Comments received on poems by orchidee

Fret Not To Do Evil
orchidee said:

A fluster I said, not a hot flush! Though I am very old, and may need to look out for them! lol.

June 18th, 2019 02:07

Ageless Advocate
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

June 18th, 2019 00:06

Ageless Advocate
dusk arising said:

In my mirror today i saw your title - an \"ageing avocado\".

and i contemplated one of your lines \'so more in you we shall grow\'.

June 17th, 2019 10:14

Ageless Advocate
Neville said:

I\'m as old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth...... but it means nowt without direction...... Neville

June 17th, 2019 04:40

Ageless Advocate

ANGELA here : Thanks : UNCLE STEVE : for sharing & caring about all of US on MPS ! We all need an ADVOCATE and a PARACLETE to infil us & guide us day by DAY ! Love the HYMN & POEM ! My POEM today *POSITIVITY* is about the NINE FRUIT of the SPIRIT and the THREE Scout Laws in NZ. Such lovely KIDS in the Video ! Its 10:25 pm here so getting ready for BED after a hard days work in the CLINIC & Aquatherapy Pool. l need the Nine Fruit of the Spirit all day in MY JOB : AMEN

Love to You & FIDO (does He like WATER ?)
Yours as always ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 17th, 2019 04:30

Ageless Advocate
orchidee said:

Nope, I\'m not the Advocate, though I\'m nearly ageless - since about 1066 at least! lol.

June 17th, 2019 02:10

Tuneful Times
Neville said:

if you hum it.. I will tap my foot along with ya...

I take it this is nothing to do with electricity meters...

June 16th, 2019 12:21

Tuneful Times
dusk arising said:

LOL praise him all u like .... he won\'t hear u Orchidee.

June 16th, 2019 03:02

Tuneful Times
Michael Edwards said:

Still counting those metres - get them wrong and it\'s Trub Berles.

June 16th, 2019 02:04

Tuneful Times
Goldfinch60 said:

Not sure about the last line of the first stanza unless the answer he gives when I call is no.

June 16th, 2019 01:34

Giving Glory
Goldfinch60 said:

Good Good write write Orchi Orchi.

June 16th, 2019 00:25

Giving Glory

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ One of the gtreateast Modern Hymns (worth a Double Posting !) Love Psalm 96 great message !

GOD is here ~ GOD is now
Its a time for celebration !
Our PRAISE outstrips the OLD SONGS
Let us create NEW SONGS to Praise our GOD
No need for expensive Organs or Great Choirs
Be like KEN DODD & just BANG ........................
The BIG DRUM of KNOTTY ASH ............. AMEN !

Blessings & a big drum BEAT for FIDO !
Yours to the Beating of the Drum ~ A & B ~ 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 15th, 2019 18:56

Giving Glory
Suresh said:

Praise Him in Hymm
Praise Him in song
Praise Him anyway you like
If peace is what you find.

June 15th, 2019 12:35

Giving Glory
Neville said:

I am all for giving but very occasionally find it hard to forgive....

like peace... give the drummer a chance & a round of apples.... should read applause but I kinda like apples too.... Neville

June 15th, 2019 11:59

Giving Glory
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

A great write.

Keep writing FineB

June 15th, 2019 10:54

Giving Glory
dusk arising said:

you you could could have have said said all all that that in in just just one one verse verse you you know know.

June 15th, 2019 10:54

Giving Glory
orchidee said:


June 15th, 2019 03:06

Giving Glory
Michael Edwards said:

Giving glory,
giving glory,
nice one Orchi
Nice one Orchi

How did you manage that? Twice in one day.

June 15th, 2019 02:43

Giving Glory
orchidee said:

Oops this has appeared twice in the poems list - at least it had done so when I last looked!

June 15th, 2019 02:14

Faith Controls The Tongue - James Series (4)
Goldfinch60 said:

Things said can be both good and evil and whatever is said cannot be taken back.

June 14th, 2019 23:51

Faith Controls The Tongue - James Series (4)
dusk arising said:

Jeez u dont half use some weird grammar Orchidee.

June 14th, 2019 10:52

Faith Controls The Tongue - James Series (4)
Suresh said:

Hold thy tongue if not gracious words do come

Nicely done

June 14th, 2019 10:22

Faith Controls The Tongue - James Series (4)

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Good Hymn & Scripture to meditate on in the evening. Ive just finished teaching Hair & Beauty Science (dont tell FIDO !) so Im coming down to Earth on CLOUD of Chenelle No. 5 !

Blessings and JOY to YOU (H. Sapiens) & FIDO (Canis Canis)
Love in the Spirit ~ ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 14th, 2019 09:36

Zeal For Zion
Neville said:

It seems he\'s had an eye on Zion for a long time.....

June 13th, 2019 16:41

Zeal For Zion
dusk arising said:

What does this lord bloke do up there on his mountain... control hurricanes, floods, famine and disease? or are hurricanes etc man made?

June 13th, 2019 06:55

Zeal For Zion

Thanks UNCLE STEVE : 8:30 pm here : Great Tune & Pslam to go to bed on ! PSALM 87 : LOVELY !

This World is GOD\'s World
And our Great God loves the World he has made
And the PEOPLE he created to inhabit it : AMEN !

Blessings all day through for FIDO & YOU
Love in the Spirit : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 13th, 2019 02:41

Zeal For Zion
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

June 13th, 2019 01:38

Faith Proves Itself By Works - James Series (3)
Goldfinch60 said:

That last stanza says it all Orchi.

June 13th, 2019 00:39

Faith Proves Itself By Works - James Series (3)
Suresh said:

Orchi, if I may....
Who is to be admired more:
Abraham for his faith
God for even asking?

If we do not want to understand than we cannot avoid peril.

June 12th, 2019 10:51

Faith Proves Itself By Works - James Series (3)
Fay Slimm. said:

How true that faith must be followed by action - thanks for this tuneful reminder dear Orchi.

June 12th, 2019 03:07

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