Comments received on poems by skyebellasario

Painfully Happy
DeviLove said:

This is so true for me as well :/

September 3rd, 2018 17:19

It\'s Over
Christina8 said:

Very well written, Skye! And may your future be bright!

August 29th, 2018 21:48

It\'s Over
Crystal Hope said:

Wow! Your words and emotions were greatly expressed in this piece. Beautiful work here.

August 28th, 2018 13:04

Painfully Happy
Christina8 said:

What a beautifully expressed poem, Skye!!

August 12th, 2018 21:03

Christina8 said:

Very nice write Skye! I hope I haven\'t missed too much, I have been under the weather.

July 27th, 2018 17:35

dusk arising said:

LOL at your last line. Never say never. I like this, enjoyed reading it. So, guessing you are older, why stop at 16? (i\'m only teasing).

July 22nd, 2018 14:58

dusk arising said:

LOL at your last line. Never say never. I like this, enjoyed reading it. So, guessing you are older, why stop at 16? (i\'m only teasing).

July 22nd, 2018 14:08

drabbler said:

This is gorgeous. I love the wandering mindset of it. Beautiful!

July 22nd, 2018 13:20

The Climb
Caring dove said:

very beautiful :-) climbing up mountains and in chilly winds, i love your reference to nature, winds, fire, sunset...

July 9th, 2018 01:54

The Climb
dusk arising said:

Wonderful to see the beautiful things of a relationship praised as it ends. I thought i was the only person who did this LOL.
Put a nice big grin on my face having read this.

July 8th, 2018 19:27

GreenFairy said:

I like it!

June 25th, 2018 21:10

Crimson_Sights said:

A topic that is hard to capture the essence of is portrayed as a simple beauty.

June 25th, 2018 18:08

Christina8 said:

Wow this is great! Loved every line!

June 25th, 2018 17:50

The Young Ones
Christina8 said:

Great job Skye! I love your amazing spirit. Wonderful write!

June 23rd, 2018 23:13

HangingbyaHalo said:

Beautiful, such a strong piece.

June 12th, 2018 16:39

Christina8 said:

Great write Skye! Hope to see more poems now that your exams are done! :-) Hope you did well!

June 12th, 2018 12:50

DiamondDestroys said:

so simple with deep meaning, i love it! i\'m quessing it\'s about a little girl that had nightmares (dreams) and when she got older the nightmares came to life. idk, whether i got it right or not this is still an amazing poem, keep it up!

June 12th, 2018 11:35

Dai\'lynn Green said:

Everything was going great and something hit your surfaces. Running is something you can do. It is the easy road and it will keep you okay for a little bit. The thing is that you will have to eventually stand up to your monsters and fight them head first. You will be scared and you might get hurt but which is better, running or fighting? Answer that yourself and do great on your exams...

June 12th, 2018 11:25

Yorelzinala said:

You fall; then rise like a phoenix out of the ashes. Fear of failure is what will hold you back from meeting or exceeding your goals. I wish you well poet and your future success.

May 23rd, 2018 21:19

Christina8 said:

Excellent poem, Skye! You will soar like an eagle! We all get those \"what if\" flutters and that\'s okay.

May 23rd, 2018 20:20

Christina8 said:

Oh wow, great write skye! So descriptive! Yet heartbreaking. \"Our scintillating bond\"--great line. Hopefully you find another.

May 21st, 2018 19:07

High School
Laura🌻 said:

A fine write! Are you finishing high school?


May 19th, 2018 14:28

Nicholas Browning said:

The best part about running away is deciding where you want to go.

April 10th, 2018 20:00

DeviLove said:

Yes, our own worst enemy is usually ourselves

April 8th, 2018 20:23

Accidental Poet said:

Excellent write sky. In you there is also a voice of confidence, faith and encouragement. Let that voice be heard.

March 31st, 2018 05:57

Christina8 said:

Great write, Skye! We all have these fears, so please don\'t fret. You will push past boundaries you never thought were possible. Believe!

March 30th, 2018 19:43

Too Tired
Lorna said:

Good luck Skye! Plenty of time left to write poems......

March 24th, 2018 04:49

Too Tired
Christina8 said:

Don\'t worry, Skye, you are doing a beautiful job composing! I remember the days of juggling a million things at once. Your exams are important. But nice to see you stop by! Great write!

March 23rd, 2018 18:01

Her Self Worth
ann.qindar said:

I like that this is relatable. It happens to older girls too.

March 4th, 2018 17:56

Her Self Worth
Accidental Poet said:

It\'s been going on for ages. Boy wants girl, girl wants boy. But they\'re both afraid to admit it. A great write though sky.

March 3rd, 2018 20:39

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