Comments received on poems by Honey Silk

Save Some Room
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful lovelorn write HS.

April 6th, 2019 00:02

My Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful love filled write showing the wonder of love when that right person is found.

March 4th, 2019 01:49

That Empty Feeling
Crystal Hope said:

Awe this is so very moving. A remarkable read. :)

August 10th, 2018 19:20

See For Yourself
Yorelzinala said:

It\'s your universe. Fantastic write. Thank you for sharing.

May 20th, 2018 22:48

I don\'t like this
lovelydarkanddeep said:

I\'ve felt these exact same feelings. i had someone like this in my life last year. I am here to tell you, you will push through, you will make it to the other side, and you will find that thing or person that will nurture the place in your heart that got broken. Lots of love,-izzy

April 27th, 2018 08:06

I don\'t like this
Goldfinch60 said:

Very well written emotive write.

April 27th, 2018 02:10

Only yours
ForeverJesus7 said:

That is really nice. I think that is great the way that you support your man. Few people are like that.
Keep writing.
Persistence is key

April 22nd, 2018 23:38

Only yours
onepauly said:

beautiful poetry

April 22nd, 2018 07:37


Welcome back PERSEPHONE and thanks for a lovely Love Poem that is full of HOPE ! I can empathise as I know the Hoping ~ Wanting ~ Waiting is the worse part ! I\'m 34 now but I am engaged to Angela who I highlight in some of my Poems ! My experience is if you are Patient ~ Love finds you and you find Love in the end ~ Every blessing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poem ~ Nature\'s Rainbow and my FUSION MUSIC ! MUSIC ! MUSIC ! Thanks B.

April 16th, 2018 13:44


Welcome back PERSEPHONE and thanks for a lovely Love Poem that is full of HOPE ! I can empathise as I know the Hoping ~ Wanting ~ Waiting is the worse part ! I\'m 34 now but I am engaged to Angela who I highlight in some of my Poems ! My experience is if you are Patient ~ Love finds you and you find Love in the end ~ Every blessing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poem ~ Nature\'s Rainbow and my FUSION MUSIC ! MUSIC ! MUSIC ! Thanks B.

April 16th, 2018 13:44

Writings From The Unknown13 said:

this is very emotional and real this is amazing great job please read and comment on my poems

March 29th, 2018 07:08

Lorna said:

Your poem has a lot of truth in it...... I once got some advice \"you\'re not a performing seal\"............ because of trying to turn myself into a pretzel for someone and wondering why I felt so bad...... took a while but that was a great piece of advice.....

March 19th, 2018 02:17

Resa71 said:

Very inspirational!
I’ve been in a bad marriage for 13 years now.
I left, but eventually we ended up back together.
We have a seven year old son and the battle for custody was horrible!
He had an attorney, that his dad paid for.
I had no attorney.
This guy was coming up stories so convincing, a almost lost my son.
Anything, I’m rambling.
Nice write:)

March 19th, 2018 02:10

I don\'t feel it.
Nicholas Browning said:

I\'ve been through this, many times, and just recently have I stepped into the first inklings of reality. I don\'t like dealing with people too much, and I keep to myself. I was lucky enough to find some friends that I enjoy being around, which took quite some time. I honestly believe that you\'ll evolve from this when you find something worth changing for. Until then, just be yourself. There\'s no rush, just do your best. My mind is with you. Thank you for the work, and please keep it up.

March 17th, 2018 10:36

Lorna said:

What a beautiful take on love...... no self pity...... just a lovely hopefulness....

March 16th, 2018 03:18

Honey Silk said:

I\'m glad my poem was well received, I look forward to writing more

March 15th, 2018 22:58


WELCOME HONEY SILK (Beautiful Name) Thanks for your first Poem. It is a wonderful tribute to the soothing and cathartic RAIN ! Rain is an important aspect of the WATER CYCLE (powered by the Sun) it purifies the Atmosphere and the Land and feeds the Flora & Fauna and Man It is beautiful to SEE ~ FEEL ~ TASTE and SCENT and the Rainbow is an awesome bonus ! When I was younger we would strip down to our Speedos and let the rain wash the \"World off our shoulders\" I am so pleased that you too (and the commentators) have all experienced the \"Pleasures of the Rain !\" MPS is a very empathetic site and you have received some lovely comments ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my POEMS ~ Thanks B.

March 15th, 2018 15:31

Caring dove said:

oh , wow.. beautiful poem :-) you have captured the comforting and soothing effect of rain upon ones inner being/ mind/ and soul.
\'\'It dances on my skin,\'\' love these words, such pretty words, as if it makes your skin feel more alive, a musical feel to the rain in the sky

When my chest tightens within and I feel as though I can\'t breathe, the rain saves me.

these words tell me how soothed you are by the rain , and how it helps you .

The rain cradles me with the winds that grasp and cling. \'\'
love this line, it sounds like someone comforting you and keeping you safe in their arms, like a mother cradling a baby / or child.

March 15th, 2018 06:00

Lorna said:

Isn\'t it odd! I feel the same..... rainy days are so comforting........ sunshine that goes on forever is like a constant amusement park....... I would like warm rain though...........

March 15th, 2018 05:53

willyweed said:

. I agee rain can change ones mind set ww

March 15th, 2018 05:34