Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Wonder of Music.
Caring dove said:

great poem .. its amazing how powerful some music is

April 3rd, 2018 16:35

The Wonder of Music.

Thanks ANDY ~ SIBELIUS ~ Music of the Gods. Several of my extended Family are Classical Musicians and love to ARRANGE for Choirs & Orchestras and even to venture into COMPOSITION ! One of them explained it to me in this way: Depending when (and to some extent where) we are born we inherit 100\'s of Years of Classical Music ~ each piece has a form and function. If you have the privilege of studying and performing and listening to this heritage. This gives you an understanding of each instrument and how they combine in a quartet or an orchestra and the form & function of a Sonata or Oratorio etc. All this knowledge ~ experience ~ understanding etc enables some Classical Musicians to perform ~ some to conduct and some to compose. All new classical compositions are based on that Foundation of melody ~ harmony ~ harmonics and the range and timbre of each instrument. In one sense it is very Scientific and in another it is Genius and Art. Folk ~ Blues ~ Pop ~ Jazz etc is \"simpler\" more accessible but to succeed it must be based on the same principles of melody and harmony and metre etc ~ and the symbiosis of WORDS & MUSIC ! The same is also true of Classical Poetry ~ Yours BRIAN Please check my new FUSION ~ CHOCOLATE ~ Thanks B !

April 3rd, 2018 15:24

The Wonder of Music.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. People may listen to me sing - or overhear me. It don\'t do them any good though! heehee. My title would be \'Tortuous Troublings\' subtitled: \'Hearing Orchi Sing\'!

April 3rd, 2018 01:58

The Wonder of Music.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m with this piece all the way and Sibelius is one of favourite composers. I remember listening to his music being played by a street musician when I stood alongside his statue in Helsinki - a magic moment.

April 3rd, 2018 01:20

The Wonder of Music.
Lorna said:

Goldfinch you are making me stop and be much more aware of the music around us. My Dad loved and grew up with classical music and we had it around us all the time but I was young and \"modern\" and running around and not paying much attention.... have come to appreciate much more now. Also I was in Helsinki for one afternoon long time ago on a flight layover to Russia (long story) and Sibelius was very much a \"presence\" there even for that short stay ... in fact was taken to the cemetery and shown his grave! They are very proud of him there...... I loved Helsinki - lots of pretty little colored boats floating in the harbour.

April 3rd, 2018 01:19

MARY Swillum said:

This is awesome although my mouth was watering as I read this. nice discription

April 2nd, 2018 20:35

Lorna said:

Such talent on this site! Next time you sing can you record and play for us?

April 2nd, 2018 08:48


Thanks MIKE ~ there is a Morale here \"The FOOD on the other person\'s plate always looks more palatable ! It also reminded me that The Coffee Shops were where all the Literati gathered and shared ideas. I once found a Coffee Shop (called the MUSE where there was paper & felt tips and one was invited to pen an ode on anyone or anything and pin it on a large PINBOARD ~ most people who came in wrote something mainly in pseudo~haiku format. Some of them ripe and some tripe ! Pleased your ODD ODE met with approval ! Please check my POEM and latest FUSION on Chocolate ~ Yours Poetically ~ BRIAN Love the visual ~ SAUS \'N EGG SANI ~ Repast of the Deities ! B.

April 2nd, 2018 08:41

Lorna said:

Lately I\'ve hit manana big time....... suddenly I\'ve been asking myself what WAS all that rushing around about? Fun one!

April 2nd, 2018 07:35

Lorna said:

Oh funny - another \"food peeper\" - I have to stop myself from looking at other plates..... and yes, I would love a spontaneous poem. You are brave. I wrote the poem about the Railroad Philosopher and wanted to give it to him but I wasn\'t brave enough........ next time that happens, I will! (And will blame you for whatever they throw).......

April 2nd, 2018 07:22

New Day - Haiku.
MP Martinez said:

Simple yet beautiful.

April 2nd, 2018 07:03

Michael Edwards said:

I know the feeling - why is it when the food arrives I always wish I had ordered what someone else has ? Great work and I can imagine their surprise. A great gesture.

April 2nd, 2018 02:48

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. How do people eat things the size of a brick? Have they big gobs?!

April 2nd, 2018 01:48

ron parrish aka wordman said:

sounds like a great place to be

April 1st, 2018 11:03


CONGRATULATIONS ANDY ~ Love Queen & Bohemian Rhapsody ~ Some of my deepest Spiritual experiences have been singing Stainers Crucifixion with a Large Choir ~ If singing be the Food of Life ~ Sing on ! We have many singers (and even Conductors !) in our extended Family. Thanks for all you musical contributions on this Site. Steve and yourself keep us all in tune ~ AMEN ~ Yours ~ BRIAN (Baritone !)

April 1st, 2018 02:58

kevin browne said:

love the Bohemian Rhapsody tune, one of my favorite bands growing up listening to their music. I\'ve stood on many a stage myself to perform and, yeah, it brings the nerves into play most of the time. the reward though, as you say, euphoric in the 1st degree. well done, GoldFinch60.

April 1st, 2018 02:02

Michael Edwards said:

Giving pleasure to others is so rewarding - sounds as if this was such a success - well done Andy. And a great poem to record the event.

April 1st, 2018 01:50

orchidee said:

A euphoric write Gold! Wish it was always so - some places sound like they are singing dirges, and \'underwhelming\'! But your experience is of a proper Choir.

April 1st, 2018 01:45

The Cross.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

a beautiful tribute my friend

March 31st, 2018 20:05

Laura🌻 said:

An great write for an
enjoyable read!
A great Dean Martin
song! He says manãna,
I say domani! He is one
of the best!
Thank you for sharing!
It has brightened this
cloudy Saturday morning!


March 31st, 2018 06:38


THANKS ANDY ~ For me a TRIPLE WHAMMY ! Suddenly its SATURDAY (Mad as a Hatterday) Dean Martin ~ Awesome ~ When i give talks o Seniors on Dean ~ I ruffle feathers by saying \"He is much better looking than Sinatra and a much better singer !\" and I go on to prove it ! Hid Italian is impeccable even though he lived in the USA he only spoke Italian at home ~ compare his VOLARE with Franky\'s and you will get my point ! Life is too fast ~ even for a 30 something ~ I\'m all for MANANA ~ My brother lives in Mexico and that\'s even more Manana than Spain ~ love it ! The third bone is a \"Rhymer form Andy !\" it reads & recites well ~ love the Manana Message\" Thanks for sharin\' Yours BRIAN

Slow down you move to fast
Gotta make the mornin\' last
I\'m feelin\' groooooooooovy !

March 31st, 2018 04:26

Resa71 said:

What a wonderfully entertaining write!
Thank you!

March 31st, 2018 03:07

Michael Edwards said:

Manana fiend - I enjoyed the read Andy.

March 31st, 2018 02:47

kevin browne said:

well, it looks as though your rhythm and rhyming style has been writing for quite some time. it sounds perfectly worded and reads even better. great write, my friend.

March 31st, 2018 02:29

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

March 31st, 2018 01:39

The Cross.
Christina8 said:

What an inspiring poem! It is absolutely wonderful Easter poem, just perfect for today. Great job!

March 30th, 2018 12:01

The Cross.
Michael Edwards said:

Just viewed Brians posting and, voila, the same painting by my favourite artist. Worth going all the way to Glasgow just to see it. Great works this week Brian.

March 30th, 2018 03:26

The Cross.
orchidee said:

Happy to \'bear with\' you in this week! We felt some nails and thorns in palms of our hands at one service, to remind us of the pains. A fine write again Gold.

March 30th, 2018 01:53

The Cross.
Laura🌻 said:

Your contribution to this Holy Week has been very special! You are a blessing and a very talented man! I thank you for keeping my dad’s memory alive more so than any other time of the year! I respected his beliefs because I respected him...and I respect you for yours!


March 30th, 2018 01:02

Never Far Away.
kitcat said:

I love the pic and your poem brilliant so very true, your poem says it all you can not get away from him
Superb writing I love the grim reaper, well sort of :-)

March 29th, 2018 14:36

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