Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
That Tune.
Thanks for haring ANDY ! The GOONS ~ genius beyond words and the YING TONG SONG surpases all other a timeless classic. It\'s 8am and now I am WIDE AWAKE ~ Yours BRIAN ~ Please check my Poems and (Con)Fusions Thanks B
June 28th, 2017 02:04
Thanks for haring ANDY ! The GOONS ~ genius beyond words and the YING TONG SONG surpases all other a timeless classic. It\'s 8am and now I am WIDE AWAKE ~ Yours BRIAN ~ Please check my Poems and (Con)Fusions Thanks B
June 28th, 2017 02:04
Picture of My Spirit.
onepauly said:
to me it lets me feel like I\'m gazing at a new planet from outer space,
a very beautiful one.
June 27th, 2017 18:51
onepauly said:
to me it lets me feel like I\'m gazing at a new planet from outer space,
a very beautiful one.
June 27th, 2017 18:51
From Here to There.
onepauly said:
like you put, friends who are just there for us,
and do understand. I\'m memorizing
escaping from lifes prison. cheers
June 27th, 2017 18:45
onepauly said:
like you put, friends who are just there for us,
and do understand. I\'m memorizing
escaping from lifes prison. cheers
June 27th, 2017 18:45
Parliamentary Truth.
Thanks ANDY for a very droll Political Poem ~ did you know that now 60% (and rising) of AMERICANS have no Faith in their President ~ makes one wonder how Grandma Hillary would be faring ! Please pray for Mother Theresa now she has got her deal with DUP ! For the CONS to get rid of her now would be adding Boris\'s insult to Cameron\'s injury. There are some honest MPS but alas they are greatly outnumbered in all Parties ! Please check my latest Developing Fusion on ANIMALS ~ Thanks B
June 27th, 2017 18:17
Thanks ANDY for a very droll Political Poem ~ did you know that now 60% (and rising) of AMERICANS have no Faith in their President ~ makes one wonder how Grandma Hillary would be faring ! Please pray for Mother Theresa now she has got her deal with DUP ! For the CONS to get rid of her now would be adding Boris\'s insult to Cameron\'s injury. There are some honest MPS but alas they are greatly outnumbered in all Parties ! Please check my latest Developing Fusion on ANIMALS ~ Thanks B
June 27th, 2017 18:17
Picture of My Spirit.
Christina8 said:
This is a great painting of his and you did it justice with a beautiful poem!
June 27th, 2017 17:51
Christina8 said:
This is a great painting of his and you did it justice with a beautiful poem!
June 27th, 2017 17:51
Picture of My Spirit.
orchidee said:
Was your Spirit like that in 1066 too? Did something go wrong with my Spirit when I told Harold to look up?!
June 27th, 2017 10:54
orchidee said:
Was your Spirit like that in 1066 too? Did something go wrong with my Spirit when I told Harold to look up?!
June 27th, 2017 10:54
Picture of My Spirit.
Louis Gibbs said:
Beautiful poem about a beautiful painting! Well spoken, Goldfinch.
June 27th, 2017 09:58
Louis Gibbs said:
Beautiful poem about a beautiful painting! Well spoken, Goldfinch.
June 27th, 2017 09:58
Picture of My Spirit.
malubotelho said:
Great writing and inspirational work. It is beautiful when we can externalise our feelings through painting and writing or any other way of art work. It is giving physical shape to our thoughts. Brilliant. Thank you.
June 27th, 2017 09:44
malubotelho said:
Great writing and inspirational work. It is beautiful when we can externalise our feelings through painting and writing or any other way of art work. It is giving physical shape to our thoughts. Brilliant. Thank you.
June 27th, 2017 09:44
Frustration to Love.
Renzi said:
This was simply amazing. You have mastered a way to manage the bad emotion within and let love win in life. An Art. Great write :)
June 27th, 2017 03:53
Renzi said:
This was simply amazing. You have mastered a way to manage the bad emotion within and let love win in life. An Art. Great write :)
June 27th, 2017 03:53
Picture of My Spirit.
Michael Edwards said:
I feel so flattered that you wanted to use my painting and then you come up with this little masterpiece of poetic prose - thanks so much Andy you have made my day, week, month - think I\'ll stop there :)
June 27th, 2017 02:11
Michael Edwards said:
I feel so flattered that you wanted to use my painting and then you come up with this little masterpiece of poetic prose - thanks so much Andy you have made my day, week, month - think I\'ll stop there :)
June 27th, 2017 02:11
Picture of My Spirit.
Thanks ANDY ~ MICHAEL is a great asset to MPS because he communicates Visually & Verbally ~ a great gift. It is a Spiritual Painting of infinite depth and it is so so dynamic a fitting representation of GOD\'s HOLY SPIRIT ~ The sound of a mighty rushing wind. MICHAEL claims to be an ATHEIST ~ but as we know GOD has great sense of Humour (He created MAN !) and he uses Michael\'s artistic skills to lift us all on to a Higher Spiritual Plane ! The ways of GOD are well beyond our Human Understanding and can only be perceived through FAITH ~ AMEN. Thanks for your excellent poetic interpretation of MICHAEL\'s masterpiece ~ YOURS BRIAN
June 27th, 2017 02:03
Thanks ANDY ~ MICHAEL is a great asset to MPS because he communicates Visually & Verbally ~ a great gift. It is a Spiritual Painting of infinite depth and it is so so dynamic a fitting representation of GOD\'s HOLY SPIRIT ~ The sound of a mighty rushing wind. MICHAEL claims to be an ATHEIST ~ but as we know GOD has great sense of Humour (He created MAN !) and he uses Michael\'s artistic skills to lift us all on to a Higher Spiritual Plane ! The ways of GOD are well beyond our Human Understanding and can only be perceived through FAITH ~ AMEN. Thanks for your excellent poetic interpretation of MICHAEL\'s masterpiece ~ YOURS BRIAN
June 27th, 2017 02:03
Picture of My Spirit.
orchidee said:
Good write G/F. If I had spent more time looking at pictures in 1066, the unfortunate events may not have happened. I know - this is a very loose-link comment to 1066!
June 27th, 2017 01:43
orchidee said:
Good write G/F. If I had spent more time looking at pictures in 1066, the unfortunate events may not have happened. I know - this is a very loose-link comment to 1066!
June 27th, 2017 01:43
Frustration to Love.
Louis Gibbs said:
Well done cooking analogy, Goldfinch. I\'m not a cook, but did try making zucchini bread once and found it to be a very gratifying experience.
June 26th, 2017 19:33
Louis Gibbs said:
Well done cooking analogy, Goldfinch. I\'m not a cook, but did try making zucchini bread once and found it to be a very gratifying experience.
June 26th, 2017 19:33
Frustration to Love.
Thanks ANDY ~ There is nothing so cathartic as baking one\'s own BREAD. Modern Breadmakers take all the fun (sweat & tears) out of the process ! My MUM is a Confectioner and always bakes her own Bread & Cakes ~ she taught us all to make bread ~ a primitive pleasure ~ BRIAN\' Please check today\'s Cri de Coeur for Mother Britain ~ Thanks B.
June 26th, 2017 07:58
Thanks ANDY ~ There is nothing so cathartic as baking one\'s own BREAD. Modern Breadmakers take all the fun (sweat & tears) out of the process ! My MUM is a Confectioner and always bakes her own Bread & Cakes ~ she taught us all to make bread ~ a primitive pleasure ~ BRIAN\' Please check today\'s Cri de Coeur for Mother Britain ~ Thanks B.
June 26th, 2017 07:58
Frustration to Love.
orchidee said:
Ohhh I could be all psychological - discussing the merits of \'letting it all out\' in anger; or keeping it back. Which is best? As I would be an amateur psychologist, I may spout a lot of waffle!
Anyway, If I had been making bread in 1066 for the troops, instead of being in the battle, Harold may have been OK. I just had to stick my oar in, and show up! heehee.
June 26th, 2017 07:50
orchidee said:
Ohhh I could be all psychological - discussing the merits of \'letting it all out\' in anger; or keeping it back. Which is best? As I would be an amateur psychologist, I may spout a lot of waffle!
Anyway, If I had been making bread in 1066 for the troops, instead of being in the battle, Harold may have been OK. I just had to stick my oar in, and show up! heehee.
June 26th, 2017 07:50
Frustration to Love.
Heather T said:
Now that I\'m thoroughly salivating...aaah fresh, warm bread...I can\'t speak for all, but I can definitely tell the difference in the food of a passionate cook. I love cooking, and come from a long line of great country cooks that enjoy gardening, fresh ingredients, and canning. Of late, I\'ve been interested in heirloom recipes. I\'m sure all that sweet love you bake with is divine when it hits the palate and warms the heart!
June 26th, 2017 07:30
Heather T said:
Now that I\'m thoroughly salivating...aaah fresh, warm bread...I can\'t speak for all, but I can definitely tell the difference in the food of a passionate cook. I love cooking, and come from a long line of great country cooks that enjoy gardening, fresh ingredients, and canning. Of late, I\'ve been interested in heirloom recipes. I\'m sure all that sweet love you bake with is divine when it hits the palate and warms the heart!
June 26th, 2017 07:30
Frustration to Love.
P.H.Rose said:
Just Absolutly brilliant
I can feel every twist,
Knock and squash...
Great write GF60
June 26th, 2017 03:25
P.H.Rose said:
Just Absolutly brilliant
I can feel every twist,
Knock and squash...
Great write GF60
June 26th, 2017 03:25
Frustration to Love.
Michael Edwards said:
Great method description - we make our bread but cheat by using a bread making machine - still finishing off yesterdays wholemeal loaf. Nothing like waking up to the smell of freshly made bread - except of course to read some of the great poetry on this site - yours included.
June 26th, 2017 01:52
Michael Edwards said:
Great method description - we make our bread but cheat by using a bread making machine - still finishing off yesterdays wholemeal loaf. Nothing like waking up to the smell of freshly made bread - except of course to read some of the great poetry on this site - yours included.
June 26th, 2017 01:52
Frustration to Love.
orchidee said:
Why are people punching that punch-bag or cushion? Why, what has the cushion done to deserve that punishment?! heehee.
I couldn\'t do it if the cushion had a picture of an animal or person on it. It would feel too real.
Bit like one who said: \'I\'m a man of peace; and if you don\'t agree with me I will punch you in the face!\'
June 26th, 2017 01:35
orchidee said:
Why are people punching that punch-bag or cushion? Why, what has the cushion done to deserve that punishment?! heehee.
I couldn\'t do it if the cushion had a picture of an animal or person on it. It would feel too real.
Bit like one who said: \'I\'m a man of peace; and if you don\'t agree with me I will punch you in the face!\'
June 26th, 2017 01:35
From Here to There.
Louis Gibbs said:
A fine definition of a Friend, Goldfinch! They are gold.
June 25th, 2017 11:30
Louis Gibbs said:
A fine definition of a Friend, Goldfinch! They are gold.
June 25th, 2017 11:30
From Here to There.
orchidee said:
Good write G/F. Friends and acki-wotsits. Can\'t spell it, been at the sherry!
Well, with friends like me in 1066, who needs enemies?! heehee.
Or sometimes it\'s a friend (who is trying to help you) in a pest!
June 25th, 2017 11:21
orchidee said:
Good write G/F. Friends and acki-wotsits. Can\'t spell it, been at the sherry!
Well, with friends like me in 1066, who needs enemies?! heehee.
Or sometimes it\'s a friend (who is trying to help you) in a pest!
June 25th, 2017 11:21
From Here to There.
Fay Slimm. said:
Yes such friends in that latter verse are worth more than gold. A good reminder that despite the other kind we can find true friends appear when needed.
June 25th, 2017 05:50
Fay Slimm. said:
Yes such friends in that latter verse are worth more than gold. A good reminder that despite the other kind we can find true friends appear when needed.
June 25th, 2017 05:50
From Here to There.
FredPeyer said:
Goldfinch you nailed it. There are two kinds of people. The ones who understand and the ones who dont. My definition of a \"friend\" is a person you can call at 2am to come get you. He/She comes, gets you, and only then gives you hell for being a dumb shit.
June 25th, 2017 04:37
FredPeyer said:
Goldfinch you nailed it. There are two kinds of people. The ones who understand and the ones who dont. My definition of a \"friend\" is a person you can call at 2am to come get you. He/She comes, gets you, and only then gives you hell for being a dumb shit.
June 25th, 2017 04:37
From Here to There.
Renzi said:
I can totally understand and relate to this. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Great write.
June 25th, 2017 04:11
Renzi said:
I can totally understand and relate to this. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Great write.
June 25th, 2017 04:11
From Here to There.
P.H.Rose said:
Absolutely superb
GF60 love this.....
And as usual
Just bang on....
June 25th, 2017 03:07
P.H.Rose said:
Absolutely superb
GF60 love this.....
And as usual
Just bang on....
June 25th, 2017 03:07
From Here to There.
Michael Edwards said:
Friends and even acquaintances (got the spelling of that right first time - its going to be a good day) are like the air we breathe - without them life is not worth living. You are so right that just being there for us if we need them(or if they need us) is one of life\'s blessings. So well expressed here.
June 25th, 2017 02:31
Michael Edwards said:
Friends and even acquaintances (got the spelling of that right first time - its going to be a good day) are like the air we breathe - without them life is not worth living. You are so right that just being there for us if we need them(or if they need us) is one of life\'s blessings. So well expressed here.
June 25th, 2017 02:31
Parliamentary Truth.
orchidee said:
Well, there was that feisty MP at Parliament\'s opening. He made a joke to crack on with things, as the first Ascot race was 2.30pm. heehee.
June 24th, 2017 10:26
orchidee said:
Well, there was that feisty MP at Parliament\'s opening. He made a joke to crack on with things, as the first Ascot race was 2.30pm. heehee.
June 24th, 2017 10:26
Parliamentary Truth.
orchidee said:
Erm, yes. Harold said the same as 1066. Why didn\'t I shut up? I just had to say \'Look up, Sir\' and put my foot in it, didn\'t I?! ooh.
June 24th, 2017 10:25
orchidee said:
Erm, yes. Harold said the same as 1066. Why didn\'t I shut up? I just had to say \'Look up, Sir\' and put my foot in it, didn\'t I?! ooh.
June 24th, 2017 10:25
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