Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Little Joys.
orchidee said:

A fine write, says me - hoping to go to a show where there\'s some stuff valued at over £1 million! That \'big goal\' of happiness? Then I thought:
\'Solid joys and lasting treasure
None but Zion\'s children know\'.
Those garden birds are little joys, even great joys, as one example.

July 1st, 2017 01:45

Back in the Sixties.
Christina8 said:

I loved this GF! Thanks for offering me a peek into the 60\'s. Because you were not into drugs you actually remember the time, like you said. I am a fan of history. I really enjoyed this write!

June 30th, 2017 17:52

Back in the Sixties.

Thanks ANDY ~ my parents remember it well and my Dad always asserts that the best music belonged from the 40\'s through to the 70\'s. Thankfully due to remastered CD\'s us Children of the 80\'s to the 10\'s can all enjoy the Beatles ~ Elvis etc ~ but of course only in the MIND and on Film but never alas in the Flesh ~ we can however still see the Stones and (God Forbid) Tony Bennett ~ Great VIDEO and great POEM ~ BRIAN

June 30th, 2017 11:41

Back in the Sixties.
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

June 30th, 2017 10:22

Back in the Sixties.
orchidee said:

I woz only lighting the match to burn some things of the plague from the previous year, then somehow it got out of hand....!

June 30th, 2017 10:21

Back in the Sixties.
Michael Edwards said:

I rarely look back as it makes me feel a bit melancholic and I still have so much to look forward despite my advanced years - and yet I loved this bit of nostalgic writing - good one G.

June 30th, 2017 06:16

Back in the Sixties.
P.H.Rose said:

Wonderful GF60
Simply wonderful

June 30th, 2017 04:32

Back in the Sixties.
FredPeyer said:

Goldfinch, every age has its beauty. I agree, the 60\'s were great, and as far as I am concerned, so were the 70\'s, 80\'s, 90\'s and today. Different times, different enjoyments!

June 30th, 2017 04:26

Back in the Sixties.
orchidee said:

You can confine that Schopen-wotist guy to 1066 - the music of the one you hate to hear!

June 30th, 2017 02:03

Back in the Sixties.
orchidee said:

A fine write G/F. Was we both there in the Ten-Sixties? 1066 and all that?! heehee

June 30th, 2017 02:02

Whose Problem.
onepauly said:

you got to look out for yourself.

June 29th, 2017 18:55

Whose Problem.

THANKS ANDY ~ Being a CHRISTIAN I always prefer harmony to dissension so in general I agree to differ ~ especially (God forbid) when I may actually be wrong ! BRIAN

June 29th, 2017 14:29

Whose Problem.
FredPeyer said:

Another one to print out and hang on the wall, or better yet, carry in the wallet. Thank you!

June 29th, 2017 13:35

Whose Problem.
Louis Gibbs said:

Your exquisite poem felt like it might have been written for me ... the mark of poetic truth. This is one all who are a little \"different\" can relate to and carry with them. Thanks for this brilliant contribution, Goldfinch!

June 29th, 2017 10:33

Whose Problem.
Heather T said:

Ain\'t that the truth.

June 29th, 2017 10:23

Whose Problem.
P.H.Rose said:

Here here GF60..
Good write sir..

June 29th, 2017 10:06

Whose Problem.
Renzi said:

Hell yeahhhh!!! I concur! Told it like it is 💓

June 29th, 2017 07:59

Whose Problem.
kevin browne said:

just perfect.

June 29th, 2017 06:09

Whose Problem.
Augustus said:

Sooooo true. Hugs.

June 29th, 2017 03:45

Whose Problem.
Fay Slimm. said:

A fine philosophy is enclosed in this wise verse dear friend.

June 29th, 2017 02:39

Whose Problem.
orchidee said:

Good write G/F.

June 29th, 2017 02:26

That Tune.
onepauly said:

good enough

June 28th, 2017 18:22

That Tune.
Tony36 said:

Great write, loved the video

June 28th, 2017 10:25

That Tune.
Louis Gibbs said:

I share your love for good music, Goldfinch, in particular classical. It can sooth my soul like no other. I try to listen to it for a while each evening before going to bed. I like this poem!

June 28th, 2017 06:44

That Tune.
orchidee said:

I know - it\'s the same for me: Choose your favourite hymn for a \'Songs of Praise\' service at church. Or rather ONE favourite hymn.
Not that the BBC are there in person. We\'re not gonna be on the telly, so you won\'t recognise me singing as two cats fighting! lol.

June 28th, 2017 05:19

That Tune.
Michael Edwards said:

Just love the Goons - wonder what our American friends will make of them - I have a set of their CDs - funniest radio shows ever. And a superb poem to celebrate whatever we are listening to at the time.

June 28th, 2017 02:15

That Tune.

Thanks for haring ANDY ! The GOONS ~ genius beyond words and the YING TONG SONG surpases all other a timeless classic. It\'s 8am and now I am WIDE AWAKE ~ Yours BRIAN ~ Please check my Poems and (Con)Fusions Thanks B

June 28th, 2017 02:04

Picture of My Spirit.
onepauly said:

to me it lets me feel like I\'m gazing at a new planet from outer space,
a very beautiful one.

June 27th, 2017 18:51

From Here to There.
onepauly said:

like you put, friends who are just there for us,
and do understand. I\'m memorizing
escaping from lifes prison. cheers

June 27th, 2017 18:45

Parliamentary Truth.

Thanks ANDY for a very droll Political Poem ~ did you know that now 60% (and rising) of AMERICANS have no Faith in their President ~ makes one wonder how Grandma Hillary would be faring ! Please pray for Mother Theresa now she has got her deal with DUP ! For the CONS to get rid of her now would be adding Boris\'s insult to Cameron\'s injury. There are some honest MPS but alas they are greatly outnumbered in all Parties ! Please check my latest Developing Fusion on ANIMALS ~ Thanks B

June 27th, 2017 18:17

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