Comments received on poems by 2781

Current affairs
Neville said:

......................... shocking

April 21st, 2024 06:34

Anothers eyes
Goldfinch60 said:

Those secrets within us are so special 2781, just see with your own eyes to the wonders that are in your world.


April 21st, 2024 01:25

Anothers eyes
Mason Vollman said:

One thing we all want at some point. But is simply out of breach.

April 20th, 2024 15:11

Anothers eyes
Neville said:

I would rather look into another\'s eyes and see what lies beyond them, but I can see where you might be coming from .. Neville

April 20th, 2024 12:53

Anothers eyes
Cassie58 said:

Well right now I am looking out on my garden. So if you had my eyes you would see lots of camellias in bloom, pansies, primroses and bluebells. Lots of soring colour. No nightmares I assure you. I enjoyed my visit. Happy Saturday.

April 20th, 2024 07:05

Anothers eyes
orchidee said:

I\'m gonna wear dark glasses - how will you know if ya can see me?! lol.

April 20th, 2024 06:44

sorenbarrett said:

We have been waiting for the visit for some time now, I sometimes wonder if he forgot to set his alarm and has overslept.

April 20th, 2024 05:15

Thomas W Case said:


April 19th, 2024 11:55

orchidee said:

Good write 2.
Now corny joke from me. \'Bleurgghh Pepper in the salt pot! Yes, it\'s an ex-salt pot!\' lol.

April 19th, 2024 04:50

Mason Vollman said:

Powerful poem. Love those last few lines.💓

April 19th, 2024 03:19

sorenbarrett said:

Always said any church that asks for money is a red flag. Good write.

April 18th, 2024 04:11

2781 said:

It\'s all a bit of fun
I know the ending
Is not for everyone.

April 18th, 2024 03:57

Neville said:

you may actually have something here ..
don\'t just lay down till it passes, do something other than scribble in the margins .. Neville

April 18th, 2024 03:48

2781 said:

So true-But wisdom is justified of all her children.

April 16th, 2024 20:10

Introverted Sage said:

Evil always destroys itself

April 16th, 2024 19:16

2781 said:

I keep it simple- no, not one.

April 16th, 2024 19:08

Doggerel Dave said:

Like to name names (whisper them if you are worried!)? lol

April 16th, 2024 18:40

What\'s \'is name
sorenbarrett said:

He has many names some of which are lost to time in that they were never to be uttered. But as far as I am concerned I like \"I am that i am\" it seems to fit so well. Loved the write.

April 16th, 2024 05:31

What\'s \'is name
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work.

April 15th, 2024 18:51

What\'s \'is name
Neville said:

Although the path I follow is evidently different to yours, I must admit, I quite enjoyed my visit here .. Neville

April 15th, 2024 02:31

What\'s \'is name
orchidee said:

Good write 2.

April 15th, 2024 01:38

Neville said:

I quite like figures .. its just that I am not very good with them ..

April 14th, 2024 11:05

orchidee said:

Good write 613, 2781, or whoever you are. You might be 84736359204763839 today! lol.

April 14th, 2024 10:27

Thomas W Case said:


April 14th, 2024 08:37

orchidee said:

Good write 2.

April 12th, 2024 02:10

sorenbarrett said:

Sacraments always bothered me somehow. It seems cannibalistic, excuse the irreverence. As for collecting the rent it goes back to what the government tells me, you don\'t own anything you are just renting it. A strong message you send with this poem

April 10th, 2024 12:04

orchidee said:

Now me next poem, waxing bard-like: \'To see or not to see\'. Doh!

April 10th, 2024 08:03

orchidee said:

Good write 2.

April 10th, 2024 08:02

Waste places
2781 said:

Not religious anymore, Hallelujah.

April 9th, 2024 07:41

Waste places
sorenbarrett said:

Not much of a religious guy anymore but I hear the message and yea there is a lot of rebuilding that needs to be done.

April 9th, 2024 07:27

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