Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

Foggy Fever
Michael Edwards said:

and not a problem from me either - gone are the days of being at the office at 7.30 in the morning going home at 5pm having dinner and then getting out the paperwork - oh and no time to stop for lunch - what is lunch - and phone calls from the hospital in the middle of the night seeking advice on some legal issue or other (hospitals work round the clock) - and now I put my feet up write paint and drink wine.

April 20th, 2017 14:28

Foggy Fever
orchidee said:

Hay fever there?

April 20th, 2017 10:15

Foggy Fever
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, I no longer have this problem as being retired from work I am no longer guided by the clock.

April 20th, 2017 08:40

Foggy Fever
willyweed said:

sounds more like spring fever, two scoops of ice cream and call me in the morning.

April 20th, 2017 07:27

I Hate It When That Happens
Hopey_xx said:

Haha I love this! I can relate so much to the perfume one, unfortunately. :)

April 19th, 2017 14:45

I Hate It When That Happens
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed, great write

April 19th, 2017 14:01

I Hate It When That Happens
orchidee said:

A fine write. I hate it when an e-mail bounces, just because of one incorrect letter! doh!

April 19th, 2017 08:06

I Hate It When That Happens
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, we all do things that we wish we hadn\'t.

April 19th, 2017 07:47

The Engineer and the Salesman
MendedFences27 said:

The Engineer creates, the Salesman sells, It\'s the sale that involves a commission. An age old argument always won by Sales. So much goes into designing and manufacturing a quality product, yet the sale is always the same pitch, and all those who put the product together created it from nothing, end up with nothing. So, so true. Great write, you hit the nail right on the head. - Phil A.

April 18th, 2017 22:27

The Engineer and the Salesman
willyweed said:

or the liar and the magician nice work here WBL

April 18th, 2017 10:33

The Engineer and the Salesman
orchidee said:

Good write.

April 18th, 2017 10:07

The Engineer and the Salesman
Michael Edwards said:

Only profession ever wins all the time - the lawyer - I chose right but I still love this one WBL.

April 18th, 2017 08:40

The Engineer and the Salesman
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed Great write

April 18th, 2017 08:13

The Engineer and the Salesman
Goldfinch60 said:

When I was working the firm had us Computer Analysts creating the product for the salesman to sell, I do not belong believe I ever heard the truth from a salesman!
Good write WBL

April 18th, 2017 08:09

valene said:

it\'s interesting to me that you wrote about this cos i\'ve always wondered if a song writer needs the music 1st before the words or can they take a poem and put it to music...i guess it could go either way. i\'d love to be able to create the music in my mind and put words to it, but unfortunately, my mind doesn\'t seem to want to cooperate!
anyhow, i truly enjoyed the read! Poetically speaking it reads really well, and you make a valid point!

April 17th, 2017 17:01

Garry said:

Very enhoayble little piece

April 17th, 2017 14:17

orchidee said:

A fine write. I can\'t write music. I go by knowledge and memory of tunes I know.

April 17th, 2017 11:28

willyweed said:

the words, the story, write the melody for me?

April 17th, 2017 08:29

Michael Edwards said:

When I get writers cramp I think maybe Mendelssohn had it right with his Songs Without Words - yes the words are so important which is probably why in so many second rate pop songs songs its impossible to decipher the words.

April 17th, 2017 08:07


Thanks HONEY ~ I love songs ~ which is poetry in musical motion ! There should a symbiosis between the Message and the Music ! \"Bridge over Troubled Water\" Simon & Garfunkel is a good example and EVERYTHING by Gilbert & Sullivan (Light opera),
Thanks for sharing ~ Symbiotic Hugs ~ BRIAN

April 17th, 2017 08:05

Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed Great write

April 17th, 2017 07:54

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write and so very true. Words can seriously complement some music.

April 17th, 2017 07:42

My Easter Day
ron parrish aka wordman said:

amen to that happy easter

April 17th, 2017 01:32

My Easter Day
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write, may peace be with you.

April 17th, 2017 00:19

My Easter Day
valene said:

I can relate to celebrating this Easter thru memories of the ones gone by...and for\'s a lovely way to do it. Loved the read here. Smooth transition from verse to verse! I think your ending is very well put! Happy Easter!
p.s. love the pic of the chick!

April 16th, 2017 16:53

My Easter Day
P.H.Rose said:

Superb WBL
Love it.....
Was at my daughters
Earlier, my two grandkids
Had a egg find... absolutely
Hilarious... they\'ve each
Got a large basket full
And we\'re fighting over
The last one... honestly
My sides were splitting
She might be only 2
But my lord she can
Fight.... just a wonderful

April 16th, 2017 15:40

My Easter Day
Michael Edwards said:

Well its my birthday and we\'ve had a houseful including 5 kids since yesterday - supposed to be my day and my wife and I have not stopped - house now straight beds stripped - dishwasher emptied for the third time - both knackered - and both ready for bed and its a great poem by the way.

April 16th, 2017 14:10

My Easter Day
Hopey_xx said:

Made me smile, great write and Happy Easter!

April 16th, 2017 13:47

My Easter Day
Christina8 said:

Very well written, sweet poem. Happy Easter to you!

April 16th, 2017 10:06

My Easter Day

Thanks HONEY
What better way
To spend Easter Day
Than to PRAY
I\'m praying too
For you ~ that your toothache
Will soon go AWAY
On Easter Day !
Blessings & Hugs ~ BRIAN

April 16th, 2017 09:23

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