Comments received on poems by Cocamedo

The Beast Within
sorenbarrett said:

This could be taken metaphorically as an internal struggle to overcome and be in control of oneself as opposed to the literal meaning of the words. This would make it positive in nature as opposed to negative. Nicely done

August 9th, 2024 05:41

The Beast Within
Mutley Ravishes said:

When fear catches the scent of transmutation it’s relentless pursuit begins to falter.

August 9th, 2024 05:39

The Beast Within
Cassie58 said:

Negativity is such a curse. We all have it inside of us. The art, is keeping it at bay and allowing positivity to bring our sunshine. Fear can certainly darken our doorstep. A fine write Cocamedo. Happy Friday to you.

August 9th, 2024 02:30

God’s Gifts
sorenbarrett said:

A strong belief and faith in oneself is a great message in this poem. Loved it

August 8th, 2024 06:44

God’s Gifts
jarcher54 said:

I appreciate the deep sincerity of your piece. I am not religious, but your little poetic journey from focusing on yourself to adoring your angel is touching and lovely.

August 8th, 2024 03:54

The Porch Light is On
sorenbarrett said:

A wonderful metaphor and the use of vivid images some of which are metaphors themselves. Very nicely written

August 7th, 2024 04:14

One Petal
Caring dove said:

Sweet poem )

August 7th, 2024 00:53

In the Dust
Sydney Zane said:

The puzzle unfinished, but no one is trying is the line that definitely hit me the hardest. Great work!

August 6th, 2024 09:47

In the Dust
sorenbarrett said:

A great message. There is no past and no future only the present and I loved the last line a great image.

August 6th, 2024 05:03

In the Dust
Bobby O said:

I read this twice just to gather the intensity that lives and dances with your words.

August 6th, 2024 00:34

One Petal
sorenbarrett said:

Full of memories that bring nostalgia to anyone that has had a lengthy relationship. Very nicely written. I would like to see the flower that has that many petals.

August 5th, 2024 07:03

One Petal
Bobby O said:

Clever metaphor that prompts and adds a human frailty to a very touching list.

August 5th, 2024 05:35

sorenbarrett said:

Wise words and a fun read. Thanks for sharing.

August 4th, 2024 17:35

Tangled Up In You
Cassie58 said:

This poem is brimful of warm sentiment. I love it. So very nicely penned. Happy Saturday.

August 3rd, 2024 07:31

Tangled Up In You
sorenbarrett said:

This piece is so nicely written with cute and fun memories that I feel from my past that is cheers the heart. When a poem touches my feels it is considered art by me.

August 3rd, 2024 05:44

Pathway to More Pieces
sorenbarrett said:

Particularly love the first stanza that applies to more than love. Neatly written with good rhyme

August 2nd, 2024 05:16

Pathway to More Pieces
Cassie58 said:

Really enjoyed the sentiment in your stanzas. Penned beautifully. Happy Friday.

August 2nd, 2024 05:13

Pathway to More Pieces
Alan R said:


August 2nd, 2024 01:44

Parking Lot Thoughts
sorenbarrett said:

Sweet and cute this poem makes use of great imagery to create its mood. Nicely done.

August 1st, 2024 05:37

My Words, My Love, My Promise
sorenbarrett said:

A loving pledge put to rhyme and very nicely done.

July 31st, 2024 06:03

Love Delivered
sorenbarrett said:

A most beautiful lullaby poem. Well done

July 26th, 2024 05:27

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