Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

New Glasses
P.H.Rose said:

Brilliant !!!!!
I change them
Every year...
But alas no kale
And so stronger
Love this poem...

May 21st, 2017 17:41

New Glasses
swingline said:

The right glasses are just spiffy
When you look out they work jiffy
Those looking in just get wishy
YAY ! new glasses are so nifty .

May 21st, 2017 17:14

New Glasses
Augustus said:

Hello old friend. I am sure you look fetching. But it\'s not ,about looks is it?

May 21st, 2017 13:11

New Glasses
Fay Slimm. said:

So glad you got fixed up with the right glasses so now we will have lots more of your clear-sighted poems in which to reflect with delight.

May 21st, 2017 13:09

New Glasses
orchidee said:

A fine write B.

May 21st, 2017 11:34

New Glasses

Love your new GOGS (Scouse for Glasses) ~ HONEY ~ and I do make passes at Girls who wear Glasses ! Look out for me if you come Piccadilly Circus. I don\'t wear glasses yet bu my GF thinks they make Young Men look wise (like an OWL !) and she loves it when I wear plain lens shades in the Summer ~ Like ELVIS ! Thanks for sharing enjoy your new GOGS ~ Love the poem ~ very rhythmical ! Yours BRIAN

May 21st, 2017 11:21

Betrayal And Broken Trust
Goldfinch60 said:

It is such a shame that some relationships end up like this, and there may be more than people realise. Good write.

May 21st, 2017 00:53

Betrayal And Broken Trust
P.H.Rose said:

Another very good one,
Seen all this first hand
As a child.....
The evil that men do !!!!!

May 20th, 2017 11:28

Betrayal And Broken Trust

Thanks for sharing HONEY ~ We Men have a lot to answer for ! There are so many poems about MALES abusing FEMALES and very seldom the other way round ~ ALTHOUGH ~ we do get hurt emotionally (sometimes) and Real Men really do cry. My MOM (and my sister !) taught me to treat all ladies like Angels ~ with a lot of TLC ~ and I always do ! With TLC ~ BRIAN

May 20th, 2017 08:24

Betrayal And Broken Trust
Michael Edwards said:

Sadly there are such men - and women if it comes to that .

May 20th, 2017 07:20

Betrayal And Broken Trust
swingline said:

Jesus did not raise his hand against another . So what gives any man the right to do so .

May 20th, 2017 06:12

orchidee said:

A fine write. Erm, as is said, un-hymn like: \'Don\'t let the b******s grind ya down\'! oohh.

May 19th, 2017 09:16


Contentment with Godliness ~ HONEY ~ is great gain. Bless you for lifting all our Spirits ~ Yours BRIAN

May 19th, 2017 08:51

swingline said:

A point that eludes most people . Cherish the moment for they seem to be fleeting .

May 19th, 2017 06:39

Michael Edwards said:

And try to relish every moment - well said WBL

May 19th, 2017 06:02

Friggen Hornets
swingline said:

Go to the store and buy some stingease , a liquid you can put on any insect sting or bite and it will illiminate any pain . Then go to the automotive department and buy some cheap starter fluid . You can spray any insect and they die instantly . You can wipe out a whole colony in seconds . Ha ha , I forgot about how great your poem is .

May 18th, 2017 18:53

P.H.Rose said:

This is very very good
WBL... love it..

May 18th, 2017 11:12

Michael Edwards said:

Indeed the journey is the important thing as long as you remember where you came from.

May 18th, 2017 10:55

orchidee said:

A fine write WBL.

May 18th, 2017 10:52

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write. The journey is the important thing in our lives.

May 18th, 2017 08:07


Thanks HONEY for another elegantly penned POEM. I guess all our lives are a process of searching for the missing pieces in the Jig~saw of our lives ! My experience is ~ SEEK and ye shall FIND ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN.

May 18th, 2017 07:42

swingline said:

Ha ha , great picture . Well thoughtout plan for this poem . The dry humor is executed perfectly . Actually very very impressive use of cyclical phrases .

May 18th, 2017 06:30

Bullies Never Grow Up
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write. Bullies are cowards and with any bullies apathy towards them is a great weapon.

May 18th, 2017 00:51

Bullies Never Grow Up
Christina8 said:

Very good advice, WBL! That\'s one thing I\'ve always hated is a \"gee you look tired today\" Oh thanks. People can be so mean and catty when they can choose to say nothing at all. Or something uplifting! Really great write!

May 17th, 2017 10:45

Bullies Never Grow Up

Thanks HONEY ~ Nobody love a Bully ~ especially the bulliued ~ I was bullied before I became a TEEN ~ then they all thought twice ! I can say hand on heart ~ I have never bullied anybody ~ AMEN Thanks for sharing ~ HUGS BRIAN Please check my PEANUT BUTTER Poem and my FISHY FUSION ~ Thanks B

May 17th, 2017 10:42

Bullies Never Grow Up
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

May 17th, 2017 10:19

Bullies Never Grow Up
Michael Edwards said:

Still so prevalent - especially bad among girls - sad world.

May 17th, 2017 09:37

Bullies Never Grow Up
orchidee said:

You got flies or bees, Outback?! Buuuzzzzz. heehee. Good write WBL.

May 17th, 2017 08:32

Bullies Never Grow Up
P.H.Rose said:

Another good one WBL
And a subject I have
Had a lot of history

May 17th, 2017 07:56

Bullies Never Grow Up
swingline said:

Best advice as you say is to ignore them and not get down on their level . Like flies , maybe they\'ll go away .

May 17th, 2017 06:46

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