Comments received on poems by sorenbarrett

orchidee said:

A good write sorting that lot out SB. I thought you was doing algebra! lol.

May 15th, 2023 10:16

sorenbarrett said:

Thanks Cryptic just thought I would give myself a new challenge to an old rhyme scheme. I\'m so glad that you liked it.

May 15th, 2023 09:50

arqios said:

A very pleasurable journey of rhyme Soren. And the eclipse is quite taking as well both in heart and mind.

May 15th, 2023 08:26

Mourning Doves
sorenbarrett said:

Thank you so much dear friend. Your comments mean so much. They are most deeply appreciated.

May 15th, 2023 06:46

Mourning Doves
L. B. Mek said:

beautifully realised, dear Poet
thank you! for choosing to share
I bow to your superior talent
(this, that
poetic tonality of melancholy
of ill-destiny, aside
a yearning to prevail and survive
against that certainty of change
in a gust of wind\'s promise
of all things, finite
we so desperately, try to deny)
\'a selfless sacrifice,
from the frigid, icy sting,
one lifts a sheltering, angel\'s wing,
to shield its companion\'

May 15th, 2023 03:47

If I were
L. B. Mek said:

and so I do, try
increments at a time
like finding out, what a horrid practise
is used to produce our milk
and so now, I\'m almost total soya
does it impact anything, no
does it make a difference
to my mind and spirit\'s, balance
n health
should everyone do it, hell no..
do we need to butcher
and stunt a calves life, for that veal
decadence.. no
then again, do I have a right
to oppress another\'s way of life
because of my moral compass?
hell no
should we write and help widen
the awareness of those
less informed of our food culture
Yes, Yes, Yes!
(what a brilliant utilisation
of your poetic talent, my friend
an important write, ever timely)
thank you!
(and don\'t waste your time
on ill-informed critiques
sprouting, reactionary
unconsidered, self centred garbage
just do you
no apologies, we\'re lucky to have you
if you listen their bul sht
they\'ll exhast your relatiosnhip with Poesy
which is the intent if their toxic comment
you know, because
only \'they\' know what poetry should be
since you know, everything
they write is a gift to humanity...
fckin morons!
do you brother
fck anyone\'s blinkered \'opinion\'..
don\'t try to be nice, to malice
\'reflect\', that you receive
with double the potency!)

May 12th, 2023 02:19

If I were
2781 said:

Great ending, I think?

May 11th, 2023 08:10

If I were
arqios said:

Rhyme haven that brings on the smile!

May 11th, 2023 07:01

If I were
Bobby O said:

Dude, not like your usual stellar write. It’s just sorta arbitrary rhyme , like any old rhyme would do. It doesn’t build tension or purpose or bring any group through phrase together to enrich. An ox in a box a fish on a dish, they be flog a dog, how did you miss a frog on a log or a bison fighting Tyson or make a Siamese say please … whenever there’s a million easy thing to grab without thinking or just to fill a line, well maybe that’s a project to skip. Dude, I say this w love and out of respect for the multiple pieces that were great to read. Don’t be mad. If and when I stray from standard I hope you call me out.

May 11th, 2023 06:27

Bella Shepard said:

The hall of mirrors contains so many iterations of ourselves, layer upon layer, which one is who we really are, or is it perhaps who we really become. This is a feast for the mind dear poet.

May 10th, 2023 13:54

sorenbarrett said:

Glad to see you saw the image in the title. I hope that this is no reflection on me. Appreciate the review L.B.

May 8th, 2023 11:22

sophin said:

Incredibly written!
\"Universal laws shattered by glass\"
\"One smile turns into limitless grins,
with no energy expended\"

An exquisite blend of raw emotion and the beauty of science.

May 8th, 2023 10:19

L. B. Mek said:

(one moment of reflection
as a multiplicative inducement
to formulate
our refracted hope\'s, within
in midsummer, lunch hour
a spark
dissonance crazed hair, as our
self-worth\'s, Phoenix flower
\'One sparkle instantaneously multiplying
glimmering stars in an expanding universe

One smile turns into limitless grins,
with no energy expended\'
just, One
helpful hand, kind gesture
or relatable empathy
worded irresistibly, majestic
just, One)

May 8th, 2023 07:56

We need
L. B. Mek said:

love this
\'We need imaginary supermen
to save us from a defunct society\'
Nietzsche\'s entire idyllic philosophy
distilled within seven words
now that\'s what I call a Poetic, feat!
(for that last verse
may I humbly suggest
\'We need medicine, scares
reminder of good-health\'s, precious grace\')
just a thought, forgive my rudeness
dear Poet, I mean no disrespect

May 8th, 2023 03:42

All things
Bella Shepard said:

At the most basic level we are all the energy of life, one incredible, inexplicable, beautiful thing that you capture so eloquently in this poem.

May 7th, 2023 06:11

We need
jarcher54 said:

Very witty little piece!

May 6th, 2023 22:14

We need
Bobby O said:

Freakin perfect The list of luminaries that reside already in our past , present , and future worlds need no accolades real or imagined to be listed. It’s authentic. It’s notarized. It’s validated !! Slyly, then, without raised words , by the power of classic inference alone , the finale , the Showstopper w exponential Genois se quoit , is Poetry and by extrapolation the Poet is the Hero. VIVA

May 6th, 2023 18:41

We need
2781 said:

And repentance to save us from hell.

May 6th, 2023 18:29

All things
sorenbarrett said:

Thank you so much L.B. I\'m a little more verbose than Mohamed Ali. I felt a bit of panphysicism in this as I wrote it.

May 5th, 2023 10:16

All things
L. B. Mek said:

your poem, my friend
reminds me of the great
Mohamed Ali\'s famous poem
regarded as one of the shortest and most poignant poems, ever
he \'apparently\' came-up with it
while giving a speech to a class
of mostly white students
using his fingers to accentuate
his words, just two words:
(Inclusivity as Oneness
is a most beautiful, ideal!)
thank you!

May 5th, 2023 03:50

L. B. Mek said:

what an ambitious poetic effort
dear cherished Poet
a totality
conceptualised and worded with
such relatable flow
on a topic so impossible to grasp
as tangible, within fingertips
that could never contain, such
a free spirited essence of existence
as water...
(it always seemed amazing to me
how in orthdox christianity
holy water, was born
when Jesus was pierced on one side
of his ribs, while on the other flowed
his blood...
if contemplated
even devoid, of any theological
isn\'t that an image of life\'s, duality
we human\'s
made of 80% liquidity, as flesh
drinking our 2 litters a days
to sustain life
yet bleeding it all out, when
our Time is done...)
\'Seeping through cracks in rocks and dirt,
it filters downward to subterranean depths,
resurrecting through springs, creeks and rivers returning to be reborn from its mother\'s womb, the sea.

The immortal sea, is never, yet always, the same.\'

May 5th, 2023 03:41

Goldfinch60 said:

Fine words soren, may your life become full of love.


May 2nd, 2023 01:22

L. B. Mek said:

(If only Orpheus never looked back
his life\'s Eurydice of tears
would never have graced posterity
as his poetry of aching, ink)
just like you, my wise friend
and most cherished Poet
stay strong!

May 1st, 2023 03:21

L. B. Mek said:

\'But if I could rewrite this childhood story
I would not trade memories for a happy ending
I would live in past moments of glory
before her heart and mind left me\'
such a heart wrenching wording of loss
and resolute defiance, to remember it all
till that last hoorah of surrender
(simply brilliant, dear cherished Poet)

May 1st, 2023 03:14

Doggerel Dave said:

I can\'t quite put my finger on this, Soren (which is probably OK as I think I would get badly burnt if I did).
Its\'s a muscular piece of poetry, but more of a roar than a write.

May 1st, 2023 00:02

Bobby O said:

The well you dipped also left you w a landmark to guide

April 30th, 2023 17:03

Doggerel Dave said:

Hey Soren - I\'ve heard of folks in some special parts of South America who imbibe something....much vomiting...but very vivid hallucinatory effects....I could be well off beam, but wasn\'t you was it?
Creeped me out just a smidgin, I would have to say, but otherwise a good read.

April 29th, 2023 02:41

orchidee said:

You know Eurydice? Did you meet her?! lol.

April 29th, 2023 02:01

Goldfinch60 said:

Those past moments of glory will always be with you Soren.


April 29th, 2023 00:30

What do we expect?
Bella Shepard said:

\"Entropy is a measure of disorder and in our universe, everything tends to move from less disorder to more over time\". Seems these days we are on a collision course with it. Sadly my friend, you pegged it right. Don\'t know if there is an antidote for it.

April 28th, 2023 12:13

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