Comments received on poems by sorenbarrett

Would you?
Bella Shepard said:

This is so powerful, it takes my breath away. If only we could answer the unanswerable, what couldn\'t we be. Brilliant write!

July 31st, 2022 10:48

The boxer
dusk arising said:

Those are the sort of things which keep me out of any butchers shop on the high street.
Flesh and bone butchered in war has the same aura.

July 29th, 2022 02:33

The boxer
L. B. Mek said:

(forgive my rudeness, dear poet
I wanted to share with you
on of my fav Bukowski poems
so you may see, how favourably it compares with your write)
\'The Loser\' by Bukowski:
\'and the next I remembered I’m on a table, everybody’s gone: the head of bravery under light, scowling, flailing me down . . . and then some toad stood there, smoking a cigar: “Kid you’re no fighter,” he told me, and I got up and knocked him over a chair; it was like a scene in a movie, and he stayed there on his big rump and said over and over: “Jesus, Jesus, whatsamatta wit you?” and I got up and dressed, the tape still on my hands, and when I got home I tore the tape off my hands and wrote my first poem, and I’ve been fighting ever since.\'

July 29th, 2022 02:09

It\'s a gas
L. B. Mek said:

\'and that patient cheese
that backup, mouse...\'
(when we see and choose to affirm
without airbrushing, those parts
we\'re not too fond of
then life\'s, as simple as smoke
and self prevention, simply
requires us to wear
a few smile painted gas masks;
all that bul sht, of \'sayings\'
and their intention of narrowing
our perspectives, can be laughed
as easily as Helios giggled, his helium
in defiance, of all taking themselves
too seriously
for the truth is:
\'Gaiety, is wiser than wisdom\'...)
such a clever write
really well realised
thought provoking to say the least
thank you! dear Poet

July 28th, 2022 02:07

It\'s a gas
dusk arising said:

A pleasure to be led astray by you in this way.

July 28th, 2022 00:06

sorenbarrett said:

Dear L.B. It is always so nice to read your review. They are full of various points of view and much wisdom.

July 26th, 2022 07:10

sorenbarrett said:

Thank You Dusk for your review and comment it is most appreciated.

July 26th, 2022 07:06

L. B. Mek said:

to untangle a tight knot
we never, wade-in to that
impregnable core
instead, we steadily
begin to work from the looser
outside threads
when dealing with such
debilitating, issues in our lives
we must first identify
a place, or point in our strife
that\'s seemingly
a little less painful to work on
and then layer by layer
progress after progress, we fight
till we surpass that peace milestone
and go-on to strive
for serenity, itself..
that\'s the sales pitch, ideal
we\'ll take landing, anywhere near
in the vicinity of that dream..
the key word, as always
is patience
as-in, being patient with ourselves
so as to believe, in ourselves..
in Hope, we Intrust!
stay Strong, dear Poet
\'simply, let it be\' take your lead
from there
our illusion of power, shatters quickly
in the face of fate, but
that doesn\'t mean we\'re powerless
we\'re fighting, outside
of our weight class..
(forgive me if this all sounds patronising
I meant no disrespect)

July 26th, 2022 03:36

dusk arising said:

Fine description of how something can completely unbalance us so that we are no longer what we were, what we were used to being. When something so devastating it strikes at the very core of our existence and of where we fit in this world.

Evoked memories for me of times when i was lost. Well written compact piece.

July 25th, 2022 23:51

tallisman said:

Wow! That’s good!

July 23rd, 2022 08:44

L. B. Mek said:

erm, this is a little scary
may i ask
what is it, your muse
to be subjected, to such
a ritualist - form
of assassination
is this
some kind of Halal, mercy?
(flipped it on ya, eh?
forgive me
for being rude, hope
you can understand
why I turned to humour
to take the obsidian edge
of these, rather bleak
dear cherished Poet)
thanks for sharing

July 22nd, 2022 04:08

What could be or not be
Bella Shepard said:

I have to say as I read this poem aloud, I am stunned by it\'s depth and magnitude. You speak truth to arrogance and ignorance in wonderful verse. Truly remarkable my friend, it is definitely a fav!

July 17th, 2022 11:10

What could be or not be
Paul Bell said:

Sadly, in Britain, one must suffer in quietude. Retorting in violence is a grievous offence now. Truth be told, we\'ve become a load of pussies.

July 17th, 2022 07:40

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words soren.


July 16th, 2022 00:54

Caring dove said:

Lovely writing 🙂 you make that caterpillar sound so friendly !

July 15th, 2022 07:48

Bella Shepard said:

Thank you for starting my day with such a lovely sentiment. Your love of nature always shines through.

July 15th, 2022 07:30

Bella Shepard said:

The pathos of your poem is expressed so deeply. Emotional exhaustion that drains the soul. Sad but true. Well written!

July 14th, 2022 11:16

L. B. Mek said:

acutely, pertinent questions
in this
most segregated of time\'s
for humanity\'s, fragmented
sense of civility and society..
still, even if one of us is asking
the searchingly right questions
then we may hope, another
will have a proposition or theory
that can guide us
to helping us find
the answers we need..
\'in hope, we intrust!\'
a wonderfully thought provoking
thanks for sharing)

July 13th, 2022 23:31

sorenbarrett said:

Thank you Bella foryour review and kind commnts

July 13th, 2022 15:14

Bella Shepard said:

Five exquisite lines! Questions that will always confound us. And your final line may save some peace of mind, what more can you do?

July 13th, 2022 10:42

If I loved you i\'d tell you
sorenbarrett said:

Thanks Paul for your review and witty comment. It is appreciated

July 6th, 2022 09:11

If I loved you i\'d tell you
Paul Bell said:

Like adopting an Elephant online, then it turns up to your high rise flat. I\'m here for you when you\'re at your lowest, the grave digger remarked to himself.

July 6th, 2022 04:23

Paul Bell said:

Life and the riddle of it.
We\'re all in it in our own way, going where we\'re going, but never really going at all. Maybe that\'s the whole joke of life, we find out at the end.

July 4th, 2022 11:08

arqios said:

Playful and yet hinting of a deeper undertone of meaning. Very creative, Soren. And it’s fun to read as well! Thanks for sharing.

July 3rd, 2022 09:14

Doggerel Dave said:

Where does this deep need for control come from?

July 2nd, 2022 19:59

Paul Bell said:

Neat little humans, taming everything in site, aren\'t we just super.

July 2nd, 2022 06:59

Doggerel Dave said:

Well put, Soren.
But I don\'t have to believe at all because I don\'t know.
Doesn\'t matter - I\'m still here, enjoyed the ride and whatever happens next (can\'t be far away) will happen.

July 1st, 2022 18:24

Over population
Agmakata said:

Nice nice

June 30th, 2022 20:48

Over population
Eugene S. said:

Quite the peregrination! Enjoyed the read.

June 30th, 2022 18:30

Over population
Doggerel Dave said:

Propagation without regulation.

June 30th, 2022 18:20

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