Comments received on poems by gray0328

The Heart Away From Nature
Alan R said:

What a brilliant write!

March 31st, 2024 11:41

orchidee said:

Good write G.

March 28th, 2024 13:23

Thomas W Case said:


March 27th, 2024 20:33

orchidee said:

A fine write G.
I fought fire with - fire? No, with water. Chucked a bucket of it over neighbour\'s bonfire. lol.

March 17th, 2024 02:32

Birdsong in Pandemic
orchidee said:

Good write G.

March 14th, 2024 03:14

Cassie58 said:

Highly creative.Never thought of looking at the world through the eyes of a fallen tear before. Love that you mention the white cliffs of Dover. Many a tear would have been shed either on departure or return to those shores. For me they represent home. Enjoyed my visit today.

March 10th, 2024 06:52

orchidee said:

A fine write G.
You know the dark humour story of someone waving for help in the sea.
When rescued they said \'Why didn\'t you help; I was drowning\'. The reply was \'I thought ya was waving hello to me!\'

March 10th, 2024 03:28

Hospital Room Olympics
orchidee said:

Good write G.

March 5th, 2024 11:07

I\'m Leaving You, But Come With Me
Cloie said:

It\'s a poignant reflection on longing, disillusionment, and the inescapable nature of certain connections. Fabulous!

March 3rd, 2024 05:50

The Dark Talent
Thomas W Case said:

Fantastic work.

March 2nd, 2024 23:25

The Dark Talent
Cloie said:

Your poem is so captivating! I love how it delves into the idea of courage and talent, painting a vivid picture of midnight\'s mystery and the hidden depths within ourselves. It\'s like a gentle nudge to step into our own light. Amazing work!

March 2nd, 2024 10:40

Prayer For the Habitually Frightened
orchidee said:

Good write G.

February 27th, 2024 02:45

Heart of the Tree
Cloie said:

Your poem vividly celebrates the act of planting a tree, pulsating with hope, community, and the enduring legacy it brings. It\'s a vibrant ode to stewardship, echoing through time with each leaf\'s whisper and each branch\'s sway.

February 25th, 2024 05:37

Carrying the Cross
orchidee said:

A fine write gray.
It\'s more than giving up choccie biccies for Lent, we know. Though I suppose that\'s some small cross to bear, if whimsical.

February 23rd, 2024 03:22

Sometimes In the Stillness
Kinsey Peterson said:

This is among one of my favourite pieces I have found on this site. Thank you immensely.

February 22nd, 2024 13:46

Marvel At The Riddle
Classicmister said:

\"There is no art to find the mind\'s construction in the face\"

W. Shakespeare

February 19th, 2024 08:17

Marvel At The Riddle
2781 said:

a man\'s wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.

February 19th, 2024 07:23

Marvel At The Riddle
Alan R said:

Behold the etched line of worry or wisdom, who knows.... beautiful

February 19th, 2024 07:07

Love, A Fire
Alan R said:

the beauty of warmth, the necessity of light....


February 18th, 2024 08:54

Don\'t Give Up
orchidee said:

I didn\'t \'give up\' on this poem, but read it to the end!

February 17th, 2024 03:45

Don\'t Give Up
Alan R said:

The tree knows its script by heart, offering up a leaf like a magician

Very beautiful

February 17th, 2024 02:35

Don\'t Give Up
Thomas W Case said:

Excellent work.

February 17th, 2024 01:22

Booze Allergy
Alan R said:

Nicely done

February 16th, 2024 16:01

Morning Bread
John Lee said:

Such a satisfying read. It digests as a psalm to my soul.

February 12th, 2024 19:20

Morning Bread
gray0328 said:

Thank You Thomas

February 12th, 2024 15:46

Morning Bread
Thomas W Case said:

Beautiful work.

February 12th, 2024 15:41

Crows In The Wind
gray0328 said:

Thank You for sharing your feedback Tom I appreciate it brother

February 9th, 2024 01:01

Crows In The Wind
Tom Dylan said:

An intriguing poem, really well written.

February 8th, 2024 05:22

21 Grams
orchidee said:

Ahh, that\'ll be the weight of my brain - 21 grams! lol.

February 3rd, 2024 03:02

The Weather of the Heart
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful work.

January 30th, 2024 19:57

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