Comments received on poems by Tom Dylan

Summer Sun
2781 said:

Should get into the portable air conditioning business.

May 20th, 2024 03:11

Wonderful Weekend Weather
Neville said:

my fir cone is still the most precise means by which I can determine the weather .. nice one tho Tom

May 15th, 2024 12:14

Wonderful Weekend Weather
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful fun words Tom. The British weather, four seasons in one day!


May 15th, 2024 01:15

Wonderful Weekend Weather
Thomas W Case said:

Great use of the senses. I can feel the scene.

May 14th, 2024 17:29

Wonderful Weekend Weather
Accidental Poet said:

Here in the Northeast of the US, we have a saying, \"If you don\'t like the weather, wait a minute, it\'ll change.\" โ›ˆ๏ธโ˜”

May 14th, 2024 10:08

Wonderful Weekend Weather
orchidee said:

Ohhh yes, we can cheer up - it\'ll probably rain again. Not too much fun now, as Dave says! lol.
When it\'s hot we wish it cool.
When it\'s cool we wish it hot. lol.
I think we had it fine all day Sunday here.

May 14th, 2024 07:21

Wonderful Weekend Weather
Doggerel Dave said:

Can\'t be too cheerful and have too much fun - it\'s just not natural, you\'d wear yourself out, Tom. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

May 14th, 2024 02:19

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Thomas W Case said:

Very relatable. I hate nights like that.

May 13th, 2024 10:31

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
Neville said:

This is a good example of why I first fell in love with poetry .. thanks for the history lesson a good day out and for making me smile and all before my mid morning coffee ..

May 13th, 2024 02:46

Sixty Poems
Thomas W Case said:

Keep writing brother. Great stuff.

May 10th, 2024 10:51

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
Doggerel Dave said:

Not full of other tourists was it, Tom ?
You\'ve even managed to infuse a trip to the Lake District with your trademark quirkiness - and that lightens my day.

May 10th, 2024 01:41

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
Goldfinch60 said:

Her may well have visited there Tom, I know I have. LOL


May 10th, 2024 01:12

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
Thomas W Case said:

Great imagery. I like this a lot.

May 9th, 2024 17:50

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
Accidental Poet said:

Isn\'t it wonderful how places can inspire us to write? Great write Tom. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

May 9th, 2024 15:58

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
orchidee said:

Good write Tom.
I remember when I spent time a few miles...from the Co-op! I didn\'t get far. lol.

May 9th, 2024 12:22

A Dabbling Poet Visits the Lake District
Reynaldo Casison said:

beautiful and reflective

May 9th, 2024 10:44

Inner City Poetry
Thomas W Case said:

Tremendous work, Tom.

May 6th, 2024 15:18

Inner City Poetry
Neville said:

this is now firmly affixed to the top of my long list of T.C. Dylan poems .. exceedingly well worded and otherwise composed .. bravo Tom

May 3rd, 2024 06:48

Inner City Poetry
Cassie58 said:

There will always be poetry and it can be found anywhere and everywhere. Inner city makes interesting reading, these days. I enjoyed your lines Tom and the reminder of the Wordsworthโ€™s of this world who initiated me into poetry. Have a happy weekend.

May 2nd, 2024 23:17

Inner City Poetry
orchidee said:

You sleeping better now?

May 2nd, 2024 02:22

Inner City Poetry
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Tom, there is poetry everywhere in our lives.


May 2nd, 2024 01:23

Inner City Poetry
Doggerel Dave said:

...... and, plus they mostly carked it quite early, Tom; whereas you\'ve got the chance to experience your misery turned to joy for very much longer.
You better had - I want to feast on your poetic insights for sometime yet.

May 1st, 2024 18:15

Inner City Poetry
orchidee said:

Good write T.

May 1st, 2024 11:39

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Accidental Poet said:

A story I know so well Tom. Seems like hours you lie there awake. Then all of a sudden you wake up and realize that you did finally get to sleep. But now you have to get up for work. Sometimes when I can\'t sleep I\'ll get on the computer and here in MPS. An hour and a half later I\'ll go back to bed. Usually works for me. ๐Ÿ‘

May 1st, 2024 05:37

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Neville said:

Been there, done that and wore the mattress out .. just be sure you are not alone .. Neville

May 1st, 2024 02:56

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Goldfinch60 said:

Those nights happen Tom when you have something on your mind which stops you sleeping, but sleep will come eventually.


May 1st, 2024 01:16

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Doggerel Dave said:

As you have written Tom...Know it as well as you have described it which is too well.
Only solution for me, when it works, which is sometimes, l almost physically block all thought (real effort involved) and focus on the patterns appearing against closed eyelids...

May 1st, 2024 00:43

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Bella Shepard said:

I\'ve had many a night like this, and you describe it perfectly. Good one!!

April 30th, 2024 13:35

But Sleep Won\'t Come
orchidee said:

It can help if we tell ourselves when getting into bed \'There\'s nothing more we can do about x, y, z, whatever until tomorrow; so just for now I will get to sleep\'.
Getting enough hours sleep too?

April 30th, 2024 12:13

But Sleep Won\'t Come
Buttercup said:

Nice one. It\'s extremely relatable

April 30th, 2024 08:34

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