Comments received on poems by Tristan Robert Lange
orchidee said:
And now, me being very un-profound - depends what sort of tingle it is, I suppose. Best not tell me where the tingle might be, or I might swoon (saucy me)! lol.
I might fancy a \'tinging tingle\'? heeehee.
August 4th, 2024 01:41
orchidee said:
And now, me being very un-profound - depends what sort of tingle it is, I suppose. Best not tell me where the tingle might be, or I might swoon (saucy me)! lol.
I might fancy a \'tinging tingle\'? heeehee.
August 4th, 2024 01:41
sorenbarrett said:
Words are powerful and create images so vivid that they may as well be reality. Nicely written
August 3rd, 2024 05:45
sorenbarrett said:
Words are powerful and create images so vivid that they may as well be reality. Nicely written
August 3rd, 2024 05:45
orchidee said:
I never knew there was so much \'activity\' involve in writing. Well, I know now! Who is that bad hair guy in your pics?! lol.
August 3rd, 2024 01:41
orchidee said:
I never knew there was so much \'activity\' involve in writing. Well, I know now! Who is that bad hair guy in your pics?! lol.
August 3rd, 2024 01:41
The Machine Returns
orchidee said:
Ahh, a bad hair day in that pic! (me being daft) lol.
August 1st, 2024 02:10
orchidee said:
Ahh, a bad hair day in that pic! (me being daft) lol.
August 1st, 2024 02:10
The Machine Returns
sorenbarrett said:
The Machine, the man, big brother yes I feel the angst and dread circling in the winds of change as well as the old guard still keeping watch. Nice write
July 31st, 2024 16:37
sorenbarrett said:
The Machine, the man, big brother yes I feel the angst and dread circling in the winds of change as well as the old guard still keeping watch. Nice write
July 31st, 2024 16:37
Wild and Ready
sorenbarrett said:
A call to action this poem invokes paradoxical lines to emphasize why action is needed. A moving and powerful write.
July 30th, 2024 06:16
sorenbarrett said:
A call to action this poem invokes paradoxical lines to emphasize why action is needed. A moving and powerful write.
July 30th, 2024 06:16
Roll the Tape
sorenbarrett said:
There\'s a roll to this piece. It has rhythm and rhyme nicely done
July 27th, 2024 05:41
sorenbarrett said:
There\'s a roll to this piece. It has rhythm and rhyme nicely done
July 27th, 2024 05:41
Anatomy of Agony
sorenbarrett said:
Dark images fill this piece with foreboding and a sense of finality.
July 23rd, 2024 06:18
sorenbarrett said:
Dark images fill this piece with foreboding and a sense of finality.
July 23rd, 2024 06:18
Souls in Agony
aDarkerMind said:
perfect in every way Tristan.
my kind of poetry,
love it!
July 14th, 2024 13:14
aDarkerMind said:
perfect in every way Tristan.
my kind of poetry,
love it!
July 14th, 2024 13:14
A Trip
AlitaOpal said:
Your poem got me on a tangent, it\'s been a while.. you still got grit 💯🌹🔥
May 22nd, 2023 21:21
AlitaOpal said:
Your poem got me on a tangent, it\'s been a while.. you still got grit 💯🌹🔥
May 22nd, 2023 21:21
A Trip
AlitaOpal said:
I wish we had a chance,
To dance,
Soul gazing,
Could you ever forgive me,
For being a free spirit,
My heart beats,
But I can never give it,
One more chance,
My mind is tripping,
Memories flicking..
You and I where we?
To the state of oblivion
We could never be
I wish I could be..
Less than contrary..
Rather a best friend..
To hold you..
And tell you it\'ll be ok..
Till you wake up and realise..
Only you can say,
Have your way,
You got to call it,
Words are spells..
So go spell..
I\'ll see you in the happy papers..
May 22nd, 2023 21:06
AlitaOpal said:
I wish we had a chance,
To dance,
Soul gazing,
Could you ever forgive me,
For being a free spirit,
My heart beats,
But I can never give it,
One more chance,
My mind is tripping,
Memories flicking..
You and I where we?
To the state of oblivion
We could never be
I wish I could be..
Less than contrary..
Rather a best friend..
To hold you..
And tell you it\'ll be ok..
Till you wake up and realise..
Only you can say,
Have your way,
You got to call it,
Words are spells..
So go spell..
I\'ll see you in the happy papers..
May 22nd, 2023 21:06
tattooedreverie said:
A multifaceted poem! I truly enjoyed your style, as well as the question imbedded. What truly is death? I\'ll be thinking about it.
May 20th, 2023 20:05
tattooedreverie said:
A multifaceted poem! I truly enjoyed your style, as well as the question imbedded. What truly is death? I\'ll be thinking about it.
May 20th, 2023 20:05
The Necromancer
A.B. Jakobs said:
I learned some new words reading this one. It particularly succeeds in the tone and atmosphere! The use of words and your archaic stylings are not too dissimilar from my own, and that congeniality may be why I enjoyed it as much, but credit where it is due. It\'s well written and engaging to read through. Greatly enjoyed it! Thank you for uploading it.
August 11th, 2022 17:15
A.B. Jakobs said:
I learned some new words reading this one. It particularly succeeds in the tone and atmosphere! The use of words and your archaic stylings are not too dissimilar from my own, and that congeniality may be why I enjoyed it as much, but credit where it is due. It\'s well written and engaging to read through. Greatly enjoyed it! Thank you for uploading it.
August 11th, 2022 17:15
Labyrinth of Malicious Lies
L. B. Mek said:
even devoid of any theological alignment;
I can\'t help but appreciate how well this is written
and how despairingly raw, you\'ve gotten your passion across...
thanks for sharing
August 1st, 2022 03:23
L. B. Mek said:
even devoid of any theological alignment;
I can\'t help but appreciate how well this is written
and how despairingly raw, you\'ve gotten your passion across...
thanks for sharing
August 1st, 2022 03:23
The Downfall of Freedom
Saxon Crow said:
Get onto Netflix and watch fantastic fungi.
July 26th, 2022 04:45
Saxon Crow said:
Get onto Netflix and watch fantastic fungi.
July 26th, 2022 04:45
The Downfall of Freedom
L. B. Mek said:
\'Willful slaves are the downfall of freedom.\'
\'freedom, is the breeding platform
for willing, slaves...!\'
here\'s how they do it
they make us vote, choosing from
rotten picks
then when sht fcks up
those of us with ego\'s, refuse
to admit accountability, instead
we deflect
blaming this, that
and the flying pig with a top hat...
then, words like \'herds\'
is brandished about
against \'radicals\', who know it all
and while we continue, to evermore
into, evermore fractured societies
they scare us with war here
covid or pig flu, there
keep us on our toes, meanwhile
2020 to 2022
covid hell, created more billionaires
than ever..
then we try, philosophy a solution
not knowing
tomorrow, another lockdown will be coming...
\'Where have the fates found us?
Where have the winds blow us?
What started as explosive ecstasy
Ended in icy-hard, frigid doom.
The pisser is not what is found
But what has been tragically lost.\'
(insightful commentary, dear poet
thanks for sharing)
July 26th, 2022 03:48
L. B. Mek said:
\'Willful slaves are the downfall of freedom.\'
\'freedom, is the breeding platform
for willing, slaves...!\'
here\'s how they do it
they make us vote, choosing from
rotten picks
then when sht fcks up
those of us with ego\'s, refuse
to admit accountability, instead
we deflect
blaming this, that
and the flying pig with a top hat...
then, words like \'herds\'
is brandished about
against \'radicals\', who know it all
and while we continue, to evermore
into, evermore fractured societies
they scare us with war here
covid or pig flu, there
keep us on our toes, meanwhile
2020 to 2022
covid hell, created more billionaires
than ever..
then we try, philosophy a solution
not knowing
tomorrow, another lockdown will be coming...
\'Where have the fates found us?
Where have the winds blow us?
What started as explosive ecstasy
Ended in icy-hard, frigid doom.
The pisser is not what is found
But what has been tragically lost.\'
(insightful commentary, dear poet
thanks for sharing)
July 26th, 2022 03:48
These Three Things
AlitaOpal said:
The holy trinity
The number three
You and I make we
We are in this 3D makeshift
One day we will see
After our garments expire..
we will be free
Great write Tristan 🌹 may your light dance with your dark side from time to time 🌹🌹🌹
July 23rd, 2022 07:04
AlitaOpal said:
The holy trinity
The number three
You and I make we
We are in this 3D makeshift
One day we will see
After our garments expire..
we will be free
Great write Tristan 🌹 may your light dance with your dark side from time to time 🌹🌹🌹
July 23rd, 2022 07:04
Souls in Agony
A.B. Jakobs said:
You paint an intriguing scene. Lung choking murmurs and a monstrous nautical clime that is only abated when they dwell into their watery and rigid tomb. To what purpose did they venture? Foolhardiness, arrogance, or a deliberate suicide by the sailors for sights best left unseen, only able to dull the despair through numbing their senses? Whatever their intentions were, you sent me wondering. Thank you for sharing. It was a most enjoyable little read!
July 21st, 2022 19:00
A.B. Jakobs said:
You paint an intriguing scene. Lung choking murmurs and a monstrous nautical clime that is only abated when they dwell into their watery and rigid tomb. To what purpose did they venture? Foolhardiness, arrogance, or a deliberate suicide by the sailors for sights best left unseen, only able to dull the despair through numbing their senses? Whatever their intentions were, you sent me wondering. Thank you for sharing. It was a most enjoyable little read!
July 21st, 2022 19:00
Souls in Agony
Bella Shepard said:
What an intriguing picture you paint, dark, ominous, pulling the reader into this unavoidable trap. Descriptive words that set an unbelievable scene. Great write!
July 21st, 2022 12:58
Bella Shepard said:
What an intriguing picture you paint, dark, ominous, pulling the reader into this unavoidable trap. Descriptive words that set an unbelievable scene. Great write!
July 21st, 2022 12:58
Souls in Agony
L. B. Mek said:
a good scene, mystery
with built-in thriller, themes..
thanks for sharing
July 21st, 2022 01:28
L. B. Mek said:
a good scene, mystery
with built-in thriller, themes..
thanks for sharing
July 21st, 2022 01:28
Requiem Aeternam
lonelyraccoon said:
I love this piece, it flows very well with an eye-opening message to top it off
May 27th, 2019 19:03
lonelyraccoon said:
I love this piece, it flows very well with an eye-opening message to top it off
May 27th, 2019 19:03
SoulMeetsBody said:
Interesting concept! Reminds me of a much bleaker version of the lyrics of To Build A Home - the themes of a home disintegrating are subtler, yet still there. Hope you like the song. -
May 19th, 2019 17:16
SoulMeetsBody said:
Interesting concept! Reminds me of a much bleaker version of the lyrics of To Build A Home - the themes of a home disintegrating are subtler, yet still there. Hope you like the song. -
May 19th, 2019 17:16
In the End
Goldfinch60 said:
We may fall down hard but all we need to do is look for the light in our lives and go towards it.
January 8th, 2019 01:31
Goldfinch60 said:
We may fall down hard but all we need to do is look for the light in our lives and go towards it.
January 8th, 2019 01:31
In the End
whisperingquill said:
That third stanza
👍🏼 excellent weaving
Really damn potent
January 7th, 2019 23:05
whisperingquill said:
That third stanza
👍🏼 excellent weaving
Really damn potent
January 7th, 2019 23:05
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