Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Glory of Jazz.
Louis Gibbs said:

We had similar events as this where I once lived, Gainesville GA.
I have had the same reaction and deep appreciation to those events as I, too, love jazz. Well done poem, Goldfinch!

June 1st, 2017 08:57

The Glory of Jazz.
Augustus said:

Great tribute. I lived in New Orleans for a while. There were a number of nite spots to enjoy jazz at its finest.

June 1st, 2017 08:11

The Glory of Jazz.
P.H.Rose said:

I love jazz
And love this..

June 1st, 2017 03:38

The Glory of Jazz.
Michael Edwards said:

You\'ve painted a great picture - wish I\'d been there.

June 1st, 2017 02:43

Which Path?
vvnrose said:

Life is composed of the many different roads taken, but there is no clear path. This poem reminded me of The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost :) and was too a good read!

May 31st, 2017 13:34

Which Path?
Augustus said:

Wish I had been more confident and adventurous.

May 31st, 2017 11:54

Which Path?
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

May 31st, 2017 10:14

Which Path?
Louis Gibbs said:

I guess, in my case, you could say I to0k \"the road less traveled\". It has been a fascinating, challenging journey for sure. Love your poem, Goldfinch.

May 31st, 2017 09:45

Which Path?
Goldfinch60 said:

And me. Thank you PH

May 31st, 2017 06:39

Which Path?
P.H.Rose said:

Great poem GF60
The adventure path
For me... every time..

May 31st, 2017 05:41

Which Path?
swingline said:

Is this a pathological question ? All paths lead to Gnome , Alaska . The path less expensive with the most frequent mile rewards .

May 31st, 2017 03:13

Which Path?
Michael Edwards said:

Life\'s dichotomy - I would travel off the beaten track looking for interesting sights to paint and write about even though I am generally a cautious person.

When on holiday I am the one who goes round the back of the hotel where the bins are and where daily life is on display rather than sticking to the aspects we are meant to see - it\'s \'round the back\' where we learn so much more in life.

May 31st, 2017 01:48

Which Path?
orchidee said:

Just speaking, not particularly \'spiritually\', I do tend to take the same paths, and do things \'for ever\'. Or I might have a change about every 15 years! zzzzz - boring?! lol.

May 31st, 2017 01:46

Which Path?
orchidee said:

A fine write. In another sense, I\'m reminded we should take the narrow way that leads to life. Maybe that way is interesting too? From a spiritual dimension I mean.

May 31st, 2017 01:45

All Greek To Me.
Michael Edwards said:

Reminds me of our apartment in Cyprus - so hospitable in the country restaurants although they can be a bit sourpuss in the towns.

May 30th, 2017 11:49

All Greek To Me.
P.H.Rose said:

Wonderful poem
Love it..

May 30th, 2017 10:51

All Greek To Me.
Augustus said:

I love the beautiful simplicity of the narrative describing cherished memories and the humor.

May 30th, 2017 09:25

All Greek To Me.
Louis Gibbs said:

What a wonderful gift you are giving your granddaughter, Goldfinch! She will carry the memory of these outings with her the rest of her life, no doubt.

May 30th, 2017 08:52

All Greek To Me.

Thanks for sharing ANDY ~ Ethnic Restaurants are a wonderful experience ~ not just the food but the music ~ the waiters ~ the language ~ the ambiance ~ the wine etc. Eating in an Authentic Greek Restaurant is much cheaper than having to fly to Athens ! We use the word EUCHARIST to describe the Communion Service (We Evangelicals call it The Breaking of Bread or the Lord\'s Table). The Communion Service is a Thanksgiving service to thank God for his Gift of Salvation ~ through the death of His Son Jesus on the Cross. The word EUCHARIST is derived from the Greek word EFCHARISTO meaning (as you now know) THANK YOU ! The Greeks always have a word for it ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN

May 30th, 2017 08:10

All Greek To Me.
swingline said:

Language does not present a barrier when it comes to food .

May 30th, 2017 04:00

All Greek To Me.
orchidee said:

Oh lol, good write G.

May 30th, 2017 01:36

The Church of No Thanks.
Augustus said:

That hurts. My heart goes out to you.

May 29th, 2017 19:54

The Church of No Thanks.
WriteBeLight said:

I offer my thanks to you for your faithful service! And, I agree. They should have thanked you appropriately! :)

May 29th, 2017 09:28

The Church of No Thanks.
orchidee said:

Maybe they\'ll miss you, now you\'ve gone?! doh! Pity they may have had to wait until you were gone (not in the Steward role).

May 29th, 2017 08:50

The Church of No Thanks.
Louis Gibbs said:

.We, who give much, are often taken for granted it seems. I feel you, Goldfinch

May 29th, 2017 08:40

The Church of No Thanks.
Michael Edwards said:

I know you don\'t do these things to get thanked but it is so disheartening when all your efforts go unrecognised. I was a member of our local Patients Group at the local Medical practice and gave a lot of help and advice which was adopted and acted upon (bearing in mind my medical legal background) but when I retired from the committee I didn\'t even get an acknowledgement to my letter - all that happened was that all communication from the practice ceased. Yes some folk are so anal and self absorbed. Your poem captures it well.

May 29th, 2017 08:16

The Church of No Thanks.
Goldfinch60 said:

I realise that DS, I always know that God is grateful , I was just having a rant.
Thanks Robert.

May 29th, 2017 07:35

The Church of No Thanks.
swingline said:

So sad , I know you were appreciated in Heaven . Shake the dust from your shoes and move on .

May 29th, 2017 06:42

The Church of No Thanks.

GIVE THANKS ~ With a greatful heart
GIVE THANKS ~ With a cheerful smile
GIVE THANKS ~ For all our Workers do for us
GIVE THANKS ~ And a bunch of Flowers
GIVE THANKS ~ For all their Service Hours
GIVE THANKS ~ Not OTT ~ they don\'t like fuss !

Thanks ANDY ~ send them my Poem
All the Churches I have served in have been
EVANGELICAL ~ Spirit filled Churches and my
experience is that the LEADERSHIP TEAM have
always been very profuse in their thanks for anyone
who has performed s key role in the Church. Sorry about
Your experience ~ it is very UNGODLY ~ BRIAN

May 29th, 2017 03:52

The Church of No Thanks.
orchidee said:

I had no thanks from something over a short time-span. Not that we expect or demand it, but nice to notice we are (or were) actually there.
\"You done your stint. Bye then. We\'ll boot you out the back door\"! doh!

May 29th, 2017 01:45

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