Comments received on poems by FredPeyer
who are we
dusk arising said:
Nice one. I agree with you but sssshhh - you\'ll upset the christians.
January 16th, 2021 17:30
dusk arising said:
Nice one. I agree with you but sssshhh - you\'ll upset the christians.
January 16th, 2021 17:30
who are we
Doggerel Dave said:
With you all the way, Fred - and further
to infinite time and space, our existence, consciousness an unfathomable joke, really
January 16th, 2021 17:28
Doggerel Dave said:
With you all the way, Fred - and further
to infinite time and space, our existence, consciousness an unfathomable joke, really
January 16th, 2021 17:28
who are we
Neville said:
.. By Jove, I think he\'s got it .. many a true word etc etc .......... good un squire ..............
January 16th, 2021 14:20
Neville said:
.. By Jove, I think he\'s got it .. many a true word etc etc .......... good un squire ..............
January 16th, 2021 14:20
who are we
orchidee said:
Good write Fred.
I go on about mankind as dust in some of my poems.
January 16th, 2021 14:01
orchidee said:
Good write Fred.
I go on about mankind as dust in some of my poems.
January 16th, 2021 14:01
A Piece of Cake
starman74 said:
Very clever and funny a real good read. Well done.
January 10th, 2021 11:17
starman74 said:
Very clever and funny a real good read. Well done.
January 10th, 2021 11:17
A Piece of Cake
Doggerel Dave said:
Good for you, Fred - you tell it like it is. Half of your correspondents seem to put it all down to covid restrictions. But some know it ain\'t - as the wise old philosopher once said, \'Old age is not for wimps...\'
Stay strong.
Regards Dave
January 10th, 2021 05:12
Doggerel Dave said:
Good for you, Fred - you tell it like it is. Half of your correspondents seem to put it all down to covid restrictions. But some know it ain\'t - as the wise old philosopher once said, \'Old age is not for wimps...\'
Stay strong.
Regards Dave
January 10th, 2021 05:12
A Piece of Cake
Goldfinch60 said:
So totally true Fred, when people ask me \"How are you?\" I now reply \"Well I got up this morning so all must be well!\"
As Michael has said here in the UK we are in lockdown once more, so I am writing more and cooking more. I have even started playing the clarinet again, I used to play in a clarinet choir and a swing band back in the day but when in the band I swapped from clarinet to trumpet, I don\'t pick that up very often now as I don\'t want to upset the neighbours too much.
January 10th, 2021 01:43
Goldfinch60 said:
So totally true Fred, when people ask me \"How are you?\" I now reply \"Well I got up this morning so all must be well!\"
As Michael has said here in the UK we are in lockdown once more, so I am writing more and cooking more. I have even started playing the clarinet again, I used to play in a clarinet choir and a swing band back in the day but when in the band I swapped from clarinet to trumpet, I don\'t pick that up very often now as I don\'t want to upset the neighbours too much.
January 10th, 2021 01:43
A Piece of Cake
dusk arising said:
Damn right. Absolutely the right attitude and well expressed in your piece. After all, we are the proud survivors of the friends and loved ones who weren\'t as lucky as us to still be around.
It doesn\'t matter how long it takes to get it done, it will get done and i\'ll enjoy the breaks for a rest whilst i\'m doing it too.
January 9th, 2021 17:36
dusk arising said:
Damn right. Absolutely the right attitude and well expressed in your piece. After all, we are the proud survivors of the friends and loved ones who weren\'t as lucky as us to still be around.
It doesn\'t matter how long it takes to get it done, it will get done and i\'ll enjoy the breaks for a rest whilst i\'m doing it too.
January 9th, 2021 17:36
A Piece of Cake
Michael Edwards said:
And I\'m not a lover of cake. Actually being in full lockdown here in the UK I\'m beginning to get bored. All the jobs around the house were done in the first lockdown and the novelty\'s worn off - I miss our varied social life and there is only so much time I want to spend painting and writing. But hey - I\'m still here and still smiling. And thenn there\'s the nonesense interactions with dear Orchi....
January 9th, 2021 14:16
Michael Edwards said:
And I\'m not a lover of cake. Actually being in full lockdown here in the UK I\'m beginning to get bored. All the jobs around the house were done in the first lockdown and the novelty\'s worn off - I miss our varied social life and there is only so much time I want to spend painting and writing. But hey - I\'m still here and still smiling. And thenn there\'s the nonesense interactions with dear Orchi....
January 9th, 2021 14:16
Atlantis will rise again
dusk arising said:
I agree that alligators know so much but ... boy does their dress code let them down.... a bit flashy all that alligator hide.
December 28th, 2020 08:30
dusk arising said:
I agree that alligators know so much but ... boy does their dress code let them down.... a bit flashy all that alligator hide.
December 28th, 2020 08:30
Atlantis will rise again
orchidee said:
A fine write Fred.
I never enjoy Christmas Day. Me lounge is always full of soot. Some fat bloke in a red and whit coat and hat always comes down me chimney Christmas night! I spend all day cleaning up me lounge. Doh!
December 28th, 2020 03:12
orchidee said:
A fine write Fred.
I never enjoy Christmas Day. Me lounge is always full of soot. Some fat bloke in a red and whit coat and hat always comes down me chimney Christmas night! I spend all day cleaning up me lounge. Doh!
December 28th, 2020 03:12
Atlantis will rise again
Goldfinch60 said:
My dream passed last year but I will be with her once more in the next lifetime.
December 28th, 2020 01:46
Goldfinch60 said:
My dream passed last year but I will be with her once more in the next lifetime.
December 28th, 2020 01:46
Mele Kalikimaka
Goldfinch60 said:
And the very same to you Fred, may your future be filled with dreams.
December 24th, 2020 01:25
Goldfinch60 said:
And the very same to you Fred, may your future be filled with dreams.
December 24th, 2020 01:25
Mele Kalikimaka
Michael Edwards said:
And you Fred - my best wishes to you and yours.
December 23rd, 2020 17:26
Michael Edwards said:
And you Fred - my best wishes to you and yours.
December 23rd, 2020 17:26
Mele Kalikimaka
Fay Slimm. said:
May the blessings of this Christmas season bring happy moments to you too Fred - - thanking you warmly for this lovely Haiwai\'i greeting.
December 23rd, 2020 17:15
Fay Slimm. said:
May the blessings of this Christmas season bring happy moments to you too Fred - - thanking you warmly for this lovely Haiwai\'i greeting.
December 23rd, 2020 17:15
Mele Kalikimaka
dusk arising said:
Merry christmas Fred. Are you hoping for snow with this climate change stuff?.Stay safe and healthy.
December 23rd, 2020 13:46
dusk arising said:
Merry christmas Fred. Are you hoping for snow with this climate change stuff?.Stay safe and healthy.
December 23rd, 2020 13:46
Mele Kalikimaka
Clara said:
And a very merry and healthy holiday season to you!
December 23rd, 2020 11:22
Clara said:
And a very merry and healthy holiday season to you!
December 23rd, 2020 11:22
That Point in my Life
L. B. Mek said:
I\'m showing this to my father - every Birthday and Father\'s day I have left to experience with him, so we can chuckle a little and be comforted with thoughts of others who share our fates...
thank you for sharing such a deceptively simple yet immeasurably relatable write dear Poet,
December 21st, 2020 06:08
L. B. Mek said:
I\'m showing this to my father - every Birthday and Father\'s day I have left to experience with him, so we can chuckle a little and be comforted with thoughts of others who share our fates...
thank you for sharing such a deceptively simple yet immeasurably relatable write dear Poet,
December 21st, 2020 06:08
That Point in my Life
Classicmister said:
Age is an awesome thing
It is the one true mirror that reflects the vanity of youth!
December 21st, 2020 05:32
Classicmister said:
Age is an awesome thing
It is the one true mirror that reflects the vanity of youth!
December 21st, 2020 05:32
That Point in my Life
jarcher54 said:
I bet you aren\'t really very grouchy. The rest I can tell from experience is probably true enough.
December 20th, 2020 03:01
jarcher54 said:
I bet you aren\'t really very grouchy. The rest I can tell from experience is probably true enough.
December 20th, 2020 03:01
That Point in my Life
orchidee said:
Gosh, how do you fit all that into a day? You won\'t have time for anything else! lol.
December 20th, 2020 02:58
orchidee said:
Gosh, how do you fit all that into a day? You won\'t have time for anything else! lol.
December 20th, 2020 02:58
That Point in my Life
Goldfinch60 said:
When people ask me how I am my reply is \"Well I got out of bed this morning so all is well\".
December 20th, 2020 01:34
Goldfinch60 said:
When people ask me how I am my reply is \"Well I got out of bed this morning so all is well\".
December 20th, 2020 01:34
That Point in my Life
Doggerel Dave said:
I\'ve got to admit
the truth you emit.
December 19th, 2020 22:52
Doggerel Dave said:
I\'ve got to admit
the truth you emit.
December 19th, 2020 22:52
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