Comments received on poems by orchidee
Wholesome Waiting
dusk arising said:
She stood on the bridge at midnite
the sea was all a quivver
she gave a cough
her leg fell off
and floated down the river
January 12th, 2020 06:53
dusk arising said:
She stood on the bridge at midnite
the sea was all a quivver
she gave a cough
her leg fell off
and floated down the river
January 12th, 2020 06:53
An Unhappy New Year to All!
Goldfinch60 said:
Don\'t worry about it Orchi, I have arranged for you to go and live in your your soundproof padded cell on Gruinard Island.
January 12th, 2020 01:43
Goldfinch60 said:
Don\'t worry about it Orchi, I have arranged for you to go and live in your your soundproof padded cell on Gruinard Island.
January 12th, 2020 01:43
An Unhappy New Year to All!
ANGELA HERE ! Well UNCLE STEVE - Your Title says it all *An Unhappy New Year to ALL !* We love your MAD ODES and his is your best (so far) for 2020 ! Ive studied PSYCHOLOGY and your three TRADE MARKS:
1. A mythical DOG called FIDO whose always minding other peoples business
2. A constant apology for Tuneless Singing - To people who*ve never even heard you
3. Even though CHRISTIANS are sometimes pilloried on this site - You post HYMN & A Spiritual POEM on a secular site every day !
My prognois wold be that these TRADE MARKS are the resuly of CHILDHOOD experience !
1. You*ve obviously had bad experience with DOFS in the past and your way to resolve this is to lavish TLC on (and be in AWE of !) your amazing Virtual Reality Dog FIDO ! Incidently all DOGS spaek DOGGERAL !
2. Looking back through all your POEMS & Comments - Dr Shclenk an I have come to the conclusion that during a SOLO in a School Concert (in front of your Family & all your PEERS !) when you sang all th RIGHT NOTES but in the WRONG ORDER. You have been apologising for your poor singing - EVRY DAY !
3. You sem to be in a constant State of Penance & Penitance (and we have been informed a HAIR SHIRT ?) and you attone for a MISSPENT YOUTH by posting a HYMN & Spiritual Poem everyday on a SITE that has s ometimes been hostile to Christianity !
The MEN in WHITE COATS WOULD HAVE GOOD EVIDENCE - on these three issues alone : Canninophobia - Allusional Singing Dysfunction & Hymnuphoria ~ You could be referred as a FT Patient to the Les Dawson Institute for Bad Musicians & People with Illusions etc. My Brother is in there (He is MAD) and He is allowed to stll be a MEMBER of MPS and is allowed one Cyber Dog ! Oddly enough He can sing and runs the Choir - I*ll warn HIM you are coming !
Motto for 2020 ? *Never mess with People in White Coats*
I know they took my Brother away 2 yars ago !
Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN
January 11th, 2020 18:51
ANGELA HERE ! Well UNCLE STEVE - Your Title says it all *An Unhappy New Year to ALL !* We love your MAD ODES and his is your best (so far) for 2020 ! Ive studied PSYCHOLOGY and your three TRADE MARKS:
1. A mythical DOG called FIDO whose always minding other peoples business
2. A constant apology for Tuneless Singing - To people who*ve never even heard you
3. Even though CHRISTIANS are sometimes pilloried on this site - You post HYMN & A Spiritual POEM on a secular site every day !
My prognois wold be that these TRADE MARKS are the resuly of CHILDHOOD experience !
1. You*ve obviously had bad experience with DOFS in the past and your way to resolve this is to lavish TLC on (and be in AWE of !) your amazing Virtual Reality Dog FIDO ! Incidently all DOGS spaek DOGGERAL !
2. Looking back through all your POEMS & Comments - Dr Shclenk an I have come to the conclusion that during a SOLO in a School Concert (in front of your Family & all your PEERS !) when you sang all th RIGHT NOTES but in the WRONG ORDER. You have been apologising for your poor singing - EVRY DAY !
3. You sem to be in a constant State of Penance & Penitance (and we have been informed a HAIR SHIRT ?) and you attone for a MISSPENT YOUTH by posting a HYMN & Spiritual Poem everyday on a SITE that has s ometimes been hostile to Christianity !
The MEN in WHITE COATS WOULD HAVE GOOD EVIDENCE - on these three issues alone : Canninophobia - Allusional Singing Dysfunction & Hymnuphoria ~ You could be referred as a FT Patient to the Les Dawson Institute for Bad Musicians & People with Illusions etc. My Brother is in there (He is MAD) and He is allowed to stll be a MEMBER of MPS and is allowed one Cyber Dog ! Oddly enough He can sing and runs the Choir - I*ll warn HIM you are coming !
Motto for 2020 ? *Never mess with People in White Coats*
I know they took my Brother away 2 yars ago !
Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN
January 11th, 2020 18:51
An Unhappy New Year to All!
dusk arising said:
Is it \'waggly tail\' or \'waggedy tail\' in the song?
January 11th, 2020 04:08
dusk arising said:
Is it \'waggly tail\' or \'waggedy tail\' in the song?
January 11th, 2020 04:08
Passion Perceptions
Good Evening ~ Uncle Steve ~ Great Hymn ~ Great Poem ! It is interesting to BIBLE STUDENTS that what started out as a JEWISH PASSOVER FEAST ~ Concluded as the FIRST CHRISTIAN COMUNION SERVICE. The transition from the OLD COVENANT (Judaism) to the NEW (Christianity) was not easy and is detailed in the BOOK of ACTS & The NT Epistles. One of the Chief Opponents of the TRANSITION was the Rabbi Saul who was later Converted and became the Apostle Paul and wrote over Half of the NT and laid the foundation of NT Theology in his EPISTLES ! The EUCHARIST (Thanksgiving Sevice) ~ Communion Service ~ is the Chief Remembrance Servic of the Chritian Church and is celebrated somewhere in the World every day and is a Unifying Concept of nearly all Christian Churches. It Looks back to Calvary ~ around to The Church (The Body of Christ) and forward to HIS COMING ! Wherever we are in the World ~ on a Sunday~ BRIAN & I atend a COMMUNION SERVICE ~ there is no Language Barriar because it is HANDS-ON. We are always made welcome and allowed to PARTICIPATE ~ AMEN
Blessings to YOU & YOUR Holy Hound
Love in the SPIRIT A & B ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 10th, 2020 17:31
Good Evening ~ Uncle Steve ~ Great Hymn ~ Great Poem ! It is interesting to BIBLE STUDENTS that what started out as a JEWISH PASSOVER FEAST ~ Concluded as the FIRST CHRISTIAN COMUNION SERVICE. The transition from the OLD COVENANT (Judaism) to the NEW (Christianity) was not easy and is detailed in the BOOK of ACTS & The NT Epistles. One of the Chief Opponents of the TRANSITION was the Rabbi Saul who was later Converted and became the Apostle Paul and wrote over Half of the NT and laid the foundation of NT Theology in his EPISTLES ! The EUCHARIST (Thanksgiving Sevice) ~ Communion Service ~ is the Chief Remembrance Servic of the Chritian Church and is celebrated somewhere in the World every day and is a Unifying Concept of nearly all Christian Churches. It Looks back to Calvary ~ around to The Church (The Body of Christ) and forward to HIS COMING ! Wherever we are in the World ~ on a Sunday~ BRIAN & I atend a COMMUNION SERVICE ~ there is no Language Barriar because it is HANDS-ON. We are always made welcome and allowed to PARTICIPATE ~ AMEN
Blessings to YOU & YOUR Holy Hound
Love in the SPIRIT A & B ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 10th, 2020 17:31
Passion Perceptions
FineB said:
Hello Orchidee.
A beautiful and symbolic.
Encouraging to us all.
Keep writing FineB
January 10th, 2020 09:33
FineB said:
Hello Orchidee.
A beautiful and symbolic.
Encouraging to us all.
Keep writing FineB
January 10th, 2020 09:33
Redeemer Revealed
GOOD EVENING UNCLE STEVE - Excellent choice of HYMN & POEM to cellebrate EPIPHANY. We are on very HOLY GROUND here because both the VISIT & the GIFTS they brought for JESUS are very very significant ! I posted a similar POEM a few days ago.
I have heard *PREACHERS* make a Joke (from the PULPIT) that if had been three WISE WOMEN they would have brought DISPOSABLE NAPPIES - JOHNSONS BABY POWDER & A CUDDLY TOY CAMEL ! It is amusing but it misses the POINT - The gifts the Wise Men brought were absolutely & spiritually appropriate for The Incarnate LORD JESUS CHRIST - than anything on the Ladies List - AMEN !
Bleassings & JOY to YOU & YOUR Pesky Poodle !
Love in the SPIRIT - Angela & Brian ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 9th, 2020 12:14
GOOD EVENING UNCLE STEVE - Excellent choice of HYMN & POEM to cellebrate EPIPHANY. We are on very HOLY GROUND here because both the VISIT & the GIFTS they brought for JESUS are very very significant ! I posted a similar POEM a few days ago.
I have heard *PREACHERS* make a Joke (from the PULPIT) that if had been three WISE WOMEN they would have brought DISPOSABLE NAPPIES - JOHNSONS BABY POWDER & A CUDDLY TOY CAMEL ! It is amusing but it misses the POINT - The gifts the Wise Men brought were absolutely & spiritually appropriate for The Incarnate LORD JESUS CHRIST - than anything on the Ladies List - AMEN !
Bleassings & JOY to YOU & YOUR Pesky Poodle !
Love in the SPIRIT - Angela & Brian ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 9th, 2020 12:14
Community Concerns
HI UNCLE STEVE - ANGELA HERE - Thanks for sharing a great Hymn contrasting the infiniteness of CHRISTS LOVE for us and the meagreness of OUR LOVE for HIM !
I often meditate on the CROSS
Love the Poem ! Thanks for reminding us that we need to be grafted into the VINE (JESUS) to bear Spiritual FRUIT !
Blessings & Snoopy JOY to YOU & YOUR 2020 Frisky Fido !
Love in the SPIRIT - Angela & Brian - ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 7th, 2020 15:52
HI UNCLE STEVE - ANGELA HERE - Thanks for sharing a great Hymn contrasting the infiniteness of CHRISTS LOVE for us and the meagreness of OUR LOVE for HIM !
I often meditate on the CROSS
Love the Poem ! Thanks for reminding us that we need to be grafted into the VINE (JESUS) to bear Spiritual FRUIT !
Blessings & Snoopy JOY to YOU & YOUR 2020 Frisky Fido !
Love in the SPIRIT - Angela & Brian - ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 7th, 2020 15:52
Community Concerns
FineB said:
Hello Orchidee,
An uplifting and good write.
Community is eveything but it seems that it to be every man for himself in this modern world.
Keep writing FineB
January 7th, 2020 08:30
FineB said:
Hello Orchidee,
An uplifting and good write.
Community is eveything but it seems that it to be every man for himself in this modern world.
Keep writing FineB
January 7th, 2020 08:30
Community Concerns
Fay Slimm. said:
Yes dear Orchi - unity is the way forward to true peace. Thank you for the reminder.
January 7th, 2020 03:47
Fay Slimm. said:
Yes dear Orchi - unity is the way forward to true peace. Thank you for the reminder.
January 7th, 2020 03:47
Epiphany Enlightening
Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Thnaks for sharing a Great Hymn and a Great Epiphany Passage ! When we were in MEXICO one Christmas ~ all the Villages had a GREAT NATIVITY TABLEAU ! Then after Christmas it was replaced by LOS TRES REYES ~ The Three Kings ! Every House had a crib and the BABY JESUS was placed in on Christmas Eve at Midnight and thats when Christmas Began ! Sometimes Children dont get their preasents till 12th NIGHT ~ Today 6th January 2020 !
The three Magi brought appropriate gifts ~ BECAUSE
GOLD ~ Jesus is King of Kings & Lord of Lords
FRANKINCENSE ~ Jesus is Our High Priest
MYRRH ~ Because JESUS would suffer for Our Sins
WISEMEN still seek HIM !
Blessings to YOU & YOUR Wise Whippet
Love in the SPIRIT Angela & Brian ๐งก๐๐งก
January 6th, 2020 12:06
Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Thnaks for sharing a Great Hymn and a Great Epiphany Passage ! When we were in MEXICO one Christmas ~ all the Villages had a GREAT NATIVITY TABLEAU ! Then after Christmas it was replaced by LOS TRES REYES ~ The Three Kings ! Every House had a crib and the BABY JESUS was placed in on Christmas Eve at Midnight and thats when Christmas Began ! Sometimes Children dont get their preasents till 12th NIGHT ~ Today 6th January 2020 !
The three Magi brought appropriate gifts ~ BECAUSE
GOLD ~ Jesus is King of Kings & Lord of Lords
FRANKINCENSE ~ Jesus is Our High Priest
MYRRH ~ Because JESUS would suffer for Our Sins
WISEMEN still seek HIM !
Blessings to YOU & YOUR Wise Whippet
Love in the SPIRIT Angela & Brian ๐งก๐๐งก
January 6th, 2020 12:06
Creation Care-Takers
Heather T said:
Wonderful to see that you\'re still sharing! I haven\'t participated here in a long while, but I do pop off and on to read the work of others on occasion. Well done!
January 5th, 2020 21:03
Heather T said:
Wonderful to see that you\'re still sharing! I haven\'t participated here in a long while, but I do pop off and on to read the work of others on occasion. Well done!
January 5th, 2020 21:03
Creation Care-Takers
dusk arising said:
Who is this lord fellah? Wouldnt u be better off praising the king? Surely a king is above a lord?
Or is this another case of unshedable childhood indoctrination of silly titles given to worship.
Why are most christians afraid to think outside the box?
January 5th, 2020 06:30
dusk arising said:
Who is this lord fellah? Wouldnt u be better off praising the king? Surely a king is above a lord?
Or is this another case of unshedable childhood indoctrination of silly titles given to worship.
Why are most christians afraid to think outside the box?
January 5th, 2020 06:30
Jumping For Joy
FineB said:
Hi Orchidee,
A good write,
One must always be filled with the joy of knowing the Lord a challenge at times when life is tough.
Keep writing FineB
January 5th, 2020 03:40
FineB said:
Hi Orchidee,
A good write,
One must always be filled with the joy of knowing the Lord a challenge at times when life is tough.
Keep writing FineB
January 5th, 2020 03:40
Jumping For Joy
Michael Edwards said:
Fine work. Do Jum Ping and For Joy come from North Korea?
January 4th, 2020 05:49
Michael Edwards said:
Fine work. Do Jum Ping and For Joy come from North Korea?
January 4th, 2020 05:49
Jumping For Joy
orchidee said:
OK - Fido will allow joy and excitement at times - if not of the \'hot\' variety! He\'s a one! lol.
January 4th, 2020 03:11
orchidee said:
OK - Fido will allow joy and excitement at times - if not of the \'hot\' variety! He\'s a one! lol.
January 4th, 2020 03:11
Ding Dong Dawning!
ANGELA HERE - Good Evening Uncle Steve - Busy day in the Clinic lots of People need a bit iof Physical Therapy (massage !) to recover from CMAS & NY excesses - FIDO would castigate them if he was here he abhors XS ! Love the VIDEO and an excellent POEM - Thanks for sharing !
Blessings to YOU & YOUR Miserable Mutt !
Love in the SPIRIT A & B ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 3rd, 2020 16:21
ANGELA HERE - Good Evening Uncle Steve - Busy day in the Clinic lots of People need a bit iof Physical Therapy (massage !) to recover from CMAS & NY excesses - FIDO would castigate them if he was here he abhors XS ! Love the VIDEO and an excellent POEM - Thanks for sharing !
Blessings to YOU & YOUR Miserable Mutt !
Love in the SPIRIT A & B ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
January 3rd, 2020 16:21
Ding Dong Dawning!
FineB said:
Hello Orchidee,
A good and joyous,write
Very uplifting.
Keep writing FineB
January 3rd, 2020 06:10
FineB said:
Hello Orchidee,
A good and joyous,write
Very uplifting.
Keep writing FineB
January 3rd, 2020 06:10
Bethlehem Birth
Alan .S. Jeeves said:
A few more to go yet Steve ~ it seems it\'s the 365 days of Christmas nowadays (366 this year)
Ex animo, Alan
January 2nd, 2020 16:01
Alan .S. Jeeves said:
A few more to go yet Steve ~ it seems it\'s the 365 days of Christmas nowadays (366 this year)
Ex animo, Alan
January 2nd, 2020 16:01
Eventide Then Morning
FineB said:
Hi Orchidee.
A touching tribute and lovely write.
Keep on writing in 2020!
January 2nd, 2020 11:34
FineB said:
Hi Orchidee.
A touching tribute and lovely write.
Keep on writing in 2020!
January 2nd, 2020 11:34
Bethlehem Birth
Michael Edwards said:
And into the new year stll they keep coming. Are they all new Orchi or do you recyle any of them? Wouldn\'t blame you if you did.
January 2nd, 2020 03:39
Michael Edwards said:
And into the new year stll they keep coming. Are they all new Orchi or do you recyle any of them? Wouldn\'t blame you if you did.
January 2nd, 2020 03:39
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