Comments received on poems by sorenbarrett

orchidee said:

Good write SB.

April 15th, 2023 13:00

arqios said:

Therein we find the meaning uplifting!

April 15th, 2023 09:09

Rock, clay, mud and sand
L. B. Mek said:

a majestic waterfall of poetic decadence
simply beautiful, my wise friend:
\'Natives to this land said no one owns it, it is a gift for all.
Blown like a tumbleweed I have no roots and know no fences. \'

\'Ignoring the price for a forbidden apple, I purchased the seeds of knowledge. \'

\'I shivered through long nights, that turned my spirit to ice.
In frozen ground I buried my pride. \'

\'Dirt, baptized with my blood, becomes a philosophers stone changing the inanimate to life.\'

\'I am the rock, clay, mud and sand that covers me.
I don\'t know where I end and the land begins.\'

April 14th, 2023 02:42

L. B. Mek said:

more power to your enlightenment
wise Poet
that you choose to share and hope
despite knowing it all
is testimony to your lion heart\'s
laudable defiance of unbending
(onwards, dear poet kin
how sweet this accursed breath
how salty our tears of refrain
hoe poetic this legacy we boldly

April 14th, 2023 02:38

Rock, clay, mud and sand
Goldfinch60 said:

We are all part of this earth and will be back within it some time. Very good words soren.


April 14th, 2023 00:36

Rock, clay, mud and sand
sophin said:

\"Blown like a tumbleweed I have no roots and know no fences. \"

\"the voices of thousands of years are whispered by every moss covered bolder and tree.
Lost with no trails, thick foliage and thorns rip and tear my flesh.\"

beautifully expansive, dear poet. to be able to resonate with to the primal wilderness that birthed us is a magnificent thing in this modern age, and I applaud you for being able to express the feeling of being free but not lost

April 13th, 2023 11:51

Rock, clay, mud and sand
arqios said:

An epic expression in poetry Soren! As the dust hurries on to claim me back it intensifies its meaning and appeal.

April 13th, 2023 09:15

Bella Shepard said:

Wow, I am blown away! This is such a wonderful treatise, in poetic form, on a society that has embraced self importance to the extent that it has lost sight of the meaning of the word \"selfless\".
Perhaps \"selfie\" is truly an appropriate moniker these days. Such a life fails to find meaning and value in its superficial existence. Perhaps it has to get worse before it can get better, I can only hope. Thank you dear poet for this wise and very powerful piece.

April 11th, 2023 13:47

2781 said:

Made sense to me.

April 11th, 2023 07:22

Once there was a time
L. B. Mek said:

loved this! a great read
thank you, dear Poet:
\'Primal water, eroded frowns to smiles
Amity permeated all people
We were young and naive to wiles
And all dreams were believable

With the weight of falling sand
Maturity ripened into a crime
What was beautiful fell out of hand
Once there was a time\'

April 10th, 2023 03:58

The end of time
L. B. Mek said:

so true, dear Poet
similarities, a little scary
so many
of antiquity\'s myths and geniuses
so as to be granted posterity\'s
(makes you think, what is acclaim
to a corpse\'s vanity
what is victory, beyond
comprehension\'s, breath of tangibility..
as our aggregator of meaningful worth
yet we dream
in realms too far out of fathomability\'s

April 10th, 2023 03:55

L. B. Mek said:

(we need only lookup that \'little red riding hood\', tale
amongst many others, to realise
those true horror origins
of so many beloved lullabies)
such wonderful flow, dear Poet
thank you

April 10th, 2023 03:47

Hesiod\'s night
L. B. Mek said:

that daughter of khaos and erebos
that salvation moonlit beam
to life\'s weary sailors, traversing
upon mythology\'s looming styx
in existence\'s
accursed, rivers of fate...
Nyx to light, as Moon to sun
Hesiods, to Homer
Beyond posterity\'s blazing giants
exist shadows that anchor
humanity\'s annals to genius tethers
then again
what of Sappho\'s sisters:

April 10th, 2023 03:37

Going home
L. B. Mek said:

(i so relate with your message n theme)
i read and learn, dear cherished Poet

April 10th, 2023 03:02

Once there was a time
orchidee said:

A fine write SB.

April 9th, 2023 10:02

Once there was a time
David Wakeling said:

i read this but there are too many big words that are not explained.tedious

April 9th, 2023 06:09

The end of time
Bella Shepard said:

What price immortality, at the cost of how we live? Dear friend I contemplate, and I thank you.

April 8th, 2023 12:54

orchidee said:

Now did I give you permission to post that video of me singing on a bad-hair day?! lol.

April 5th, 2023 07:59

2781 said:

It was scaring me for a moment.

April 5th, 2023 07:35

MysteryGhost said:

I really like how you made the Sandman take on a boogeyman like character. The only times I have really heard of the sandman it is in a nice light, but you took it into dark. Very nice poem.

April 5th, 2023 07:35

arqios said:

Just mulled on this last week and how even the kids around us these days are wide-eyed and expectant of a good scare!

April 5th, 2023 06:44

Hesiod\'s night
Bella Shepard said:

Being unfamiliar with Greek mythology, once again I thank you for introducing me to something new and wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring this poem, your verse always shines for me.

April 3rd, 2023 13:38

Going home
Doggerel Dave said:

Definitely my life and the life of most others I speculate, Soren. I feel I get this one completely. Thanks for a great write.

April 1st, 2023 17:05

Going home
Nature said:

Good write Sorenbarrett.

April 1st, 2023 11:53

L. B. Mek said:

\'lonesome, divided by eight billion\'
a title of one of my old scribbles comes to mind
(a relatable read, dear poet)

March 31st, 2023 03:03

Love and Hate / Heaven and Hell
L. B. Mek said:

such an important question, dear Poet
that\'s why we need time to heal
so that our lessons may be revealed
we start out all love blind
we\'re enraged by that hurt
from that blinding broken heart
affording us distance, enough
to verify what we\'re really experiencing
that\'s why, Nietzsche\'s
\'beyond\' good and evil
resonates with me, we need
to find space
to insure we can excavate veracity\'s perspectives
coherent with our actual feelings
and not be beholden
to our reactionary and
self-indulgent, emotions...
I truly believe
only the brave, can love
rest of us, merely try n imitate
romance\'s fantasy playbooks...
(I mean
just look at how many cry crimson tears
after a heartbreak, and yet
fast forward a little, to when someone
is by their side, and I bet you
it won\'t take too long
for all that hurt, to feel like a distance past..
so then, which is it
was that person really worth all that pain
or were we just refusing to accept
a truth we dare not face...)

March 31st, 2023 02:57

Doggerel Dave said:

\"Who me only?\" is key. A universal condition which most folks work hard to mitigate - quite often with limited success.

March 30th, 2023 19:11

sorenbarrett said:

This applies to all no one has anyone outside of themself. Everyone else love as we might are not in the others skin

March 30th, 2023 17:26

David Wakeling said:

Who cares??Go get a puppy.

March 30th, 2023 16:11

Love and Hate / Heaven and Hell
Doggerel Dave said:

Maybe to be \'cool\' is to be free of the kind of love which is an obsession, Soren. However Love can just be an overwhelming care for another and their way in the world, even if that does not mean their exclusive attention to one\'s self.
A neat write about what I consider to be a pathological form of that overused term.

March 28th, 2023 22:06

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