Comments received on poems by orchidee

Faith Proves Itself By Works - James Series (3)
Neville said:

I know that faith can move mountains.. but I never knew that there were profiteroles when James was around...

June 12th, 2019 02:48

A Song Or Two?
Michael Edwards said:

Woof woof
Woofity woof

June 11th, 2019 14:10

A Song Or Two?

THNKS FOR SHARING UNCLE STEVE ~ Angela is kinder but d\'you know what I think ? You have told us so so often ~ just how bad your singing is that ~ WE BELIEVE YOU ! So to convince us (in an underhanded way ~ SHAME) YOU have recored your croaking and superimposed it on a video of DOGS HOWLING while the Immortal Fido ~ Shames his HEAD in hang ! So our mutual conclusion is that your BARKING is worse than your BITEHOVEN ! Now that weve acctually heard you PLEASE PLEASE sing *Over the Hills and far far far AWAY !* in future !

BLESSINGS for you & a BONE for FIDO !
Yours as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 11th, 2019 11:20

A Song Or Two?
dusk arising said:

That dog at the keyboard i picture as your alter ego Orchidee.

June 11th, 2019 03:18

A Song Or Two?
Poetic Dan said:

I rang that number and they sent a bus now I\'m sure I\'ve seen this roundabout before! Now I\'m stuck baying like a dog hoping one day to finally get off, thanks for the lessons but when does it stop!

Great stuff!

June 11th, 2019 02:22

A Song Or Two?
Goldfinch60 said:

You should have sung at Hastings in 1066 it may have stopped the Normans from landing and Harold would have still been king.

June 11th, 2019 01:46

Spirit Shine

THANKS UNCLE STEVE ~ Gone Midnight ~ No PUMPKIN COACH ~ walking home again ! Love the HYMN another OLDEN GOLDIE ! Love the poem for Holy Spirit Sunday ! We all need to be filled DAY BY DAY ! As Christians we ALL need the FRUIT of the SPIRIT (ALL NINE) to enable us to survive in the 21st C ~ A God Forsaking Generation ! Also each of Our Christian Churches needs the 19 Gifts of the Holy Spirit to Survive ! Currently weve got a CHRISTIAN MONARCH (but not for long !) and a CHRISTIAN PM ~ for a few more days ! BUT WHAT NEXT ..................... ?

Blessings to YOU & the CENSOR !
Love in the SPIRIT ~ ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡
Dont forget the FUSION on MONTHS (chose any MONTH !)

June 10th, 2019 18:49

Spirit Shine
Suresh said:

Many find their strength, just as you,
Others drift away from one and find solace in another.

June 10th, 2019 11:54

Spirit Shine
kevin browne said:

And I\'ll bow down to my knees for this wonderful piece. Great work as usual, orch.

June 10th, 2019 10:18

Spirit Shine
Neville said:

I prefer my spirits in a shot glass.. neat...

Nevertheless, I suspect there are many here and elsewhere who are right behind you my friend...... Neville

June 10th, 2019 04:23

Spirit Shine
dusk arising said:

Well i don\'t believe in a christian god but i do hold with everything in your piece today. Well written.

June 10th, 2019 04:22

Spirit Shine
Goldfinch60 said:

My Spirit is alwasy with me but as you know I am now very unsure about Christianity.

June 10th, 2019 01:57

Pentecost Pourings
dusk arising said:

Blimey... you\'ll have a congregation knackerd singing all that.

June 9th, 2019 11:48

Pentecost Pourings
Neville said:

my word.. is it that time already....

June 9th, 2019 11:38

Pentecost Pourings
Fay Slimm. said:

A fine poem-hymn dear Orchi.

June 9th, 2019 07:45

Pentecost Pourings
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

I hope it wasn\'t an expensive spirit he poured over everyone Orchi...
He did it a lot with all those chorus\'
Have a great Whitsunday

June 9th, 2019 06:02

Pentecost Pourings
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

God is indeed with us.

A beautiful poem that captures the essence of Pentecost.

Keep writing FineB

June 9th, 2019 03:41

Pentecost Pourings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Orchi.

Our Church and the other Churches are combining in the Park for a Pentecost Service so there will be no service in our Church. We won\'t be going as where they are holding it it is difficult to get Joyce there.

June 9th, 2019 01:54

Pentecost Pourings
Michael Edwards said:

Fine write Orchi - I think you\'ve used up today\'s allocation of words - have you got any left over?

June 9th, 2019 01:46

Voluminous Voice
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

June 9th, 2019 00:21

Voluminous Voice
Michael Edwards said:

I think that\'ll be Auder Berles.

June 8th, 2019 07:56

Voluminous Voice

Good Morning UNCLE STEVE : ANGELA here ! 10 pm here just relaxing with my Folks after a Days *WINTER CRUISING* in the BAY ! 16F = 61F warmer than the UK in early Summer ! Love the HYMN : know the tune not the words ! The Audience are a BEVY of British Beauty ! Is it the Annual Service for the WI ? Love PSALM 92. It gives BRIAN & I : Great Assurance 24/7 AMEN !

Those whose FAITH is focused on GOD
Who find their SECURITY in HIM : They
Do NOT have to live in FEAR : AMEN
I their GOD : will be close to Them
And WILL deliver Them and ......
I will grant Them Eternal Life : AMEN

Blessings & Love to YOU & YOU know WHO !
Peace & Joy : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 8th, 2019 04:16

Voluminous Voice
Neville said:

I think a whisper is far more alluring than a raised voice... but I do so like unicorns my friend.....

Cheers, Neville

June 8th, 2019 02:45

Willing Way
Neville said:

there are indeed many ways.. it would be nice to think we all have an informed choice, but I know this is not always the case...... Neville

June 7th, 2019 10:18

Willing Way
Fay Slimm. said:

A fine spiritual read Orchi.

June 7th, 2019 10:13

Willing Way
Michael Edwards said:

Another fine penning Orchi.

June 7th, 2019 08:59

Willing Way

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Very uplifting HYMN and POEM ! JESUS is indeed the WATER of LIFE & the BREAD of LIFE ! We sometimes overlook the fact that Planet Earth provides Food & Water & Oxygen (for the Fauna & CO2 for the Flora) for all the LIVING THINGS in the BIOSPHERE which outnumber H. Sapiens Thousands to ONE ! GOD has provided the FOOD for the 7.5 Billon HUMANS on EARTH and it could feed 15 Bilion by 2100. If people are STARVING ~ dont blame God ~ its HUMAN GREED (Haves & Have nots) poor Storage & Distribution ! Thanks for sharing !

Blessings & Joy to YOU & FIDO
Yours as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

June 7th, 2019 05:44

Willing Way
dusk arising said:

I could not read beyond the first few lines because..... how does an omnipotent christian god bring forth famine whilst saying you shall not hunger.
A god who does those things is not worthy of worship.

June 7th, 2019 03:19

Willing Way
FineB said:

Hello Orchidee,

A spiritually uplifting write. Great poem.

Isaiah 41:13 comes to mind to me when I read this.

Keep writing FineB

June 7th, 2019 02:08

I Trust Not In Me
Goldfinch60 said:

Over the years we have known each other of websites I think this is the first time you have spoken of your beliefs in this way - it has been well worth waiting for, let us have some more.
Well done Orchi.

June 7th, 2019 00:48

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