Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

orchidee said:

Now we might say this is old-fashioned, being very old ourselves (we were there before 1066 at least!). But a true write Gold. A lot of \'virtual\' friendship around.
How\'s 1066 prep going? And who is going in person?

October 2nd, 2018 01:51

Laura🌻 said:


This beautiful write demonstrates how your love for Joyce and hers for you is eternal and truly amazing!

Love these poetic words. Words of a true poet...and that would be YOU!

“The tears of the past had been smiled away.”

Thank you for sharing!

All my love to Joyce and to you!


October 1st, 2018 17:05


Thanks UNCLE ANDY for sharing such intimate thoughts & experiences. This is a key role of MPS to share & care! I (ANGELA) have lots of Friends & Colleagues in the UK in the caring profession many of them Filipinas : who really are ANGELS! I am thrilled you are reassured that JOYCE is in the right hands for respite. It is hard but I tell my elderly UK Friends that it is for the BEST and that GOD UNDERSTANDS. Joyce and Yourself are an example to us all. Thanks for JUSSI BJORLING, He is a fave of BRIANS DAD and he has lots of records! Every Blessing & Love to JOYCE & YOURSELF : ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Its 10:30 pm (Monday) here in NZ and BRIAN is at WORK. Please check on OUR SIX SENRYU and on our FUSION on SHARE A SENRYU on that we have posted THE SNOWMAN VIDEO : THANKS A & B

October 1st, 2018 05:33

Fay Slimm. said:

The challenge of seeing a loved one undergoing such changes must be so very hard to bear dear Goldi - your poem wrings tears from my heart - prayerful thoughts go out to you both and the day Joyce gets home you will have the love of your life beside you again. Thank you for sharing the positive side of care-home separation.

October 1st, 2018 04:22

orchidee said:

This cuts at the heart, in a \'repentant\', poignant sense, not in the sense of being enraged and stoning someone. This phrase is used in the book of Acts in both senses.
A feeling of being cut emotionally, as though a swish of a knife cuts across one\'s heart.
Thinking of you both.

October 1st, 2018 01:43

Goldfinch60 said:

The Pearlfisher duet by Jussi Bjorling and Robert Merrill is my wifes favourite and to my mind it is still the best recording of it.

October 1st, 2018 01:18

Dog Walking

Thanks UNCLE ANDY for a beautiful VIDEO ~ PICTURE ~ POEM for a sunny Sunday morning. Angela & I love the Ballet ~ especially SWAN LAKE ! For many Seniors in our Church ~ when the kids have flown the nest ~ DOGS & CATS provise someone to Love & Cherish and to go Healthy Walkies with ~ AMEN. Blessings and love to You & Joyce ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

September 30th, 2018 03:43

Dog Walking
orchidee said:

Any dogs at Hastings in 1066? Or just me in a negative sense? Did someone say: \'You dog; why did you tell Harold to look up?\'

September 30th, 2018 01:42

Dog Walking
orchidee said:

A lovely write and pic Gold. Yes, many folk have a dog or cat for company, sometimes their main company if widowed, etc.
I saw a cat on a lead. It was cruel. The guy has had several ginger cats. The cat was not happy and would go for you if you tried to stroke it. I blame the owner.
I saw someone walking 5 dogs at once too!

September 30th, 2018 01:18

Reading Words - Two Liner.

Thanks Uncle ANDY ~ Ahhhh JUDY DENCH one of SHOW BIZZ precious gems for us to enjoy in many different MEDIA !
You poem reminds me of the conundrum \"If a tree falls in the depth of a Forest and nobody sees or hears the Fall ~ did it actually FALL ? Please check TRUMPS TWEETS Yours BRIAN 😎 & ANGELA 🧡🧡 Love to JOYCE.

September 29th, 2018 17:17

Reading Words - Two Liner.
Laura🌻 said:


Thank goodness you wrote them...
so that I could read them!😉

My love to Joyce and you!


September 29th, 2018 01:57

Reading Words - Two Liner.
orchidee said:

Oh dear, a poem started off my 18+ watchdog (not one of yours) - the F word. He\'s a good guard dog is Fido. heehee.

September 29th, 2018 01:51

Reading Words - Two Liner.
orchidee said:

Oh a fine write Gold. I had another problem. I wondered why no one could read my poems, then discovered I had been using invisible ink. doh!

September 29th, 2018 01:29

To Nirvana.
w c said:

To hear a nightingale sing is so heavenly.

September 28th, 2018 12:30

To Nirvana.
Fay Slimm. said:

A worthy tribute to a famous singer as music meets needs in us all - thanks my friend for this moment of return to Nirvana.

September 28th, 2018 06:03

To Nirvana.
kevin browne said:

Music. It fits into every inch of this Earths corners. All types of wonderful musical opens up parts of the mind which can only be numbed by the sounds of music which is fitting for each and every ear. There is genius somewhere thinking about how to change the sounds in which we listen to. Without it I believe the human race may collapse purely because of its outstanding talent for survival. great write, Goldfinch60.

September 28th, 2018 05:43

To Nirvana.
dusk arising said:

Wonderful that some sounds or voices can do this to us.

September 28th, 2018 02:23

To Nirvana.
orchidee said:

A lovely write Gold. I thought you meant you heard me singing. Well, was I a close second?! heehee.
I\'m gonna sing at 1066 reunion. Can you help? Stand by the door so they don\'t all run out of the room?

September 28th, 2018 01:43

New Computer.
Laura🌻 said:


Hah...computers 😡
Don’t own one!

I find it more convenient with an iPhoto!
An amusing write which I enjoyed reading!
Awesome video!

My love to Joyce and you!


September 28th, 2018 00:23

New Computer.
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Too funny! How old are you? :)

Great poem and we\'ve all experienced a similar situation.

I loved it. Just keep writing!

September 27th, 2018 07:55

New Computer.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ I popped into SPECSAVERS yesterday for a checkup. Very thorough ~ I had bugeted £200 for two pairs of BIFOCALS ! However they cleaned and polished my GOGS and told me to come back in TWO YEARS ~ There is a GOD ! Loved the ARIA ~ I\'m a LUN-ATIC and love anything related to SISTER MOON ! I have just (six moths ago) bought a LENOVO (Angela also has a LENOVO) laptop. It does all I ask ~ OK. Loved your Poem ~ its the CURSE of the PLASTIC. Please visit ANGELA\'s CINQUAINS from AUCKLAND you will love the CHOIR. Yours as always BRIAN ~ Love to JOYCE

September 27th, 2018 05:12

New Computer.
Michael Edwards said:

By the way Song to The Moon ranks among my favourites - it\'s up there with Solveigs Song. and Songs of the Auvergne

September 27th, 2018 03:09

New Computer.
Michael Edwards said:

Gave me a smile - I think we\'ve all done something similar. I bought my new one a month ago at a local shop - not a chain - and for £60 they transferred everything from my old one and cleaned all the manufacturers rubbish from the new one - result was seamless change over.

September 27th, 2018 03:07

New Computer.
orchidee said:

Ahh yes lol. It did help me, that I switched on the plug for the telly. Wondered why no picture came on!

September 27th, 2018 02:29

Life\'s Ocean.
w c said:

I\'ve sailed at times. There sometimes across a rough and challenging sea.

Nice write, G.

September 26th, 2018 17:14

Life\'s Ocean.
MissileOfUncertainty said:

This is a beautiful metaphor. Honestly, I was in awe. Thank you for sharing.

September 26th, 2018 16:36

Life\'s Ocean.
dusk arising said:

There\'s a part of you desires shipwreck i\'ll bet.
Nice mind romancing piece.

September 26th, 2018 16:06

Life\'s Ocean.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. You gone sailing? You must be going to the 1066 reunion.

September 26th, 2018 01:49

Life\'s Ocean.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m with you on the same cruise - fine work Andy

September 26th, 2018 01:38

Clarinet Duet
Gogeta said:

The joys of life and the passion of music (even when it starts less harmoniously), a great poem and a great memory you\'ve shared. When a poem is written from the heart, there is no good, bad or indifferent. It\'s an emotion, an experience shared and I look forward to reading more 😊

September 25th, 2018 11:36

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