Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Hold Hard.
Brycycle said:

lovely poem Fay, the sunsets around this time of year are stunning!

October 21st, 2020 16:24

Hold Hard.
Michael Edwards said:

Batten down - great atmospheric shorty Fay.

October 21st, 2020 15:33

Hold Hard.

Angela Here - Thanks for sharing ! No English County can offset the oncome of Winter as Ocober makes way for November - The first Month of Winter ! Bonfire night wont be that same this Year always a fave night of ours ! In our experience Sunsets on a peninsular - like Cornwall - are always more memorable than Essex ! Thanks for sharing photo we love Castles ! When we bought our first Home we made sure it had an Open Fireplace ! There is plenty of *FREE* fallen wood in the Woods near our House & Handiman Brian has an Electric Bench Saw which reduces it to Firelogs ! The sight - sound & scent of an *Open Fire* stimulates all the senses and it produces the best toasted Muffins and we have a hob with a Black Kettle very Rural. Smokey loves watching the Log Fire ! Please check RESPONSIBILITY - Thanks A & B & C

Blessings & Joy & Peace
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey 💛💛💛

October 21st, 2020 13:39

Hold Hard.
orchidee said:

We\'ll have to get up an hour early to see more daylight then - lighter mornings soon! Nothing else for it. lol.

October 21st, 2020 07:52

Hold Hard.
dusk arising said:

Ere\'bouts weem got thaa natrel gaas see. Gon\'suz days o sendin out lad fer a log n\'eerin \'im slip ovver in snow.

Brrrrr puts a chill in me reading stuff like your post today especially when sat idle and the old bones feel the cold creeping in.

There\'s Cornish in my blood but i can\'t speak the Cornish tongue.

October 21st, 2020 07:47

Goldfinch60 said:

Such wonderful words once more Fay, may that rainbow come into your life many times more.


October 21st, 2020 00:05

MendedFences27 said:

Words fantastically employed here. The mystical nature of the scene you have created is dripping in linguistic depth. \"Moonlight\'s white fingers,\" water\'s dark mask,\" \'mosaic patterns in gloom,\" \"half lit lunar lantern.\" are some of my favorites. I agree with Nev about the last stanza being to die for. I think I\'ll save this work. - Phil A

October 20th, 2020 15:12

Neville said:

I can not imagine or think of a more fitting image to accompany these fine words dear Fay ... and that concluding stanza is almost to die for .....

October 20th, 2020 08:28

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

October 20th, 2020 07:05

Goldfinch60 said:

Duty may win but sometimes the heart battles duty. Wonderful words once more Fay.


October 20th, 2020 00:38


ANGELA HERE ~ Good Evening Fay - Thenks again for a whistful ODE of *What might have been !* and *Almost was but wasnt* It resonates with many scenarios in all our own lives ~ when we walked away from Someone or Something and then relented and sneaked back with Guilt & Regret but with a sense of Duty. It has never happened to Brian & I (yet) and we both have Faith - becase of the depth of our love. Like a tree planted by the Water-side We shall not be moved ~ AMEN ! Please check *CURRY* Thanks !

Blessings & Peace & Joy with Love
Angela - Brian & Smokey Cat 💛💛💛

October 19th, 2020 16:05

Michael Edwards said:

Super piece fay.

October 19th, 2020 13:44

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

October 19th, 2020 10:24

L. B. Mek said:

such a subtle depiction of the nuances within Regret, sacrifice of self - with its inevitability of \'what if\'s\',
yet also - in the blank spaces between ink, remain remnants of that pride that chose to cater to another, intentionally - knowingly betraying one version of self, to heroically stay and ink out all the molasses left in the commitment chosen to be prioritised,
a wonderfully insightful write, immersive in delivery

October 19th, 2020 06:33

dusk arising said:

Unsure whether this is after an \"I\'m leaving you\" break up or a change of heart after having made an arrangement to \'slip away and meet someone\'. Regardless of those I think you cleverly created a heavy atmosphere with sombre weather conditions and that sun peeping through after enough time had passed to weigh things up with maybe a cooler or more reasoned head on.
Enjoyed thinking about this, the layout and sparse clues taking me into it\'s mystery. I bet you had fun creating this - how much to put in, how much to leave out... keep that dusk bloke guessing.

October 19th, 2020 03:54

Goldfinch60 said:

Those skills of the passed were so wonderful to see. I my life I have watched these skilled men in wonder as to what they could achieve with their tools; you are right it is like a conductor creating sound from an orchestra.
Super write Fay.


October 18th, 2020 00:30

jarcher54 said:

You have been a good student and become a good master, all at the same time. I am very good at what I do at work, but learn more every day. Thanks for reminding us to respect our forbears, and have at it.

October 17th, 2020 13:32

dusk arising said:

Oh that apprentices of the twenty first century were like that. But no. Today apprentices know it all whilst knowing very little other than posesion of a first class degree in argumentative.
Or have i just had the bad apples?

In days of yore when skills were more learned and art like indeed there would be the mystery and wonder in the young persons handling of tools. Skills admired. True effort put into doing ones best to please. Aquiring the \'pride\' in ones work so often found lacking today.

You piece brought to mind the novice understudy music student learning how the master enables his instrument to weep.


October 17th, 2020 06:31

jarcher54 said:

Being a nonconformist in most every respect myself, I\'ll diverge from the crowd just a bit to note that trying too hard to be quirky can lead to a different sort of predictability. But you said it best when you urge authenticity, which is the source of much invention and beauty. Rules are not so much meant to be broken as transcended.

October 17th, 2020 02:16

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Fay, we may have so many different types of poetry but all are aiming to bring our feelings onto paper for others to read.


October 17th, 2020 00:29


BRIAN HERE ~ Thanks FAY ~ Point taken ! Angela & I are very much bound up with the things of TIME & SENSE ~ consequently if & when we do post it is very much *POEME CONCRETE* like todays Ecological Poem on the Beauty & Purpose of Wasps ~ in the form of a Pantoum ! Some of the comments have been interesting ~ justifying the time & effort ! We believe it balance some of the more abstract Poems (like your Gem !) posted today. We can only write about we know & feel ~ OK ! We are once again plunged into COVIDISM mode because Essex has been upgraded from Level 3 to 2 so there is no socialisation ~ SO SO SAD !

Blessings & Peace & Joy & Love

October 16th, 2020 13:54

Neville said:

No one that can hold a pen, or tap a keyboard key .. and certainly not a single one who loves this art form we call poetry .. is going to find fault or argue with you Fay .. but agree & applaud ya wholeheartedly .......

Neville ... x

October 16th, 2020 06:45

L. B. Mek said:

didactic in tone
yet not - a clone,
generously shared wisdom and a good read as well

October 16th, 2020 03:24

dusk arising said:

Well i think it\'s kind of obvious I\'m going to agree with every word of this fine piece.
I often try to step into a jungle of thought yet finding the right words to fulfill a feeling still seems a huge compromise and leaves me dissatisfied but none the less i post... and move on.
As much as i shun a lot of the oldie stylie of poets with their sweet rhyming lines, there are those who wish to strictly adhere to those rules and formats. And grrrr those who wish to include arithmetic in number counting silly bulls to achieve some weird japanese equasion or other.
Takes all sorts i guess.

October 16th, 2020 02:51

Lorna said:

Quirky is best.............

October 16th, 2020 02:29

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
I tried this on a literal walk. I didn\'t quite get the hang of it. I took a not-much-trodden path and nearly fell in a ditch. Use your common sense, Orchi! lol.

October 16th, 2020 02:24

Left Behind.
Michael Edwards said:

A ray of light - it should be called a Fay of light - you bring the sunshine with this gem.

October 15th, 2020 14:50

Left Behind.
Crowns4Christ said:

dion and always do love a beautiful sunset beautiful write fay

October 15th, 2020 14:17

Left Behind.

Good Afternoon FAY - Angela Here - No more clients today - so I am relaxing with a Cup of Earl Grey and catching up on MPS. Love the POEM & the Spaceing - for emphasis & pausing ! I love the Sunsets in New Zealand ~ Days were always reluctant to yield fully to Night ! No POEM today but we have one ready *In Defence of Wasps* for tomorow ~ AMEN !

Blessings & Joy & Peace with LOVE
Angela - Brian - Smokey 💛💛💛

October 15th, 2020 09:51

Left Behind.
dusk arising said:

An act of nature, gifted to you to marvel upon. Just as is some poetry when it tickles the aroma of a sensation we struggle to put into words.

Magical moments, how strange they are overlooked by so many. Are we poets tainted with a sight beyond or is it a sight within, there again does it matter, we are just tainted.

October 15th, 2020 09:45

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