Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Idiot Walks.
Michael Edwards said:

Pleased about the non-socks by the way.

September 10th, 2018 01:55

The Idiot Walks.
Michael Edwards said:

Great write and a clip of the wonderful Jess Gillam - all\'s well with the world.

September 10th, 2018 01:55

The Idiot Walks.
orchidee said:

I tend to get me coat out at the least chilliness. I go by - best to wear one, if need be. I can always take off my coat if too hot. But if not having a coat with me, I may stay chilly all the time.
And yep, we had heating on for a while the other day - September!
I think it depends a lot whether we feel the cold much or not.

September 10th, 2018 01:54

Harrowed World.
onepauly said:

yes sir,
music is also the best medicine.
try it!

September 10th, 2018 00:18

Harrowed World.
w c said:

Where would we be without music?

September 9th, 2018 21:47

Harrowed World.
rrodriguez said:

Yes, music is soothing to the soul. Enjoy reading your poem.

September 9th, 2018 19:25

Harrowed World.

LANG LANG ~ Always value for money ! My fave is REVOLUTIONARY but all CHOPIN moves me ! Loved your poem & comments \"there are more things wrought by MUSIC than this World dreams of !
Thanks for caring ~ BLESSINGS BRIAN & ANGELA ~ Love to JOYCE XXXX Please check SUNDAY MORNING COMING DOWN ~ Thanks B & A.

September 9th, 2018 16:41

Harrowed World.
fuche_bu said:

soothes the savage breast indeed. nice poem.

September 9th, 2018 11:19

Harrowed World.
dusk arising said:

It most certainly does ease the troubled mind. However i was once given a record by a polish avant guard jazz group called \'pinski zoo\'. It was music to keep you on the edge of your chair, a pal described it as the most unsuitable music for a dentists waiting room he had ever heard. (dare you to listen!)

September 9th, 2018 07:33

Harrowed World.
Lorna said:

Lovely thoughts Andy and so true!

September 9th, 2018 05:06

Harrowed World.
Michael Edwards said:

Watched last night of the Proms last night - great fun and I enjoyed it but I do like music I can get lost in - not easy with audience participation.

September 9th, 2018 02:32

Harrowed World.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold. Anyone playing like that at your church?!

September 9th, 2018 02:26

A-g-nother G-nu.
dusk arising said:

Brings out the wilderbeeste in me. But i\'m sure u gnu it would stampede.

September 8th, 2018 13:24

A-g-nother G-nu.
Laura🌻 said:


Thank you for introducing me to Flanders and Swann! The g-nu song...Very entertaining! I enjoyed it very much! I can tell this will be a great weekend...
Friday night ended with Sir Paul McCartney’s surprise concert at New York’s Grand Central Terminal...where I was fortunate enough to be...and Saturday has begun with Flanders and Swann. I’d say that’s a great segue to a wonderful weekend! Life is grand!
Wishing you and Joyce a great weekend.
Love to both of you!


September 8th, 2018 08:58

A-g-nother G-nu.
Lorna said:

Oh I just love their Gnu song.... so glad you do too! My parents turned us on to them when we were young (we were very odd children for the United States).... I especially love the monologue where they say: \"If God had intended man to fly, he never would have invented the British Railroad\"...... And \"sign saying low flying airplanes - what are you supposed to do? Take off your hat?\"

September 8th, 2018 08:52

A-g-nother G-nu.
fuche_bu said:

some gnus is good gnus

September 8th, 2018 06:55

A-g-nother G-nu.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m also a F&S fan.My favourite lines fr theirs:

Mum\'s out, Dad\'s out
Let\'s talk rude
pee, po, belly, bum, bum, knickers.

Will I be in trouble with Orchi?

September 8th, 2018 04:28

A-g-nother G-nu.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ I thanks GOD (three times a day!facing WEST) that i was born AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN ! Not only was I born into the Finest Country & Language in the World but with the innate ability to understand & appreciate the uniqueness of the ENGLISH SENSE of HUMOUR (its in the Jenes !) Not only DODD & MILLIGAN and GILBERT & SULLIVAN and LEWIS & CARROL but also FLANDERS & SWAN ~ the quintessential spoof song ~ AMEN. thanks for sharing ~ loved your poem too. PLEASE CHECK ~ AUTUMN LEAVES ~ HAIKU ~ You will love the classical guitar. Blessings & love to JOYCE from BRIAN & ANGELA 😎 & 🧡

September 8th, 2018 03:53

A-g-nother G-nu.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold.

September 8th, 2018 01:22

Lightness Abounds.

Thanks UNCLE MIKE ~ GERRY & CHET two of the best Jazzmen of the 2O th C ~ great melancholic harmony ~ for a lazy hazy Early Autumn Afternoon !
Love the POEM and sharing the in-site of your MUSE. Your lovely POEMS ~ you freely share each day on MPS ~ come from INSIDE YOU ~ AWESOME ! Most of mine (I must confess) are triggered by EXTERNALS. I must learn to be more Poetically Introspective ~ OK Blessings from BRIAN 😎 Love to you and JOYCE from ANGELA 🧡

September 7th, 2018 13:11

Lightness Abounds.
Lorna said:

Thank goodness Andy ........ you are here another day for us!

September 7th, 2018 04:11

Lightness Abounds.
Poetic Dan said:

Yes and yes again you always say it so perfectly for my brain. I see the light you gave busting from the page, always appreciated.

Much peace and respect

September 7th, 2018 02:53

Lightness Abounds.
dusk arising said:

Long may you emit those rays of lightness creatively illuminating our paths as we seek similar peace and wellbeing.

September 7th, 2018 02:43

Lightness Abounds.
Michael Edwards said:

May the light stay (whoever pays for it).

September 7th, 2018 02:09

Lightness Abounds.
orchidee said:

A fine write again Gold. Argghh! That\'s me not switching the light on and falling down the stairs these mornings.
Did an \'idea\' light bulb ping in your head? Or did you blow a fuse?!

September 7th, 2018 01:33

Lightness Abounds.
onepauly said:

I have to say,
I haven\'t read a better one yet.

September 7th, 2018 01:25

Is Christmas Early?
dusk arising said:

Having been a bit of a recluse for ten or more years i\'m looking forward to this yuletide period and hope to get out and about and into the christmas spirit of things. With my bus pass i may even be able to have a wee dram here and there.

September 6th, 2018 13:39

Is Christmas Early?
Michael Edwards said:

Can\'t wait to ding my dong on high - yes the commerciality (new word) of it all never ceases to amaze but I can manage the odd early hymn or two.

September 6th, 2018 08:22

Is Christmas Early?
Lorna said:

Time is just fujiting again Andy. We have had Halloween candy specials in the stores since July - if I bought that much candy in July it would be long gone by end October! ha!

September 6th, 2018 07:18

Is Christmas Early?
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

I\'m sure carols must be nice to hear anytime. I know if only one from Disney films I.e tis the season to be jolly and it\'s really sweet and lovely just like your fine poem. . Cool write. Thumbs up.

So nice to read from your ink again, Pleez do review/comment my newest poem too.

September 6th, 2018 06:34

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