Comments received on poems by Jayasree

My wish
Goldfinch60 said:

Your wonderful words will never end Jayasree they bring such joy to us all.

I always have a notebook with me and have written poems in some very strange places but as you say words written down are so important.


June 3rd, 2021 00:03

My wish
Jayasree said:

Thank you so much. I am happy that I get to interact with like minded people here, people who appreciate my poems and encourage me. Makes me so happy to read your words. I am getting a great chance to read so many good poems too.

June 2nd, 2021 19:04

My wish
dusk arising said:

You are a poet. That wild imagination is your gift. Here on MPS you know you\'re in good company with all sorts of poets. We all have the bug of needing to express emotions into words.
All I can say is.... just keep doing it, it\'s all a part of the search for that niche you mention. I dunno if I\'ll ever find my niche though so good luck LOL.

June 2nd, 2021 04:59

Chasing the rainbow
Caring dove said:

Lovely words πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

June 1st, 2021 12:40

Chasing the rainbow
Doggerel Dave said:

Chasing an elusive fantasy?
β€œThe journey not the arrival matters.” – Mostly attributed to T.S. Eliot, seems pretty appropriate here.
You have made that plain in a very appealing little work Jay.

June 1st, 2021 04:24

Chasing the rainbow
dusk arising said:

Yep, I am my own very rainbow just as you describe so well. Happy to be wherever I find me.

June 1st, 2021 02:59

Accidental Poet said:

If we don\'t eat, we\'ll starve. Makes sense to me. ; )

May 31st, 2021 07:50

L. B. Mek said:

what a nourishing, warm read
of worded vitamin D.. lol
thank you for sharing, dear poet

May 31st, 2021 04:06

Doggerel Dave said:

Saves time with washing up, then - that\'s true.
Admire your honesty.... 😊

May 31st, 2021 01:42

Goldfinch60 said:

Hi Jay, I too love food and have been cooking for nearly seventy years, cooking is a passion and I have yet to find anything that I am not prepared to eat. I say to people \"Put it in front of me and I\'ll eat it\".


May 31st, 2021 01:34

PrEm Ji said:

beautiful visual poem...

May 31st, 2021 01:19

Jayasree said:

Thanks everyone, so happy that this butterfly brought happiness to you all, just like it brought for me too.:)

May 31st, 2021 00:52

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Jay about wonderful creatures, they always light up life when I see them.


May 31st, 2021 00:15

Accidental Poet said:

A wonderful poem. Thank you for posting this. ; ) AP

May 30th, 2021 09:21

orchidee said:

A fine write J.

May 30th, 2021 08:33

Caring dove said:

Me too ! Lovely poem

May 30th, 2021 03:18

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words Jayasree showing the wonder that water can bring to our lives in Nature.


May 30th, 2021 00:16

Doggerel Dave said:

Good one, Jay. \'Monsoon\' obviously does not imply cyclone or tornado or whatever you might tem it there - or perhaps you don\'t mention , because it doesn\'t happen there - congratulations! However given climate change, I\'d suggest bolting your roof down....
It was a richly descriptive write - even down to the sound of cicadas.

May 29th, 2021 03:56

Jayasree said:

Thank you all. So happy to hear the positive comments and appreciation.

May 28th, 2021 05:14

L. B. Mek said:

\'turning the dust motes
into spun gold.\'
\'golden Sun
in my palms,
shining forever.\'
wonderful imagery, thanks for sharing

May 28th, 2021 04:52

dusk arising said:

Just what I need to read after all this poor weather we\'ve had in england. A cold and rainy may....

May 28th, 2021 02:52

orchidee said:

Yes, though we know on Earth it does not last forever. Seasons come and go. I suppose we should make the most of it while it lasts, while it is here.

May 28th, 2021 01:44

Goldfinch60 said:

Very powerful words Jayasree, may your life remain filled with Krishna\'s music and wonder.


May 28th, 2021 00:04

L. B. Mek said:

what a wonderful read
thanks for sharing, dear poet

May 27th, 2021 03:15

orchidee said:

Good write J.

May 26th, 2021 01:41

Goldfinch60 said:

Those memories are so special and will always be with you.


May 26th, 2021 01:11

Goldfinch60 said:

Being one with nature is so wonderful in my life and may it be the same with you as well Jayasree.


May 26th, 2021 00:46

dusk arising said:

Of all those things in the universe we are created. We are the wind, the flowers and the endless oceam waves. Children of the universe.

A quite, quite beautiful poem from you here today.

May 25th, 2021 03:21

orchidee said:

Oohh, I expect you\'re a fine flower, like one of them in the pic! A nice write J.

May 25th, 2021 02:10

suchitra said:


May 24th, 2021 12:35

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