Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
The Day Begins.
kevin browne said:
If you have the perception of natural thought enabling you not to be too concerned about what each day is going to be like. The beauty of life shines through this poem and I love the way you have expressed your feeling for every day which in which you believe to be a good day.
September 19th, 2018 05:20
kevin browne said:
If you have the perception of natural thought enabling you not to be too concerned about what each day is going to be like. The beauty of life shines through this poem and I love the way you have expressed your feeling for every day which in which you believe to be a good day.
September 19th, 2018 05:20
The Day Begins.
Nicholas Browning said:
Hopefully it is a good day. Optimism is key.
September 19th, 2018 05:04
Nicholas Browning said:
Hopefully it is a good day. Optimism is key.
September 19th, 2018 05:04
The Day Begins.
Michael Edwards said:
Every day a bonus - always plan something - never say at the start of each day \'What shall I do today?\' you should have planned it out to make the most of it.
September 19th, 2018 03:55
Michael Edwards said:
Every day a bonus - always plan something - never say at the start of each day \'What shall I do today?\' you should have planned it out to make the most of it.
September 19th, 2018 03:55
The Day Begins.
orchidee said:
A good write Gold. Erm, yes, it does help to open our eyes first thing! Bit like plugging in the telly and switching the mains socket on. Yep, I reckon it helps to switch it on first. Wondered why I was looking at a blank telly all day. Hmm. lol.
September 19th, 2018 02:10
orchidee said:
A good write Gold. Erm, yes, it does help to open our eyes first thing! Bit like plugging in the telly and switching the mains socket on. Yep, I reckon it helps to switch it on first. Wondered why I was looking at a blank telly all day. Hmm. lol.
September 19th, 2018 02:10
Lost Lover.
Laura🌻 said:
Thank you for sharing this personal heartfelt poem! Yes, it is a sad situation; but your written piece is laced with love. Your love transcends all limits! I’m confident that Joyce senses it...without a doubt in my mind!
All my love to your beautiful Joyce and you!
September 18th, 2018 16:08
Laura🌻 said:
Thank you for sharing this personal heartfelt poem! Yes, it is a sad situation; but your written piece is laced with love. Your love transcends all limits! I’m confident that Joyce senses it...without a doubt in my mind!
All my love to your beautiful Joyce and you!
September 18th, 2018 16:08
The Final Over.
Laura🌻 said:
A fascinating read! I’ve never seen this game played live. I’ve only seen in movies! Your words brought it to my mind! I envisioned you playing it to the end! Congratulations!🍻
All my love to Joyce and you!
September 18th, 2018 15:46
Laura🌻 said:
A fascinating read! I’ve never seen this game played live. I’ve only seen in movies! Your words brought it to my mind! I envisioned you playing it to the end! Congratulations!🍻
All my love to Joyce and you!
September 18th, 2018 15:46
The Final Over.
Michael Edwards said:
Well this took some time to read and a good read to boot.
September 18th, 2018 15:24
Michael Edwards said:
Well this took some time to read and a good read to boot.
September 18th, 2018 15:24
The Final Over.
dusk arising said:
Any other final line would simply not be cricket sir! You made this game, one which i find intensely boring, quite quite readable and exciting.
A really good example of your writing prowess Goldfinch. This certainly has the \'unputdownable\' quality. One has to see it thru to the finish.
September 18th, 2018 10:11
dusk arising said:
Any other final line would simply not be cricket sir! You made this game, one which i find intensely boring, quite quite readable and exciting.
A really good example of your writing prowess Goldfinch. This certainly has the \'unputdownable\' quality. One has to see it thru to the finish.
September 18th, 2018 10:11
Lost Lover.
Christina8 said:
Thank you for sharing your heart and your music. Very touching and mournful. Great work.
September 18th, 2018 06:41
Christina8 said:
Thank you for sharing your heart and your music. Very touching and mournful. Great work.
September 18th, 2018 06:41
The Final Over.
Thanks ANDY ~ Tenors (and Tenners) always tug @ the string of my HEART. \"Cricket Lovely Cricket it was at Liverpool where I first saw it ~ Lancashire always Crème Tea de la Crème Tea !\" My Dad was a great Cricketer so I carried his BAT and played for the 1st 11 @ School ~ AMEN ! I love CRICKET in all its EDWARDIAN GLORY of Whites & Pads & Gloves & Stumps & Bright red (or is it Pink ?) BALLS. For most Schools in the 21st C (except the GRAMMAR & PUBLIC) it is too elitist ~ slow ~ expensive & academic etc ~ so like so many EXCELLENT THINGS it is dying. I started playing (in earnest) in the late 90\'s but I could see its demise. Our main opponents were other GRAMMARS & the PUBLIC SECTOR. A proper GAME of CRICKET (like CHESS) is always a BATTLE and its not over until the Cucumber Sandwiches and Warm Beer appears ~ Prepared of course by Rotund Ladies who do sing (G & S !) Your elegant ode captures the essence of REAL VILLAGE CRICKET on such Fields was the BRITISH FIGHTING SPIRIT forged. This poem has made me take my BAT out and OIL it ! Thanks for sharing Yours as ever BRIAN ~ ANGELA send her love to JOYCE XXXX
September 18th, 2018 05:09
Thanks ANDY ~ Tenors (and Tenners) always tug @ the string of my HEART. \"Cricket Lovely Cricket it was at Liverpool where I first saw it ~ Lancashire always Crème Tea de la Crème Tea !\" My Dad was a great Cricketer so I carried his BAT and played for the 1st 11 @ School ~ AMEN ! I love CRICKET in all its EDWARDIAN GLORY of Whites & Pads & Gloves & Stumps & Bright red (or is it Pink ?) BALLS. For most Schools in the 21st C (except the GRAMMAR & PUBLIC) it is too elitist ~ slow ~ expensive & academic etc ~ so like so many EXCELLENT THINGS it is dying. I started playing (in earnest) in the late 90\'s but I could see its demise. Our main opponents were other GRAMMARS & the PUBLIC SECTOR. A proper GAME of CRICKET (like CHESS) is always a BATTLE and its not over until the Cucumber Sandwiches and Warm Beer appears ~ Prepared of course by Rotund Ladies who do sing (G & S !) Your elegant ode captures the essence of REAL VILLAGE CRICKET on such Fields was the BRITISH FIGHTING SPIRIT forged. This poem has made me take my BAT out and OIL it ! Thanks for sharing Yours as ever BRIAN ~ ANGELA send her love to JOYCE XXXX
September 18th, 2018 05:09
The Final Over.
Fay Slimm. said:
I have learned so much about the game I knew little about from this excellent poem and thanks for sharing your triumph with us Andy.
September 18th, 2018 05:03
Fay Slimm. said:
I have learned so much about the game I knew little about from this excellent poem and thanks for sharing your triumph with us Andy.
September 18th, 2018 05:03
The Final Over.
onepauly said:
to tell you the truth, I know nothing of this game.
still, congradulations on yer win.
September 18th, 2018 02:29
onepauly said:
to tell you the truth, I know nothing of this game.
still, congradulations on yer win.
September 18th, 2018 02:29
Lost Lover.
dusk arising said:
Somehow the beauty of this wonderful life is maimed by the loss of what was. We can only try to imagine the state of torment you are in.
I genuinely wish you every strength in these awful times.
A very touching, upsetting piece today Goldfinch.
September 17th, 2018 05:20
dusk arising said:
Somehow the beauty of this wonderful life is maimed by the loss of what was. We can only try to imagine the state of torment you are in.
I genuinely wish you every strength in these awful times.
A very touching, upsetting piece today Goldfinch.
September 17th, 2018 05:20
Lost Lover.
ANGELA HERE 9:30 PM IN AUCKLAND! Love John Williams Film Scores and the Film this rendition has been very moving. BRIAN & I have been to Auschwitz and I cried all the time. In essence this piece of MUSIC is an apt compliment to your very moving Poem. Brian & I are sad because 11,500 is a lot of miles to bridge and it will be April 2019 when we can hug & kiss again! BUT we will both be able to fully enjoy each other. Your Poem reminds us of the Beauty and Enjoyment of Music - Art - Literature : BUT when we cant share it with the ONE we Love (for what ever reason) it becomes Discord - Pastiche - Words without worth. I pray that you and your BELOVED JOYCE are still able to communicate on a HIGHER PLANE! Love & Every Blessing ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡
September 17th, 2018 04:52
ANGELA HERE 9:30 PM IN AUCKLAND! Love John Williams Film Scores and the Film this rendition has been very moving. BRIAN & I have been to Auschwitz and I cried all the time. In essence this piece of MUSIC is an apt compliment to your very moving Poem. Brian & I are sad because 11,500 is a lot of miles to bridge and it will be April 2019 when we can hug & kiss again! BUT we will both be able to fully enjoy each other. Your Poem reminds us of the Beauty and Enjoyment of Music - Art - Literature : BUT when we cant share it with the ONE we Love (for what ever reason) it becomes Discord - Pastiche - Words without worth. I pray that you and your BELOVED JOYCE are still able to communicate on a HIGHER PLANE! Love & Every Blessing ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡
September 17th, 2018 04:52
Lost Lover.
orchidee said:
Yes, a poignant write Gold.The birds don\'t even sing in some horror places of war. Who can blame them? Why would they sing in hell on earth?
September 17th, 2018 02:50
orchidee said:
Yes, a poignant write Gold.The birds don\'t even sing in some horror places of war. Who can blame them? Why would they sing in hell on earth?
September 17th, 2018 02:50
Lost Lover.
Michael Edwards said:
Having visited the location in Krakow and dealing with a father who suffered I can relate to all this. Fine yet sad work Andy.
September 17th, 2018 02:40
Michael Edwards said:
Having visited the location in Krakow and dealing with a father who suffered I can relate to all this. Fine yet sad work Andy.
September 17th, 2018 02:40
w c said:
My eyesight is poor beyond belief! Without my contact lenses, i\'m sure I\'d fail that test!
September 16th, 2018 18:24
w c said:
My eyesight is poor beyond belief! Without my contact lenses, i\'m sure I\'d fail that test!
September 16th, 2018 18:24
dusk arising said:
Well i certainly hope you do pass this test. I had an eye test on saturday because of this worry and was told i\'m borderline. It looks like i\'m going to be a varifocals wearer in future.
September 16th, 2018 17:52
dusk arising said:
Well i certainly hope you do pass this test. I had an eye test on saturday because of this worry and was told i\'m borderline. It looks like i\'m going to be a varifocals wearer in future.
September 16th, 2018 17:52
fuche_bu said:
Make sure you eat your carrots. Gotta preserve that vision then.
September 16th, 2018 08:33
fuche_bu said:
Make sure you eat your carrots. Gotta preserve that vision then.
September 16th, 2018 08:33
Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Love the MOODY BLUES great close harmony and phrasing but 20 years before our time. We both contend that really great Pop Music (hope that\'s not an oxymoron !) stopped in the 70\'s ! EYESIGHT (3D - Colour & Mobile) is one of God\'s many blessings in the design & creation of H Sapiens ~ Both Angela & I are very dependent on excellent eyesight for our JOBS and hundreds of other reasons. Loved your POEM but as MIKE says it does highlight the importance of eyesight & eye testing. Angela & I have our eyes tested annually and already I need specs for small print but not (yet) for driving or computer. Thanks UNCLE ANDY please read my Poem ID RATHER HAVE JESUS sung by the incomparable JIM REEVE ~ Love to JOYCE ~ ANGELA 🧡🧡 and BRIAN 😎 Ive been to SPECSAVERS !
September 16th, 2018 04:00
Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Love the MOODY BLUES great close harmony and phrasing but 20 years before our time. We both contend that really great Pop Music (hope that\'s not an oxymoron !) stopped in the 70\'s ! EYESIGHT (3D - Colour & Mobile) is one of God\'s many blessings in the design & creation of H Sapiens ~ Both Angela & I are very dependent on excellent eyesight for our JOBS and hundreds of other reasons. Loved your POEM but as MIKE says it does highlight the importance of eyesight & eye testing. Angela & I have our eyes tested annually and already I need specs for small print but not (yet) for driving or computer. Thanks UNCLE ANDY please read my Poem ID RATHER HAVE JESUS sung by the incomparable JIM REEVE ~ Love to JOYCE ~ ANGELA 🧡🧡 and BRIAN 😎 Ive been to SPECSAVERS !
September 16th, 2018 04:00
Michael Edwards said:
Great work. Keeping your eyes tested is good for other reasons and it\'s surprising how many don\'t get it done. My daughter is an optician and regularly diagnoses glaucoma, cataracts etcetera - without the test there is the potential long term for blindness.
September 16th, 2018 02:04
Michael Edwards said:
Great work. Keeping your eyes tested is good for other reasons and it\'s surprising how many don\'t get it done. My daughter is an optician and regularly diagnoses glaucoma, cataracts etcetera - without the test there is the potential long term for blindness.
September 16th, 2018 02:04
orchidee said:
Will you have to read the number plate of the car nearest you then? Is it about a mile away?! A fine write Gold.
Did they have number plates on the horses in 1066?
September 16th, 2018 01:49
orchidee said:
Will you have to read the number plate of the car nearest you then? Is it about a mile away?! A fine write Gold.
Did they have number plates on the horses in 1066?
September 16th, 2018 01:49
Lost in Words.
dusk arising said:
Lost in thoughtfully expressing your minds content. Eloquently.
September 15th, 2018 14:58
dusk arising said:
Lost in thoughtfully expressing your minds content. Eloquently.
September 15th, 2018 14:58
Lost in Words.
Gary Edward Geraci said:
Written by the pen of one whom picks one up every day to write just one more. In doing do you have honed your craft - “List In Words” invokes that which makes up the excitement and mystery for writers and poets. It is true - this inspiration other artists will ignite in us ... anyone who is serious about writing studies and reads the works of others. Well done!
September 15th, 2018 13:00
Gary Edward Geraci said:
Written by the pen of one whom picks one up every day to write just one more. In doing do you have honed your craft - “List In Words” invokes that which makes up the excitement and mystery for writers and poets. It is true - this inspiration other artists will ignite in us ... anyone who is serious about writing studies and reads the works of others. Well done!
September 15th, 2018 13:00
Lost in Words.
Michael Edwards said:
Love the write and love G&S and hate the M25 - I avoid it as much as I can but it\'s not easy when travelling round the outskirts of North London.
September 15th, 2018 09:34
Michael Edwards said:
Love the write and love G&S and hate the M25 - I avoid it as much as I can but it\'s not easy when travelling round the outskirts of North London.
September 15th, 2018 09:34
Lost in Words.
Ahhhhhhh UNCLE ANDY ~ You fill up my senses with GS ~ Sublime Poetry and perfect symbiotic scores. Many happy hours spent @ the G & S weeks @ Buxton (perfect setting in a Perfect Theatre) now at Harrogate but lacking some of Buxtonic Charm ? !
Loved your Poem. I always carry a pen \'n pad with me so I can capture my MUSE as she flits in and out of my MIND.
When my MUSE moves I write it down ~ often gobbledegook ~ but then I hone it into the Fine Sonnets ~ Acrostics ~ HAIKU etc which I post on MPS. I am a sub-editor of our College Magazine and often subscribe an apposite Ditty ! Also unlike my NEMESIS John Betjeman (Would that I had His MUSE !) I am happy to compose to order for FUNCTIONS etc. Poetry is Poetry and like singing ~ it is a GIFT ! Blessing in all your activities and ANGELA sends her love to JOYCE ~ Who is your Best Muse ! 🧡🧡🧡🧡
September 15th, 2018 08:49
Ahhhhhhh UNCLE ANDY ~ You fill up my senses with GS ~ Sublime Poetry and perfect symbiotic scores. Many happy hours spent @ the G & S weeks @ Buxton (perfect setting in a Perfect Theatre) now at Harrogate but lacking some of Buxtonic Charm ? !
Loved your Poem. I always carry a pen \'n pad with me so I can capture my MUSE as she flits in and out of my MIND.
When my MUSE moves I write it down ~ often gobbledegook ~ but then I hone it into the Fine Sonnets ~ Acrostics ~ HAIKU etc which I post on MPS. I am a sub-editor of our College Magazine and often subscribe an apposite Ditty ! Also unlike my NEMESIS John Betjeman (Would that I had His MUSE !) I am happy to compose to order for FUNCTIONS etc. Poetry is Poetry and like singing ~ it is a GIFT ! Blessing in all your activities and ANGELA sends her love to JOYCE ~ Who is your Best Muse ! 🧡🧡🧡🧡
September 15th, 2018 08:49
Lost in Words.
Laura🌻 said:
That great clip was a joyous mood setter!
I enjoyed your poem! It seems that you can write just about anything...never at a loss for words! Awesome!
Love to Joyce and you!
September 15th, 2018 05:00
Laura🌻 said:
That great clip was a joyous mood setter!
I enjoyed your poem! It seems that you can write just about anything...never at a loss for words! Awesome!
Love to Joyce and you!
September 15th, 2018 05:00
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