Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

Start With A Cup
Garry said:

Sadly true for me.but Instant black, filter with hot milk.

May 1st, 2017 05:25

Start With A Cup

GOOD MORNING HONEY ~ I agree ! COFFEE ? It\'s just a bean ! YES just a bean ~ but one that\'s filled with pure CAFFEINE ! Coffee Kisses ~ BRIAN Please check my Poem and Fruity Fusion ~ Thanks B.

May 1st, 2017 05:19

My Sling Shot
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, I too have a catapult with which to frighten cats who come into our garden.

May 1st, 2017 01:47

My Sling Shot
valene said:

this is a fun read. love that your intention is to scare and not kill.
my favorite verse is the one about using marbles....great image and definite chuckle!
i do have one suggestion that might make the flow of verse #7 a drop smoother:

no matter how hard
and straight my aim
I haven\'t hit one
I\'m off my game

again this is just my take...all in all, i enjoyed the read!

April 30th, 2017 20:27

My Sling Shot
Michael Edwards said:

Its also a useful tool to get rid of cats who cause so much havoc - luckily with a wall enclosed garden we don\'t get too many but when they do stray they are such a pest.

April 30th, 2017 08:57

My Sling Shot
kevin browne said:

awesome write about the beautiful squirrel. they are very few and far between here in England. well done on this one WriteBeLight.

April 30th, 2017 07:02

Lead Foot
Pintu Mahakul said:

You have captured wonderful points in this poem to raise issues. Such a poem is interesting and this is necessary for awareness.

April 30th, 2017 00:51

Check The Attitude
Pintu Mahakul said:

Boss wants more and insists but this amazes mind. Doing little more as much as possible means a lot and nothing more means to motivate for more. An amazing poem is shared.

April 30th, 2017 00:49

Check The Attitude
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, we should always forge ahead to achieve new things in our lives.

April 30th, 2017 00:23

Check The Attitude
Bibbeck said:

Great write. The right attitude. Work-Life balance - challenge, learn & grow whilst at work to enable enjoyment outside.

April 29th, 2017 12:01

Check The Attitude
Michael Edwards said:

And many of us have come up against them - great ode.

April 29th, 2017 11:22

Check The Attitude
orchidee said:

Yes - I heard: \'Work is part of life; but life (all of it ) is not work!\'
You playing Monopoly Outback?! lol.

April 29th, 2017 11:10

Check The Attitude

Thanks HONEY ~ excellent ode (as always) and a challenge to us all to check our attitudes. I have worked for BOSSES like those you mention ~ and they are a pain and always spread misery. I like to spread light ~ love and joy ! When I work in laboratories there is always a problem of \"BROKEN GLASS IN THE SINK\" Technically it is the responsibility of the cleaner to remove it ~ and if not then the Lab Technician. Some ladies don\'t like having their hands cut ~ so I say to them ~ if there is broken glass tell me and I will remove it and dispose of it safely. One said \"It\'s not your job !\" I replied ~ \"If it helps you and makes you happy then it is MY JOB !\" I always ask WHAT WOULD JESUS DO and He always helped EVERYBODY ~ Being a Carpenter a bit of broken glass would never have bothered Him ! Hugs ~ BRIAN

April 29th, 2017 09:52

Check The Attitude
Angel Smileyface said:

awesome write i liked it lol

April 29th, 2017 07:46

Lead Foot
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, the ones that get me are those in cars that do not realise that there is a lever to turn on indicators to INDICATE which way they are going.

April 29th, 2017 00:13

Lead Foot
vvnrose said:

I\'m a speeder and a rager but not type Great poem.

April 28th, 2017 19:13

Lead Foot
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed great write

April 28th, 2017 10:46

Lead Foot
orchidee said:

A fine write.

April 28th, 2017 10:06

Lead Foot
Lizzy Renee said:

Wow, wonderful poem you have here.

April 28th, 2017 09:12

Lead Foot
Fay Slimm. said:

I agree entirely - road users of the type your verse describes are a true menace to themselves and others. Good points raised here my friend.

April 28th, 2017 07:28

Lead Foot
Michael Edwards said:

Oh yes we all know them especially the ones with the so-called music blaring out - mind you I do drive pretty fast myself and just hate it when the person in front of is wearing a cap or has a cauliflower hair-do (do you get this in the USA ? - slow driving pensioners that is ) - mind you many of them are probably younger than me anyway!

April 28th, 2017 06:05

Garry said:

Very nice

April 27th, 2017 18:43

Phony Baloney With Swiss On Lies
Tony36 said:

Great write

April 27th, 2017 10:25

Phony Baloney With Swiss On Lies
Lizzy Renee said:

Wow. I love the wording :)

April 27th, 2017 09:35

Phony Baloney With Swiss On Lies
Michael Edwards said:

Can\'t stand bovine excretia - cheesy bovine excretia is even worse. Good write.

April 27th, 2017 09:24

Phony Baloney With Swiss On Lies
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write.

April 27th, 2017 08:04

Goldfinch60 said:

The last stanza was the truth,
I write this senryu some time ago.

I awake each morn
Move from my bed and stand up,
The day will be good.

April 27th, 2017 00:49

Michael Edwards said:

Exercise every day but trouble is I enjoy a glass of wine or two with my main meal - must cut it out - waist currently half my height so all is not lost but must try to lose a tad

April 26th, 2017 23:51

vvnrose said:

Ah yes, I miss the metabolism per-childbearing years ;)

April 26th, 2017 20:23

Rain Power
MendedFences27 said:

And they cancelled the ballgame!! I too hate potholes, and driving in the rain hides them and my car seems to always find them.It\'s like, \"It\'s raining? Fasten your seat belt, we\'ll be bouncing around.\"
So, pray for the pavers to come and fix them. They\'\'l get them finished just in time for winter\'s frost-heaves to start. Nice poem. I laughed at the photo.- Phil A.

April 25th, 2017 21:52

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