Comments received on poems by rebmasters

L. B. Mek said:

by surrendering, willingly
by choosing to believe, defiantly
by readying: your calloused heart
for one more, battle cry
one more, bold leap - knowing, you deserve, nothing less
than the very Best!
life has to offer...
(some astute relationship app, marketer
should pay you for these words, dear poet) lol
another wonderful read, thanks for sharing

October 7th, 2021 03:21

L. B. Mek said:

\'“I know what I want is impossible. If I can make my language flat enough, exact enough, if I can rinse each sentence clean enough, like washing a stone over and over again in river water, if I can find the right perch or crevice from which to record everything, if I can give myself enough white space, maybe I could do it. I could tell you this story while walking out of this story. I could—it all could—just disappear.”
― Maggie Nelson, The Red Parts
(just couldn\'t resist adding this timeless quote here, sorry if you feel it detracts rather adds to your words, my friend
I meant no disrespect)
a great dedication, showcasing a wonderful flow and symmetry, while brushing on a lot of diverse themes/shades of passion,
thanks for sharing, dear Poet
\'mystical unions,
curious connections.
The red flowers you brought,
the books I read\'

\'red cheeks,
my powerful passion for you
spilling onto
soft sheets
convulsed & creased.
Hearts beat,\'

October 5th, 2021 06:23

Caring dove said:

Lovely writing , with a sadness ... you have a good way with words ..

October 5th, 2021 03:24

the girl who loved a broken hearted man
shadow424 said:

Very nice. Your work is inspiring. I enjoy your reality of love and the fragility of its wavering surface.
Thank you.

October 4th, 2021 19:56

the girl who loved a broken hearted man
L. B. Mek said:

really well written, loved the way you layered your images and metaphors so they compliment and add nuanced depth to your meaningful words,
while still insuring, your reader can relate and interpret this poem in so many diverse ways, really clever!
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

October 4th, 2021 06:42

L. B. Mek said:

\'It stalls,
that pain;
the only gain
from years with you.
It crawls up my bowed back;
a legless, misshapen monster
worming its way slowly
to my zenith;\'
wonderfully unravelled,
your pacing was so seductive in this read, and impacted
the overall feel of your write, hugely.
(I\'m not sure on your poignant question,
I know that for me, it represents
a necessity
to insure we, \'learn, to\' or \'are reminded, of\'
an appreciation for the unassuming gifts/mercy\'s in our lives.
whether these, aspects or points
represent something tangible
like pain, or hypothetical like promise
I doubt we could ever verify, but
that you include them in the same question
accepting them, as potential mirrors of themselves, is much more telling
\'in my humble opinion\'
maybe, on another day
a Time, before the sadness
your question may have been worded, a tad different
maybe, back then
a promise, mirrored: Hope?
and maybe that\'s what we\'re trying to find our way back to, while journeying
in your relatable words, all of us
a path back, to where we imbued hope
in the meaningful syllables
of our life\'s, chosen Perspectives...)

October 4th, 2021 04:17

the girl who loved a broken hearted man
Caring dove said:

An interesting read 🙂 nobody wants to be scared

October 4th, 2021 03:00

Caring dove said:

Another beautiful poem 🙂🙂 lovely words

October 2nd, 2021 04:49

The Field
L. B. Mek said:

\'And, as we crossed,
forever at cross purposes,
I wondered where you were going.
We waded through long grass
like saltwater
up to our waists;
I was afraid.\'
(how I cherish your wonderful style
its pacing, imbued intimacy and considered insights;
there is such a decadent touch to your eloquence)
thank you for sharing, dear Poet

October 1st, 2021 04:36

The Field
Caring dove said:

Beautiful poem ... you have a lovely way with words .. I guess even if someone is kind of close to you there not always meant to be a part of our lives

October 1st, 2021 03:25

L. B. Mek said:


September 30th, 2021 05:01

Caring dove said:

So beautiful ! 🙂🌸

September 30th, 2021 04:05

Caring dove said:

Darkness needs to be transformed into light ....

September 29th, 2021 05:59

Caring dove said:

I guess when your trying to heal .., a lot of emotions can come up .. an interesting read , good way with words ) at the end there will be more light than dark

September 29th, 2021 05:56

orchidee said:

I\'ll tell you when \'recovery\' is a hideous word to me. When I read of some celebrities recovering in rehab. They make me sick!

September 29th, 2021 03:16

L. B. Mek said:

\'Numb tastes so sweet, arriving ahead of trailing pain, like dusk
but - without a twilight face;
in between place
of calm: your eye
amidst the storm
& with it all, that withdrawal
makes me meeker, ever bleaker.\'
(forgive my rudeness, dear Poet
I just couldn\'t resist
what a great write!)
damn, you\'re just getting better and better
sadly, I\'m sure you\'ve noticed the more abstract and poetically elevated your wording is
the less enthusiasm, for your brilliance, but know
that\'s nothing to do with you
its just, modernity has made us all lazy
and people are tired of \'thinking\'
and more morbidly
most of us, have been \'conditioned\'
to not, think
for ourselves
and so, when people find a challenging read
sometimes, they switch-off
instead of fighting to comprehend..
anyway, in-short
keep being yourself, and writing what you want/ How, you want..
ignore the response or lack there-of
I\'m sure you feel it yourself, your Poetry is growing and finding its identity, soon
it will be soaring: effortlessly!
and there-in, your effort\'s
rewards, await
to be claimed, time n again

September 28th, 2021 05:02

Trenz Pruca said:

Well not only did I enjoy your poem but I also learned about enjambment a technique I often use in my own poems. A twofer. Thanks.

September 27th, 2021 18:00

Middernagson/MidnightSun said:

Wonderful use of enjambment. Love the flow, as well as the rhetorical question at the end

September 27th, 2021 06:50

L. B. Mek said:

\'head-first, into your meaningful words...\'
that\'s where, I shall ever \'Strive\' - to go, but
sadly, those bumps in the atmosphere of fate
tend, to lead us a little off course, knowingly...
(I don\'t know what to say, dear Poet
I simply enjoy and appreciate every work you share!
and so I thank you, wholeheartedly)

September 27th, 2021 06:41

L. B. Mek said:

your words, reach out
through that all connecting Matter, to a realm devoid of before or after
to a place where only two hearts, once shared - as one
and it asks, is there still a thread
for me to pull - at
for me to invoke life-in, once again...
(a longing for another chance, not necessarily to relive the past, but just a chance
at experiencing that connection, one more time..
beautifully woven, thanks for sharing dear Poet)

September 24th, 2021 05:57

Caring dove said:

Sad but beautiful at the same time ... I especially like these words

Water droplets so large,
they scatter all colours
from continuous, glittering sunlight
through thin layers
of beauty stretched
across a luminous blue sky.

September 24th, 2021 03:48

Caring dove said:

Wow ... really like this Becky ... such an engaging read ! Makes me think of wanting to find that peaceful place ... to me white clouds are peaceful , least they look that way . Beautiful poem )

September 24th, 2021 03:45

L. B. Mek said:

\'I scatter words
watch them dry up
in the remorseless heat
of blazing cheeks;
tongue thick,
numb from
a battery
of thoughts
lost & never expressed\'
\'An august sage
would say
don’t give away
your heart;
keep it concealed & safe,
but I still do it anyway.
never wiser;
I steal it back
& run
hoping you won’t know it has gone.
Cause it is better to be numb\'
you\'re literally wording my heart\'s connection with Poetry: verbatim...!
an Astounding write, dear Poet
(showcasing inspiring levels of insightful introspection and justifiably unflinching pride
in the \'Who\' of what we become
at that threshold, where we once Dared
to instruct, share and Bare our most vulnerable: hidden shadows,
to those we - once, were vehement
loved us back,
with just us much passion and intensity of loyalty
we still, crave, harbour and treasure..
Once, when smiling-up at a morning sky
didn\'t require us to crease our face, in determination,
Once, when believing-in \'anything\'
was an intuitive action, and not a mathematical equation...)

September 23rd, 2021 06:12

L. B. Mek said:

this reads raw and unfiltered, but somehow still so relatable
love your poetic voice in this one, forthright and bold!
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

September 21st, 2021 05:33

dusk arising said:

Great imagery.

September 21st, 2021 03:01

The Castle
L. B. Mek said:

those who find us
at our most vulnerable and still
find, some value
they think is worth investing-in, gain access
to a love, we never knew
we have the power to gift, and they are so rare
so precious, that were we to comprehend the magnitude of their impact in our lives
we would be left, stranded
and ever, shy
questioning, how can we be worthy of such a fulfilling presence in our hearts...
\'Each time I breathe,
I add more bricks to the castle.
Blue, broken bones
& undertones
of smoky, shivering secrets
amassed over mere months
that somehow bleed into long years.
The taller I build it,
the higher still you climb,\'
(what a Brilliant depiction, almost every line is imbued with such naked sincerity
thanks for sharing, dear Poet)

September 20th, 2021 07:12

dusk arising said:

That eternal search for other-ness which we feel when we want to reach out with inclusiveness to one who could be everything if.....
That\'s where \"if\" becomes a huge word.... I think your poem carries the essence of \"if\"

September 17th, 2021 14:49

L. B. Mek said:

\'I’d like to leave reality
& ignoble humanity
deformed, ill & broken.
Heal my old bones,
then watch them erode &
diminish like
sand blown
in the brisk breeze.
I’d like it if you were with me.\'
simply, beautiful poetry!
thanks for sharing dear poet

September 17th, 2021 05:10

Caring dove said:

Such an expressive piece of writing!
Good poem)

The negativity we may carry from our past isn’t helpful... and it’s important to heal and move forward if we can

September 17th, 2021 03:10

Goldfinch60 said:

That place is there for us rebmasters and we will get there in time.


September 17th, 2021 03:06

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