Comments received on poems by FredPeyer

The Polititian
Accidental Poet said:

Long has it been since I attended a circus, although they are still out there. Those kind of clowns are only self-centered fools who care nothing for the viewers they perform for. Great poem Fred.

February 25th, 2018 09:00

The Polititian
Michael Edwards said:

There are many genuine politicians who are dedicated and have their constituents at heart even though you may not always agree with their political beliefs. Trouble is so many soon get drawn into the sad reality of how politics work once elected. A great write which I can relate to.

February 25th, 2018 04:38

The Polititian
Lorna said:

Why are people fooled so easily? That is the underlying problem isn\'t it! There are political \"faces\" out there that are like roadmaps as far as their integrity is concerned....... it\'s so disheartening........

February 25th, 2018 04:27

Solemn Vow
Goldfinch60 said:

Yes Fred, I am with you especially the last verse.

February 25th, 2018 02:59

The Polititian
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Fred, so very true. There is a word or words for them that I think that you would use in swiss german if I am not mistaken!

February 25th, 2018 02:57

The Polititian
orchidee said:

Seems so - sometimes, anyway. I\'m not on any political side.
I will leave a political \'joke\' to Goldie, that he knows. Won\'t pinch it from him!

February 25th, 2018 02:57

Solemn Vow

\"O Death where is thy STING ~ O Grave where is thy VICTORY ?\"

Thanks FRED ~ I have never been afraid of Death ~ and by God\'s grace I never will be ! Thanks for scaring ~ Yours BRIAN

February 24th, 2018 19:12

Solemn Vow
dusk arising said:

Lots of us begin to fear our passing less as we age. Accepting there is a season for all things and we are sooner or later to return our carbon to the planet.
But thoughts of the hereafter lighten the soul don\'t they.

February 24th, 2018 15:09

Solemn Vow
Accidental Poet said:

Life is to be lived to it\'s fullest Fred, and your poem here is a perfect example of that. Each day is a blessing we give to others and ourselves.

February 24th, 2018 08:15

Solemn Vow
Laura🌻 said:

That last stanza says it all!
I’m with you on that one!
A fine write! I enjoyed the read...
...and that pie flavor!😉


February 24th, 2018 05:47

Not in Sync
Lorna said:

I love it Fred! But you are out of sync in such a wonderful way! Besides there are a lot of \"syncs\" and which one would you want to be synced with! Let\'s all be out of sync.........then we can be synced together.

February 24th, 2018 05:18

Solemn Vow
Lorna said:

Good thoughts Fred. Every once in a while when I think about death I wonder \"why wait - I mean what\'s the point\".... but then the sun comes out and it\'s a beautiful day and I just relax and say \"there\'s no point to the pie so just enjoy it\'s flavor\"!

February 24th, 2018 04:51

Solemn Vow
Fay Slimm. said:

Keep that love of breath going my friend as life\'s ageless gift means just that - much food for thought in this read Fred.

February 24th, 2018 03:07

Solemn Vow
orchidee said:

A fine write Fred. You breathing there?! I tried to stop breathing for 24 hours one day. It didn\'t work. Hmm, strange that!
I know what you mean though. We don\'t think much of those things when younger. I suppose we don\'t need to. Yet of course, one does not have to be old to die.

February 24th, 2018 02:58

Not in Sync
orchidee said:

A fine write Fred. I\'m out of sync since marrying KP!

February 24th, 2018 02:53

Solemn Vow
Michael Edwards said:

An appropriate write - every day my life gets shorter and I fill every day with as much as I can before it arrives - BUT - I\'m still breathing so it\'s all okay for today at least.

February 24th, 2018 02:17

Not in Sync
Goldfinch60 said:

Yes there are some days when all seems to go wrong for us but as you said if I get up in the morning, as I have just done, the day is going to be a good one.

February 24th, 2018 01:37

Not in Sync
Laura🌻 said:

Most days I’m out of sync, Fred!
...but who gives a...?
An intriguing piece of writing! I enjoyed the read. Thank you for sharing.


February 23rd, 2018 20:51

Not in Sync
Christina8 said:

Such an interesting poem and picture! The light is on but the man in unplugged from the world. We all have days when we are out of sync, as you know but it\'s a great poem!

February 23rd, 2018 20:04

Not in Sync
dusk arising said:

Dont go with the flow, youre too old for that rubbish....Youve learned to be an individual and are no longer fodder to the capitalist engine, it grates at you often. You realised photography was all about creativity and not a matter of buying the latest gear.
Aint growin up a bitch. I really enjoyed reading your item and the thoughts it brought forward in me.

February 23rd, 2018 18:42

Not in Sync
Caring dove said:

great poem ! :-) and i can completely relate . i deal with dissociation which includes feeling disconnected from myself and the world around me .. sometimes the symptoms are worse, sometimes not so bad , not so apparent .. when my symptoms feel quite bad i sometimes find that when i am walking , that things around me seem to be moving around me , almost like i am standing still but everything around me is moving lol its kind of disorientating and confusing but i know its part of my mental illness, its very weird tho . sometimes i feel behind a window and i am apart from my surroundings , its strange . i loved how you expressed yourself in this ... its not nice to \'\' not \'\' feel connected enough to the world around you , i can certainly understand this

February 23rd, 2018 18:12

Not in Sync
Michael Edwards said:

You are not alone Fred - I often think I am out of sync (not only when I clap out of time with the music) - but that\'s what makes us individuals. We had a demonstrator at the art group tonight and I think I was the only one who thought his work was - shall I say questionable. Yes I empathise with your super poem!!

February 23rd, 2018 17:13

Not in Sync
FredPeyer said:

Thanks AP, actually, when I wake up in the morning and I am still breathing, I am having a great day!

February 23rd, 2018 17:06

Not in Sync
Accidental Poet said:

Just breathe in, breathe out, you\'ll be fine Fred. And a great poem.

February 23rd, 2018 17:03

My Quill
skyebellasario said:

Fred this is a beautiful and relate-able write for all us poets, I love it! :)

February 21st, 2018 05:35

My Quill
Accidental Poet said:

This is a awesome poem Fred. It flows very smoothly and actually dances on my computer screen. Job well done Sir.

February 21st, 2018 04:53

My Quill
Lorna said:

You\'ve given us the quiet room perfectly!

February 21st, 2018 04:16

My Quill
orchidee said:

Yes, good write and true Fred. That bird\'s not spreading its wings, from where the quills were nicked! It got no feathers now. lol.

February 21st, 2018 02:44

My Quill
Michael Edwards said:

I have my studio where I can relax and just be myself (whatever that means) without distractions. Having said that many of my works are jotted down as ideas in front of the TV and only assembled and polished later when I do need to be alone. This has a great ring to it Fred.

February 21st, 2018 01:42

My Quill
Goldfinch60 said:

That quietened room is such a special place to be where you can be one with yourself and the words waiting to flow onto the page. Good write Fred.

February 21st, 2018 01:15

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