Comments received on poems by Saxon Crow

Pixie tricks!
2781 said:

Seems true.

March 11th, 2024 19:44

Pixie tricks!
Doggerel Dave said:

I should ease up on that stuff if I were you, Sax. Too much undoing could end up in a repetitious tail spin into a mountain of pixie dust….
Fun write – good to see you back.

March 11th, 2024 17:05

Pixie tricks!
orchidee said:

Good write SC.

March 11th, 2024 13:10

Waiting for a saviour - A response.
Goldfinch60 said:

But your step mum did not ignore it and still she was taken in an awful way!

November 30th, 2023 02:41

Waiting for a saviour - A response.
Doggerel Dave said:

Gotta put the blame somewhere......... This God of yours sounds like a convenient scapegoat...
Neat write though, Sax.

November 29th, 2023 08:10

Waiting for a saviour - A response.
orchidee said:

Good write SC.

November 29th, 2023 07:44

Waiting for a saviour - A response.
Accidental Poet said:

Well Sax, I would have to agree with you. Any problems in our world are not the fault of God, but of a self-inflicted society. We created the problems, we\'re responsible for fixing them. Too many people want to shift the blame to God. It\'s a society as a whole problem. Great write my friend. 🙂👍

November 29th, 2023 07:03

How can I be Lonely?
Goldfinch60 said:

Nor am I SC.


November 5th, 2023 02:16

How can I be Lonely?
orchidee said:

A fine write SC.

November 3rd, 2023 10:47

Only Human
Goldfinch60 said:

I look upon Jesus as the first Hippie.


October 19th, 2023 00:23

Long Live Love
Caring dove said:

Lovely words )

October 18th, 2023 12:22

Only Human
orchidee said:

A fine write SC. I might be able to set something to a hymn tune in something of yours, if you wish?

October 18th, 2023 11:42

Never Enough
Goldfinch60 said:

May YOUR god go with you SC.


October 18th, 2023 02:12

Never Enough
orchidee said:

A fine write SC.
In one sense, we can never \'repay\' Him. But something is better than nothing I think, if only a little love, a little faith, a little whatever.

October 17th, 2023 09:45

Prayers ARE Answered
NinjaGirl said:

Beautiful, and very true.

October 7th, 2023 13:04

Prayers ARE Answered
L. B. Mek said:

Hope y\'all have a great weekend!
I\'m so hyped!!
And yes
Faith is a powerful tool in life
When purposed
to share love and empathy, to all!!!
instead of just money grabbing religion fictionalities
or that self-righteous judgment of others
Because it feels good to look down on those \'apparent, lost\'
while assuming a booked ticket
to that elitist heaven\'scape\'...
(great to see you you\'re doing well cherished Poet)
Thank you!

October 6th, 2023 08:34

Prayers ARE Answered
Pop64 said:

God listens and always answers, it is us that do not always hear. Beautiful write.

October 6th, 2023 05:56

Prayers ARE Answered
BlessedbyGod said:

We all have those moments where we stumble and fall, but those that are strong in faith always find a way back even stronger than before!
Great piece Saxon, I love it!!!

October 6th, 2023 05:41

Prayers ARE Answered
orchidee said:

Good write SC.
It\'s us, isn\'t is really, where the fault is - or most times. We might not ask, seek, or knock properly, me included.

October 6th, 2023 04:11

Long Live Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Long live love forever SC.


October 4th, 2023 00:58

All too easy
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true but true love will win every time SC.


October 4th, 2023 00:52

Long Live Love
Teddy.15 said:

You saxy lad. LoL ah such a romantic write I\'m yours I\'m yours lol 🤣 ❤️❤️❤️❤️

October 3rd, 2023 11:30

All too easy
orchidee said:

A fine write SC.

October 3rd, 2023 04:52

All too easy
ChrisLyn🕊 said:

This is honestly true

October 3rd, 2023 00:31

All too easy
Teddy.15 said:

I\'d like to think the one from above was my mother. But that\'s just what I would think. No matter what you write about Sax you have magic in your pen and something beautiful to say. Always ❤️

October 2nd, 2023 14:24

All that I am is yours
Teddy.15 said:

In all its magnificence dear Sax. ❤️

October 2nd, 2023 14:02

All that I am is yours
aDarkerMind said:

very impressed;
you have a gift Saxon Crow;

September 29th, 2023 13:37

Wonderful World
Teddy.15 said:

Fabulous. ❤️

September 29th, 2023 01:52

All that I am is yours
orchidee said:

Good write SC.
Meanwhile - what you up to in that wilderness? (heehee)!

September 27th, 2023 09:28

All that I am is yours
Christina8 said:

Very good- well expressed. i too, share these beliefs and thank you for sharing!

September 27th, 2023 07:51

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