the greatestUK Jazz Singer ever ! Have hearead Her & her Daughter & Grandaughter several times. A voice like Cleos is a blessed inheritance ~ AMEN ! We never think about RETIRING because it would be 2050 (if Planet Earth survives ?) at the earliest ! However you would have to drag us screaming from both our Jobs ! However we may both feel differenly when we are both 60+ ?
Thanks for sharing ~ Love in the SPIRIT ~

January 24th, 2019 10:40

Paid Retirement
Michael Edwards said:

I am also grateful that I had a job defending against unmeritorious claims against our hard working medics. And now I am paid in my retirement - we are of the lucky generation Andy. Love Cleo - will listen to it later.

January 24th, 2019 03:08

Neville said:

we only really fear what we dont understand, or what we are unable to control.....

January 24th, 2019 02:49

Paid Retirement
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Yes, grateful - you and other retired folk have earned your living, contributed to society (and still do). Not that I\'m that young. In fact I (we) are both extremely old. You must have got your pension first around 1100. Did William the Conqueror\'s Government first pay you?

January 24th, 2019 02:42


Thanks UNCLE ANDY for a very interesting Poem & a soothing fugue ! My post-graduate studies are concerned with Human Anatomy & Physiology which (fortunately in view of yiour poem !) I will never fully understand. Howevear the very partial knowledge I have enables me to be a better Physiotherapist ! Its 1:20 pm (Thursday) here so Im just checking MPS in my lunch break. Next Clinic starts @ 3 pm !
Blessings & Love to You & Joyce

January 23rd, 2019 18:21

dusk arising said:

Excellent thought provoking writing. I don\'t agree with your finale though. In arriving at acceptance of a challenging subject we move through several stages of reasoning to arrive at several plateau of understanding on a given subject. Entering in to conversation with an individual of a different opinion forces us to mentally retreat back through those plateau and re-reason, re-evaluate out chosen end point..... and we may even change our mind.
That\'s not the making of a lazy mind sir!

January 23rd, 2019 08:53

Intelligent Conversation 2.
Neville said:

without a shadow of a doubt, this is a most touching and heartfelt poem indeed...... Neville

January 23rd, 2019 03:50

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

January 23rd, 2019 02:57

Intelligent Conversation 2.
Michael Edwards said:

Fine write Andy

January 22nd, 2019 14:38

Intelligent Conversation 2.
kevin browne said:

Bless you, Goldie. I have a firm belief your intelligence will win the day. Dementia is a God stricken sunken sorrow in which the desire to love grows even larger than life itself.

January 22nd, 2019 08:12

Intelligent Conversation 2.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold.

January 22nd, 2019 07:52

Intelligent Conversation 2.

Good Morning UNCLE ANDY : Angela here @ 11: 30 pm! I adore Fidler (and BRYN) great performance of a Classic : thanks for share ! Some of my housebound clients (in Essex) have a Partner with Dementia so I can empathise : they love to TALK with me : when I visit. Being a peripatetic Physio is a bit like being the Manageress in Coffee Shop : its good to talk !
Thanks for sharing Bryn & Capuccini :
Blessings & love to you Both :
ANGELA (NZ) 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 22nd, 2019 05:47

Intelligent Conversation 2.
sylviasearcher said:

How heart warming

January 22nd, 2019 04:04

Love of Healing.
Fay Slimm. said:

Such a wonderful calling and those who hear it will feel joy that never decreases - animals make the best patients as vets. like to say. A lovely read Goldi and best wishes for passing exams to that hard working young lass.

January 21st, 2019 17:40

Love of Healing.
Neville said:

what a lovely little cameo you have created for us here today.. I can just picture it.....

January 21st, 2019 10:39

Love of Healing.

Thanks Uncle ANDY for another inspiring piece of MUSIC. Love the Poem I work with Young People ~ whose aspirations are to be Medics & Vets etc and some who have already attained their chosen profession. Such aspirations & achievements always bring a smile ~ Salt of the Earth ! The same is true of all HE / FE Lecturers !
Yours as always BRIAN ~
Love to JOYCE ! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 21st, 2019 09:21

Love of Healing.
kevin browne said:

Such a moving and inspiration lady who well deserves to have a read of this excellent poem. We;; done!!

January 21st, 2019 04:01

Love of Healing.
orchidee said:

Ahh lovely write Gold. RSPCA adverts on telly can\'t be watered down really. They show cruelty of man to animals, and the caring work of the RSPCA.
There\'s Christian healing ministry too, I believe, and not necessarily on a spiritual plane, there are the medical professions, etc too. All that tend to body, spirit, or soul.
I believe it has a spiritual plane too, as it all helps, directly or indirectly, to further the Kingdom of God, one aspect of which is healing (as in some of my poems on Mark\'s Gospel).
Guineas in my pic say \'Thank you!\'

January 21st, 2019 03:22

Love of Healing.
Michael Edwards said:

Heart warming. My neice is wanting to be a teacher and spends much of her time looking after little ones and working in a nearby school - she has an unconditional offer and starts Uni in Sept - the look of joy on her face when she is with children is a joy to behold - she is marvelous with them. This is a super wrire Andy and thankfully there are young people like this all over which gives us all hope.

January 21st, 2019 03:11

Coffee Time.
Laura🌻 said:


I enjoy coffee anytime, anywhere!
I enjoyed Nicola Benedetti’s Fantasie! I could listen to her music for hours while sitting in my favorite chair with my cup of coffee!
Thank you for sharing!

My love to Joyce and to you!


January 20th, 2019 19:03

Coffee Time.
psychofemale said:


January 20th, 2019 17:36

Coffee Time.

Tres amusant Uncle Andy : I would call it \"Cafe Sans !\" Love the MUSIC very soothing :
Blessings and Love to YOU and JOYCE :
ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 20th, 2019 16:25

Coffee Time.
dusk arising said:

I like it fine. Mocha beans or Kenya but never bitter columbian.

January 20th, 2019 05:46

Coffee Time.
orchidee said:

A good write Gold. I don\'t have coffee much, but tea without milk is like castor oil I think.

January 20th, 2019 03:17

Coffee Time.
Michael Edwards said:

Without flavours, without froth, without chocolate - just pure real coffee. I\'m with you all the way - well nearly - I do like a splash of milk. Fine write Andy.

January 20th, 2019 03:06

kevin browne said:

What if the losers were right? Wherever we in the world we are surrounded by history. Take every city there is in every corner of the world and you\'ll here a different voice, language, culture, people, but must remember some of the most beautiful places on Earth are shrouded by their beauty and its grace. History is a word normally too easy to use, but if you study it then the perspectives change incredibly. I try not to blame the past in anything I\'ve ever done and that goes for the planet too. History is a beautifully important wealth of knowledge in which we should clearly see the mistakes we have made. There is no going backwards in history to attempt to change it. It\'s happened and so will change happen in the future, also. Learn from the future, and sometimes the past. the future always seems to come so quickly so hurry up and make change for it. Its where the laws of physics belong ever growing stronger. If you look at the beauty intrinsically into your own meaning of life then life will ease up and help us along the paths we walk to in the coming years.

January 19th, 2019 21:05

Neville said:

what if, now that is an interesting proposition if ever there was...

January 19th, 2019 16:46


Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Love the DUKE : cool Jazz with vocal ! To us History is Mistory : Thats why we chose Science wich seeks for and reveals TRUTH ! But even occasionally Science cn be wrong as with Pholgisten Theory : Indestructable Atom and Polywater etc. Thanks for sharing ! Love & Blessings to YOU & JOYCE :
Angela & Brian 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Please check \"MY AWESOME GOD\"

January 19th, 2019 06:32

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

January 19th, 2019 03:07

Michael Edwards said:

Reminds me of Cuba with the somewhat distorted interpretation of events which seems to be accepted in the west. A so-true write Andy.

January 19th, 2019 02:49

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