Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Salvator Mundi.
Louis Gibbs said:

How much more is to be spent in guarding it now ... insuring it ... cleaning it, ... housing it, etc.? Not to mention the personal cost of ownership ... worrying about its safety, about ones personal safety by tempting invasion by thieves. \"Every thing you own owns you\" ... true statement for sure.
Good write on an absurd event, Goldie!

November 18th, 2017 09:49

Salvator Mundi.

Thanks ANDY ~ I guess the price paid $400 M + was illustrative not only of the Painter but also the Subject SALVATOR MUNDI ! The cost to God the Father in the sacrifice of His beloved Son JESUS ~ to be the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD ~ was infinite ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN

November 18th, 2017 08:14

Salvator Mundi.
Accidental Poet said:

It is worth what someone will pay for it, but only to that person who paid for it. People have different values according to their interests. I can appreciate the painting as fine art, and that it was painted so long ago by a well know artist makes it all the more admirable. But still, as you said in your poem Goldie, it\'s just paint on a canvas surrounded by wood. Personally, I\'ll take my camera outside and find a nice sunset and I\'ll be just as happy to frame that and have on my wall. Great write though Goldie.

November 18th, 2017 07:28

Salvator Mundi.
Michael Edwards said:

It\'s a painting of its time and not one that has much appeal for me in the modern world - in fact quite an off-putting face - but as a pure investment being the only in private hands probably the greatest investment around - until some acknowledged \'expert\' declares that it is not by LDV after all - could end up with paint on her face,

November 18th, 2017 03:57

Salvator Mundi.
orchidee said:

I have a print of Mona Lisa - or is it the real one?! Did I sneak in The Louvre and swap them?! heehee.

November 18th, 2017 03:05

Salvator Mundi.
orchidee said:

It\'s crazy. It\'s evil really. Soooooo much could be done with the money spent out on that. Ah well, a fool and his/her money is soon parted, whether it had been a religious pic or whatever it may have been.

November 18th, 2017 03:03

In the Beginning.
FredPeyer said:

The book of life, what a wonderful way of looking at our lives. This poem is very special, Goldfinch! There are a few pages I would rather not re-visit, but overall I guess that book might be interesting for the next generation.

November 18th, 2017 01:03

In the Beginning.
Christina8 said:

A wonderful write! I\'m far from the end chapter of my book! Lets hope! Thanks for sharing

November 17th, 2017 13:57

In the Beginning.
Tony36 said:

Great write

November 17th, 2017 11:16

In the Beginning.
Louis Gibbs said:

I can see this poem describing either \'A life\', or ongoing \'All life\'. Either way, it is a classic, Goldie! Beautifully done, Sir.

November 17th, 2017 10:11

In the Beginning.
orchidee said:

That pic reminds me of a Battle of Maiwand Lion we have in some town gardens. It weighs 16 tons! Look up Maiwand Lion or Forbury Lion to see it. \'For-bury\' I assume, as Reading Abbey and monks were nearby, until the Abbey dissolved. End of history spiel.
Of course, we were both there in 1880. A bit after 1066, I know!

November 17th, 2017 09:23

In the Beginning.
Accidental Poet said:

We all hope our book of life will have meaning to those who read it young and old. Great write Goldie.

November 17th, 2017 09:13

In the Beginning.

\"W e are living Epistles ~ known & read of all men !\" I\'m only one third through my book (Deo Volentes) but when I read it back I sometimes wonder what message I\'m sending out \"I try to be good ~ \'cos I know that I should ~ that\'s my prayer at the end of each PAGE !\" An excellent poem ANDY in both Form and Function and a challenge to those of my generation just entering Phase 2 (35 to 65) of their lives. Thanks for sharing & caring ~ Yours BRIAN

November 17th, 2017 04:10

In the Beginning.
Drewp said:

This is quite profound to me, especially today as i’m a bit low in mood. A beautiful write. Thanks for sharing.

November 17th, 2017 03:47

In the Beginning.
orchidee said:

A fine write with spiritual meaning too. I\'ve a poem \'The Book of Life\' maybe to post soon.
\'In the beginning was the Word, etc....\'
\'In the beginning was sherry and pork pies?\'

November 17th, 2017 03:03

In the Beginning.
Michael Edwards said:

Sadly I\'m starting the last chapter - just hoping it\'s a long one - nice write Andy.

November 17th, 2017 02:47

In The Moonlight.
FredPeyer said:

Life is a cycle, made of cycles within cycles. Great poem Goldfinch!

November 16th, 2017 21:21

Unexpected Moments.
FredPeyer said:

A beautiful poem, Goldfinch! I like the way you relate words to music. The song is great too. Had to listen to it about five times in order to at least understand about half of the German words.

November 16th, 2017 20:27

In The Moonlight.
dusk arising said:

Claude Debussy is one of my favourites in the classical genre and this a wonderful very popular piece. Your words are peacefully inspiring. Life goes on in its most successful forms regardless of anything be it flood or meteor strike. But my words here carry nothing of the romance of yours. One of your best that i have read. Definately heads for my favourites.

November 16th, 2017 19:33

In The Moonlight.
Louis Gibbs said:

Lovely metaphor, Goldie. Cycles of the moon and cycles of life, well portrayed!

November 16th, 2017 10:34

Unexpected Moments.
myself and me said:

A wonderful song will carry all the memories all the way long. Beautiful.

November 16th, 2017 09:18

In The Moonlight.
myself and me said:

You always find the bright side to watch, such a positive attitude to life. Well done.

November 16th, 2017 09:17

In The Moonlight.
WL Schuett said:

Part of the cycle of things , good photo you should post more of your photos

November 16th, 2017 08:47

In The Moonlight.
Michael Edwards said:

What goes round comes round so it\'ll be back - fine write.

November 16th, 2017 05:45

In The Moonlight.
kevin browne said:

lovely writing, Andy. love it, my friend.

November 16th, 2017 03:53

In The Moonlight.
Laura🌻 said:

Love your moon shot!
A write with a photo illustration. Nice touch!
Where there’s light, there IS life! Spot on Gold!

November 16th, 2017 03:48

In The Moonlight.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. It\'s started me singing (oh no!):
\'Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou softer moon with softer gleam\'.....

November 16th, 2017 02:55

How Could I Drive It?
FredPeyer said:

Great poem, Goldfinch! In my late teens I owned an Alfa Romeo Spider, two-seater sports car. Same thing!!!

November 15th, 2017 17:53

Unexpected Moments.
lasergraph said:

It is amazing how some trigger will serve to remind us of that which we hold dear.

November 15th, 2017 16:58

Unexpected Moments.
Christina8 said:

Such a great song, your poem served it well!

November 15th, 2017 13:26

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