Comments received on poems by FredPeyer

That Point in my Life
Robert Southwick Richmond said:

Well, I\'m 81, but I don\'t admit it!

I\'m an Army brat, born at Tripler in Honolulu. I get back to \'āina every few years if I can.

December 19th, 2020 20:29

Ordinary Art
Robert Southwick Richmond said:

If there are still any mad poets about, they lack access to publication. When I Google a poet published in the New Yorker, or read the notes on Poem a Day, all I ever see is \"She teaches Creative Writing in The English Department at Placename University\". Where are the insurance executives (Wallace Stevens), pediatricians (William Carlos Williams), journalists (W.B. Yeats), bank clerks and blurb writers (T.S. Eliot)?

December 19th, 2020 15:05

Ordinary Art
Clara said:

Very clever indeed!

December 19th, 2020 10:30

Ordinary Art
Poetic Dan said:

Loved this!

December 19th, 2020 04:22

Ordinary Art
orchidee said:

\'Ear, ear\', good write Fred. Oops, I mean \'here, here\' - or is it \'hear, hear\'?

December 19th, 2020 03:09

Ordinary Art
Goldfinch60 said:

Art comes in many guises and from all senses within ourselves and it depends which sense or experiences come to mind when that creation is made.

Can I have my ear back please?


December 19th, 2020 02:50

Illuminated Mind
L. B. Mek said:

a powerful ending, crisp imagery and smooth flow, what a great read!
Happy Holidays

December 18th, 2020 06:03

Illuminated Mind
Poetic Dan said:

Bam... Inspirational stuff but what else\'s would you ever give us!!

Much appreciated

December 18th, 2020 03:21

Illuminated Mind
orchidee said:

Good write Fred.
Whoosh! I never saw ya there, going at the speed of light. 186,000 miles per second. Hmm, that\'s quite fast I reckon! lol.

December 18th, 2020 02:44

Illuminated Mind
Goldfinch60 said:

Each new moment in our lives will show us the way to the future by using our experience from the past.


December 18th, 2020 02:09

Maybe, just Maybe
L. B. Mek said:

\'the yellow haired one
inventor of fake news
beats democracy to death
with deception and lies
while his co-conspirators
bury their heads in sand\'
what an apt summary of the last four years in US and UK politics (wait, how long has it been for Boris? I\'m a Londoner so I feel like I have had him belittling my existence for an eternity, already...)
what an impassioned write of insightful social commentary you\'ve penned

December 17th, 2020 06:12

Maybe, just Maybe
Goldfinch60 said:

So true, we too have a yellow haired idiot in the UK.


December 17th, 2020 01:38

Maybe, just Maybe
Michael Edwards said:

Yellow haired, yellow livered and yet so many can\'t see it and that thought is the most worrying.

December 16th, 2020 15:15

Maybe, just Maybe
Neville said:

I sincerely hope there is eventually some justice and the yellow haired, yellow streaked one gets his comeuppance ....... the problem of course has always been that money talks and the yellow haired narcissist has a lot of it .................... I\'m firmly in your corner though & keeping my fingers crossed .........

December 16th, 2020 13:41

Maybe, just Maybe
dusk arising said:

Sad message for tragic times.... but smile, cos soon theres\' going to be fun when that blonde haired one loses his special status and gets dragged through the courts.

Could you imagine him doing stir LOL.

December 16th, 2020 13:08

Maybe, just Maybe
orchidee said:

A fine write Fred.

December 16th, 2020 12:21

Maybe, just Maybe
FredPeyer said:

Thanks blueledge, and you hit the nail on the head with your comment!

December 16th, 2020 11:41

Uncle / Auntie
Goldfinch60 said:

Great write Fred. I was talking to a friend yesterday about this and in a similar vain, my grandfather, my father and now I say \"That old boy down the road\" where that old boy is probably younger than us.


December 16th, 2020 02:14

Uncle / Auntie
Poetic Dan said:

See there you go again! Giving the world what we need! Like it or not....

This should be posted everywhere my friend!

Thanks for the ripples ;)

December 15th, 2020 15:57

Uncle / Auntie
orchidee said:

Good write Fred.
Similar thing - clearing up the homeless from the streets, sometimes with a mentality of \'Sweep up the rubbish; they make the place look untidy!\'
And preposterous if there are any on the streets, if a VIP is due to visit the town. \'Too embarrassing, what?!\' say the upper classes.

December 15th, 2020 14:47

Uncle / Auntie
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good Read. Great cultural link.

December 15th, 2020 14:04

Uncle / Auntie
Robert Southwick Richmond said:

Since I\'m 81 years old and was born in Hawai\'i, I can relate to this poem!

December 15th, 2020 13:17

The Loss of Tenderness
Dove said:

Well penned lament of loss “ rose petals floating away in the wind” inspires me! Thanks for sharing

December 14th, 2020 06:21

The Loss of Tenderness
L. B. Mek said:

elegant use of repurposed poetry form to accentuate the fragmented nature within emotional progression,
even if just to find that initial foothold within realisation, it\'s a long journey of day-to-day: while you\'re living it...
good write

December 14th, 2020 05:35

The Loss of Tenderness
dusk arising said:

Painful words. The sort of words one feels when something, which could have been quite beautiful, has come to a sad end for one. These are fitting words for endings for in feeling them one has to accept the word \'over\'. And move along to what may lye ahead.

December 14th, 2020 03:34

The Loss of Tenderness
Goldfinch60 said:

That life is what it may have been but you and I have lived our 72 years and feel so grateful to be here with a good life in front of us Fred.


December 14th, 2020 02:46

No Time
Christina8 said:

good, hopeful message!

December 13th, 2020 16:49

The Loss of Tenderness
John Prophet said:

Hope this isn’t self biographical
Nice write!

December 13th, 2020 15:32

The Loss of Tenderness
orchidee said:

Good write on that theme Fred.

December 13th, 2020 14:50

No Time
orchidee said:

You is already doing so - climbing trees anyway. You moving on to mountains now?! Good write Fred.

December 13th, 2020 03:14

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