Comments received on poems by RL Randall

What Happens When Loves Dies.
Tony36 said:

Great write

December 27th, 2024 10:35

What Happens When Loves Dies.
Poetic Licence said:

It does but hopefully in time will regrow in another form, nicely written

December 27th, 2024 02:17

The Agnostic
sorenbarrett said:

The most interesting poem that I identify with I feel that I have been in similar places in the past. Nicely written and well presented.

November 12th, 2024 14:50

Life\'s Music
Cheeky Missy said:

You are a poet. By definition, you hear what others are unconsciously deaf to. Listen more closely. Go out to the quiet places for a minute to recharge your batteries.

September 1st, 2024 11:19

My Reality
sorenbarrett said:

A portrait of someone pulling themselves up by their own boot straps. Well painted

August 24th, 2024 08:46

Maplespal said:

The best words to say are found in the silence as you turn and walk away.
Say nothing
Why create a moment just to please someone else\'s ears.

August 5th, 2024 14:21

orchidee said:

Erm, dunno, so saying Hello here instead! heehee.

August 5th, 2024 14:20

sorenbarrett said:

Haunting and chilling it threatens a sudden end and asks questions about what will be left behind. Well written

August 5th, 2024 12:51

Can We Fix This
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful temperament and cadence to your flow
a questing poetic voice, with a gentle touch
thanks for sharing, dear poet

August 28th, 2023 04:38

I Am Woke
jarcher54 said:

Resistance to wokeness stems from fear of facing the truth. We all know that. Even those who resist. They cover that fear, that insecurity, with outrage and denial because they think they can\'t bear admitting the truth. Thank you for this small but intense soliloquy.

August 6th, 2023 23:47

I Am Woke
Bobby O said:

You could say that 72 more times because you can never speak truth too often. When I bring up the fairness and logic to the white people that I have known to be fair , now I’m addressing the people who honestly consider themselves against social injustice and work to reduce the effect of right wing haters that have strong racist agendas , I felt as a social experiment I would engage these “fair” thinkers to rally in favor of reparations. I was so shocked that most in this group do not see the validity of any type of proactive policies and argue in great majority against enacting even minimal gesture to allocate resource to move toward financial fairness. I end up in heated discussions that saddens me deeply cuz if even the “good “ white folk won’t budge the chasm divide is maintaining status quo. But I try and I’m persuasive and have conviction and logic and fail again and again. There are Two America’s and it’s getting impossible for me to optimistic toward hope for repair. SMH.

August 6th, 2023 22:30

The Journey
dusk arising said:

Nice play with words though i think building a shelter of wisdom may take a few years and see a good few changes LOL.

July 29th, 2022 07:42

L. B. Mek said:

till, we can hear
silence, itself...
(a great shorty, very clever
thank you! dear poet)

July 26th, 2022 01:49

Why Fly The Stars and Bars
dusk arising said:

LOL all that is white and with armed teenagers talking about their rights whilst ignoring the rights of others.

June 14th, 2022 14:53

A Seasonal Depression
L. B. Mek said:

there is a duality, to autumnal weather
that evokes
melancholic and sometimes
even depressing - frames of mind
its, in its fields of fire blazing leaves
while jackets and scarfs
wage battles with gale-force winds;
its, in moody romantic nights
wrapped-up warm, at home
and wishing
for wonderfully elegant, nights out
beneath a gentle drizzle
serenading our windows and umbrellas..
and so between
all this opposing, yet in-sync
to autumn\'s warming melody
we find ourselves, tipping
and dipping from reverie\'s
pools, a little too often
which can bring-on
our spates of melancholic or depressive
\'Yet the buds of sanity,
strive to survive this harsh climate
of mental disparity.\'
(just a great write, dear poet
so well written, thanks for sharing)
stay strong!

June 10th, 2022 04:09

A Seasonal Depression
Goldfinch60 said:

May those buds flourish into glory within you RLR.


June 10th, 2022 00:09

Ghetto Day Dreams
MR.apocalypse said:

truly the words of perseverance

June 6th, 2022 12:24

Ghetto Day Dreams
Rocky Lagou said:

One day your dreams will become reality, despite your circumstances.

June 6th, 2022 12:20

A Credit to My Race
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I met Mr Ellison at a poetry reading with Gwendolyn Brooks when
I was in College. Both powerful writers...

June 3rd, 2022 20:45

a thousand wishes said:

This made me cry and feel so many strong are a charming writer

June 3rd, 2022 14:31

A Credit to My Race
Rocky Lagou said:

This is wonderful dear poet, I will never stop fighting for the human rights. And this is a spectacular piece you\'ve conveyed. Freedom and equality for all.

June 2nd, 2022 08:34

Saxon Crow said:

What a beautiful and respectful poem RL. Such a terrible disease.

May 22nd, 2022 00:35

Vaughn Walker said:

Very beautiful. My grandmother died years ago from Alzheimer’s and this really connects with me. Watching the stages as they slowly progress. Not terrible everyday. Some days worse than others. Only there was nothing to stop its progression, terrible disease. Thank you for this!

May 21st, 2022 18:07

A Lover\'s Emotions
dusk arising said:

And on goes the cycle of life and loving. An oft losing game where only wisdom is won. So well related in your words today.

May 14th, 2022 10:51