Comments received on poems by rebellion_in_sanity
Too Sweet for Your Sweet Tooth
sorenbarrett said:
In this marvelous poem of yours, the first stanza took me to a personal relationship, but as the poem evolves, it seems much more than personal and society in nature. It seemed to speak of the falseness that lies in relationships today. It talks of Control in relationships and how this poison kills. Hi, particularly loved the last stanza. And how it was equated to taste. Brilliant.!!
December 1st, 2024 09:09
sorenbarrett said:
In this marvelous poem of yours, the first stanza took me to a personal relationship, but as the poem evolves, it seems much more than personal and society in nature. It seemed to speak of the falseness that lies in relationships today. It talks of Control in relationships and how this poison kills. Hi, particularly loved the last stanza. And how it was equated to taste. Brilliant.!!
December 1st, 2024 09:09
Silent Scars
sorenbarrett said:
Such a great metaphor for this particular issue. This wonderful poem strikes right at the heart of domestic violence. Children are always the silent victims and bear the scars for the rest of their lives.
November 30th, 2024 10:15
sorenbarrett said:
Such a great metaphor for this particular issue. This wonderful poem strikes right at the heart of domestic violence. Children are always the silent victims and bear the scars for the rest of their lives.
November 30th, 2024 10:15
Silent Scars
Neville said:
rammed with relevant imagery .. and yes, you are absolutely write .. it is the children who suffer and who bare scars oft unseen ..
November 30th, 2024 08:37
Neville said:
rammed with relevant imagery .. and yes, you are absolutely write .. it is the children who suffer and who bare scars oft unseen ..
November 30th, 2024 08:37
Silent Scars
Cassie58 said:
Rich in imagery. You take your reader to the core of the subject matter. The children are the collateral damage. Love the elastic band wording and the tension that brings. Such a roller coaster of moods.
November 30th, 2024 08:07
Cassie58 said:
Rich in imagery. You take your reader to the core of the subject matter. The children are the collateral damage. Love the elastic band wording and the tension that brings. Such a roller coaster of moods.
November 30th, 2024 08:07
A Mother\'s Betrayal
Cassie58 said:
What sort of mother indeed. All too easy in the past for leaders to take their country into conflict. As a mother myself, I have imagined the pain in past years of sons leaving for war and not returning. Every mother!s horror story. Unbearable agony. A strong leader looks for diplomatic solutions. Well I can think of one politician of ours (Blair) who took my country into a war. He should be locked up. You raise many issues here. An interesting read which poses many questions.
November 29th, 2024 13:02
Cassie58 said:
What sort of mother indeed. All too easy in the past for leaders to take their country into conflict. As a mother myself, I have imagined the pain in past years of sons leaving for war and not returning. Every mother!s horror story. Unbearable agony. A strong leader looks for diplomatic solutions. Well I can think of one politician of ours (Blair) who took my country into a war. He should be locked up. You raise many issues here. An interesting read which poses many questions.
November 29th, 2024 13:02
A Mother\'s Betrayal
Doggerel Dave said:
No, thanks for taking my efforts in the same direction seriously. These questions really cannot be asked often enough, and it only by repetition and gaining numbers... (how many?) that .....I feel sad and hopeless actually.
November 29th, 2024 08:13
Doggerel Dave said:
No, thanks for taking my efforts in the same direction seriously. These questions really cannot be asked often enough, and it only by repetition and gaining numbers... (how many?) that .....I feel sad and hopeless actually.
November 29th, 2024 08:13
A Mother\'s Betrayal
sorenbarrett said:
Most interesting analogies that makes sense and call out for peace not war why violence is the answer to violence is the most interesting question. Sun tzu Said that the best way to win is to win by not fighting. A wonderful poem that has numerous cutting edges and beautiful points made very nicely said.
November 29th, 2024 04:52
sorenbarrett said:
Most interesting analogies that makes sense and call out for peace not war why violence is the answer to violence is the most interesting question. Sun tzu Said that the best way to win is to win by not fighting. A wonderful poem that has numerous cutting edges and beautiful points made very nicely said.
November 29th, 2024 04:52
A Mother\'s Betrayal
Neville said:
I have personally run out of questions on the subject of war .. to date, I have found they largely fall on deaf ears .. You have clearly thought long and hard before formulating yours .. and whilst we may not be afforded satisfactory answers, at least it seems like we are on the same side .. Neville
November 29th, 2024 01:58
Neville said:
I have personally run out of questions on the subject of war .. to date, I have found they largely fall on deaf ears .. You have clearly thought long and hard before formulating yours .. and whilst we may not be afforded satisfactory answers, at least it seems like we are on the same side .. Neville
November 29th, 2024 01:58
Farewell to Strangling
Neville said:
I know for a fact there are many in the same boat .... & most of them remain there through fear .. when asked what they are fearful of, most respond with an honest don\'t know .. which just goes to prove that we only fear what we don\'t understand .. and if as you say, you got out .. well done you sir .. yes indeed, bloomin well done .. Neville
November 27th, 2024 12:57
Neville said:
I know for a fact there are many in the same boat .... & most of them remain there through fear .. when asked what they are fearful of, most respond with an honest don\'t know .. which just goes to prove that we only fear what we don\'t understand .. and if as you say, you got out .. well done you sir .. yes indeed, bloomin well done .. Neville
November 27th, 2024 12:57
Farewell to Strangling
sorenbarrett said:
One must do what one fines fulfilling. To be simply a cog in the machine this is not the human dream. A poem of assertion.
November 27th, 2024 06:09
sorenbarrett said:
One must do what one fines fulfilling. To be simply a cog in the machine this is not the human dream. A poem of assertion.
November 27th, 2024 06:09
Farewell to Strangling
Doggerel Dave said:
The only solution was to career way the hell out of there.....
November 27th, 2024 05:58
Doggerel Dave said:
The only solution was to career way the hell out of there.....
November 27th, 2024 05:58
Crescent Morning
Neville said:
Very nicely poemed in my very humble opinion .. Neville
November 26th, 2024 04:29
Neville said:
Very nicely poemed in my very humble opinion .. Neville
November 26th, 2024 04:29
The Price of Revenge
Neville said:
You just hit the proverbial nail, square on its proverbial head sir .. In an increasingly false & unkind world, it makes no sense at all, not to look after ourselves .. Neville
November 26th, 2024 04:27
Neville said:
You just hit the proverbial nail, square on its proverbial head sir .. In an increasingly false & unkind world, it makes no sense at all, not to look after ourselves .. Neville
November 26th, 2024 04:27
The Price of Revenge
Cassie58 said:
How true. We can neglect ourselves when it comes to kindness. Sage words here. Enjoyed the read.
November 24th, 2024 17:50
Cassie58 said:
How true. We can neglect ourselves when it comes to kindness. Sage words here. Enjoyed the read.
November 24th, 2024 17:50
Crescent Morning
sorenbarrett said:
I love to feel of this poem. It has some sense of darkness to it, but at the same time as feelings of hope.
November 22nd, 2024 12:57
sorenbarrett said:
I love to feel of this poem. It has some sense of darkness to it, but at the same time as feelings of hope.
November 22nd, 2024 12:57
Waiting For Them To Return
sorenbarrett said:
Life moves on as portrayed in this poem. Sometimes we leave a mess behind. We are anxious for what is to come but live in the moment.
November 21st, 2024 08:20
sorenbarrett said:
Life moves on as portrayed in this poem. Sometimes we leave a mess behind. We are anxious for what is to come but live in the moment.
November 21st, 2024 08:20
In Search of the Real Me
Doggerel Dave said:
Change is hard but that\'s no reason to be too hard on yourself. You lashed yourself with style and strength, I think.
November 20th, 2024 08:42
Doggerel Dave said:
Change is hard but that\'s no reason to be too hard on yourself. You lashed yourself with style and strength, I think.
November 20th, 2024 08:42
In Search of the Real Me
sorenbarrett said:
Deep self reflection is evidenced in this poem. A haunting questioning of the past and where it has led beautifully worded.
November 20th, 2024 05:41
sorenbarrett said:
Deep self reflection is evidenced in this poem. A haunting questioning of the past and where it has led beautifully worded.
November 20th, 2024 05:41
The Wrongs - They Were Right
sorenbarrett said:
A most splendid concept that I hold as well that all choices take us to the same mountain top some by pain and others by joy there is no wrong choice only ones that take longer and hurt more.
November 5th, 2024 05:03
sorenbarrett said:
A most splendid concept that I hold as well that all choices take us to the same mountain top some by pain and others by joy there is no wrong choice only ones that take longer and hurt more.
November 5th, 2024 05:03
sorenbarrett said:
An so were named the seas and moon anciently, the moon a she the sun a he it makes total sense to me. Great poem my friend
October 29th, 2024 08:14
sorenbarrett said:
An so were named the seas and moon anciently, the moon a she the sun a he it makes total sense to me. Great poem my friend
October 29th, 2024 08:14
Doggerel Dave said:
Right – so here’s my take (I think it parallels yours, but if not, you know where to find me):
Truth is contingent upon time and place. No such thing as ultimate truth (and I’m not talking about truths swimming around in a thought disordered mind). Truth inevitably changes as more knowledge and insight is accrued over “the passage of time”. Don’t know why I started this…you had it there from the start.
October 28th, 2024 00:39
Doggerel Dave said:
Right – so here’s my take (I think it parallels yours, but if not, you know where to find me):
Truth is contingent upon time and place. No such thing as ultimate truth (and I’m not talking about truths swimming around in a thought disordered mind). Truth inevitably changes as more knowledge and insight is accrued over “the passage of time”. Don’t know why I started this…you had it there from the start.
October 28th, 2024 00:39
We Say We Don\'t But We Love Wars
Doggerel Dave said:
\"War was and always will be
Fought for power, dominance
And MONEY above all\" Yes, double Yes. A truth summed up without bullshit.
October 27th, 2024 06:36
Doggerel Dave said:
\"War was and always will be
Fought for power, dominance
And MONEY above all\" Yes, double Yes. A truth summed up without bullshit.
October 27th, 2024 06:36
sorenbarrett said:
I love this topic so phiosophical it is ripe for poetic expression and metaphor. Love your metaphor of shadows and the one of snakes and how you relate them. Snakes related to evil can on the other hand be not only beguilers but good in eating vermin. Their sedding of skin is like the changing of truth to a lie or vice versa truth changes over time indeed. Very nicely done my friend
October 27th, 2024 05:41
sorenbarrett said:
I love this topic so phiosophical it is ripe for poetic expression and metaphor. Love your metaphor of shadows and the one of snakes and how you relate them. Snakes related to evil can on the other hand be not only beguilers but good in eating vermin. Their sedding of skin is like the changing of truth to a lie or vice versa truth changes over time indeed. Very nicely done my friend
October 27th, 2024 05:41
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Love this! Excellent write on the consequences of nationalism and xenophobia. Thank you for sharing.
October 26th, 2024 22:15
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Love this! Excellent write on the consequences of nationalism and xenophobia. Thank you for sharing.
October 26th, 2024 22:15
Doggerel Dave said:
On the subject of Patriotism I can only concur. But with care - there are folks here.......
October 26th, 2024 22:06
Doggerel Dave said:
On the subject of Patriotism I can only concur. But with care - there are folks here.......
October 26th, 2024 22:06
sorenbarrett said:
Glad to see this Rebellion it takes courage to post controversial writes and this tells the story of prejudice in a satirical manner. Here the absurdity of how people believe their their God condones the killing of others. A great challenge of peoples beliefs where art\'s aim is to raise awareness of inequities, injustices and the absurdity of commonly accepted conventions. Great job
October 26th, 2024 09:22
sorenbarrett said:
Glad to see this Rebellion it takes courage to post controversial writes and this tells the story of prejudice in a satirical manner. Here the absurdity of how people believe their their God condones the killing of others. A great challenge of peoples beliefs where art\'s aim is to raise awareness of inequities, injustices and the absurdity of commonly accepted conventions. Great job
October 26th, 2024 09:22
sorenbarrett said:
Don\'t know whether to take this as a comment on the media or religion. Nicely said my friend
October 23rd, 2024 12:45
sorenbarrett said:
Don\'t know whether to take this as a comment on the media or religion. Nicely said my friend
October 23rd, 2024 12:45
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