Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Before Lockdown.
L. B. Mek said:

ha! I like the positivity in your certainty of a time to come: \'after lockdown\'...
my cynicism lacks the fortitude to look beyond a simple hope for humanity\'s evergreen adaptability to create a framework of a stable(ish) society without devolving to all out anarchy, before we ever glimpse an end to this Plague of misery,
(tired of the false re-starts to normality!) either we agree to sacrifice lives for the survival of our economy or we ALL (not just some!) agree to lockdown until the virus is completely contained, we are losing a whole f\'cking year with this endless dance of back-n-forth disjointedly shallow Government strategies!
I am sorry for sounding-off in your comments section,
but seriously its getting beyond my ability to fathom the levels of abundant ineptitude in those WE CHOOSE to govern us... at this rate we\'ll be better-of regressing to tyrannical leadership systems, at least we can trust in their sociopathic need for self-survival to get things done!

September 21st, 2020 03:49

Before Lockdown.

GOOD MONTAG UNCLE ANDY - Thanks for Pachabel*s Canon & Stunning Video we love it - AMEN. We consider LOCKDOWN has had more effect on the Elderly & Infirmed because of lack of Social Mobility etc. Now that Brian & I are both back in FT Work we are meeting People & Shopping & using Pub & Cafes etc etc. I dont think that for many LIFE (as we knew it) may not return their lifetime ? Angela & I hope to have another 50 years and in 5 yeras time we will remember COVID 19 (with nostalgia) as we now remember *9 / 11* ( Brian was there) 19 years ago ! Meanwhie we have to KEEP SAFE and follow the Governments Rules etc.

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey πŸ’›πŸ’›
Please check *MOUNTAINS* ~ Thanks A & B ! !

September 21st, 2020 03:17

Before Lockdown.

GOOD MONTAG UNCLE ANDY - Thanks for Pachabel*s Canon & Stunnin Video we love it - AMEN. We consider LOCKDOWN has ha more efect on the Elderly & Infirmed because of lacke of Social Mobility etc. Now that Brian & I are both back in FT Work we are meeting People & Shopping & using Pub & Cafes etc etc. I dont think that for many LIFE (as we knew it) may not return their lifetime ? Angela & I hpe to have another 50 years and in 5 yeras time we will remember COVID 19 (with nostalgia) as we now remember *9 / 11* ( Brian was there) 19 years ago ! Meanwhie we have to KEEP SAFE and follow the Governments Rules etc.

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

September 21st, 2020 03:17

Before Lockdown.
Michael Edwards said:

Something I keep asking myself - it seems to be a far off dream at the moment.

September 21st, 2020 01:44

Before Lockdown.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I feel we will reach it, but some of it is prolonged because of our own forgetfulness - and stupidity in some cases.
I forget social distancing at times, I admit. I think \'Oops, I\'m too close to someone\'. But some queue close together at times; walk wrong way down one-way streets; don\'t wear masks in shops.
Can\'t we all remember to do simple things?
Well, better than Belarus. \'Drink vodka to stave off crisis\', the leaders said. Doh! I popped round with the water.

September 21st, 2020 01:43

Hippie Am I.
Saxon Crow said:

Just don\'t grow your hair or stop washing GF!

September 21st, 2020 00:57

Hippie Am I.
MendedFences27 said:

I must agree with the sentiment of this poem. Love is surely the answer. Yet in this warrior world we have created, people seem to be reaching out to strongman warlords. No wonder the world is becoming overheated.
GF60 if it becomes possible to return to the days of Hippies and free love I will line up for the first Love-in. Yes and some great music too. - Phil A.

September 20th, 2020 11:24

Hippie Am I.
Neville said:

Brilliant sir...

and for what it’s worth, if I could endorse any poem I might read for a while, it might just probably be this one ...

September 20th, 2020 02:59

Hippie Am I.
orchidee said:

You growing your hair long then, even though we can get to the hairdressers these days now?!

September 20th, 2020 01:48

Hippie Am I.

BRIAN HERE - Good Sunday Uncle Andy - Thanks for showcasing *IMAGINE* John Lennon @ His absolute BEST - Sadly missed especially by us SCOUCERS ! By the way did you notice EVERTON (Not Liverpool) - Are top of the Premier League Table - AMEN !
Thanks for the Poem - There is a Hippie in us ALL - But you dont see many playin* CROCKET an* wearin* those Coonskin *ats ! Maybe it*ll catch on in LA ! Thanks for sharin* !

Blessings to You & Yours & Joyce in Her Star !
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey Cat πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

September 20th, 2020 01:48

Hippie Am I.
jarcher54 said:

All you need is love. When they ridicule the idealist, the one who places the flower in the rifle barrel, who lies down before the tank, they make one with the Roman soldiers who hung the Rebel on the wooden cross among the thieves. They smirk, because they know not what they do. Thanks for the message today.

September 20th, 2020 01:26

Venus Destroyed.
Dove said:

It’s been said that it’s too hot to survive , though they have recently found a element that is produced by living things, so perhaps it may exist in the skies not on the actual land! Of course, scientists are also saying it can be produced by other things other than life! So while it may appear as life, it may not as well!

Better chance at life in mars !

September 20th, 2020 00:35

Venus Destroyed.

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Sabbath Uncle Andy ~ love the VIDEO and Music that is *Out of this World ! *PHOSPHINE (PH3) is a biomolecule ~ But not much to go on ! There is NO scientific evidence to indicate that *If the conditions were right* Life would EVOLVE anywhere & everywhere in the UNIVERSE! Weve been searching diligently for over 50 years & found nothing ~ why is it so so elusive ? When its so so Prolific on Earth ? Perhaps there is some Truth in Genesis ? Of course Science cant say *IN the beginning God Created the Heavens & Earth* because thats not Physics ~ thats Metaphysics !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey ! ! !

September 19th, 2020 14:51

Venus Destroyed.
Michael Edwards said:

And destroying it they/us are.

September 19th, 2020 10:38

Venus Destroyed.
L. B. Mek said:

this has the making of an intriguing premise for a sci-fi novella Andy, worth dabbling with maybe?
either way a contemplative write of understandably frustrated commentary on humanity\'s unnecessarily gluttonous consumption of the nature that sustains us

September 19th, 2020 03:26

Venus Destroyed.
dusk arising said:

What do they look like?.... its those blessed pikeys isn\'t it.... they always make a mess wherever they go and never clean up....
I\'ve noticed nore UFOs from the planet NIMBY keeping an eye on them mind you.
There\'s a nasty rumour that a leading politician with unkempt blond hair is trying to get the rest of us infected before we all join the green party and bec.ome the infamous little green men

September 19th, 2020 02:14

Venus Destroyed.
orchidee said:

We should know these space-things, you and I, cos we were on the Moon to greet the first astronauts from Earth!

September 19th, 2020 01:44

Dove said:

Beautiful Cocker Spaniel, hair doo is cute!
Like woody the woof pecker!

The poem is a wonderful gift!
Best to you!

September 18th, 2020 20:18


BRIAN HERE ~ Bon Apres Midi ~ Mon Oncle Andy. Loved the VIDEO it revoked many happy memories of PINK PANTHER Films. Love the Picture & the Poem. Despite being a *Cat Person* I have to admit the Dogs do have a special affinity with MAN ~ especially if you stroke them the right way. I often see Dogs in a CAFF and always say hello and give t hem a PAT & a STROKE ! The only CAT one sees in a CAFF belongs to the owner and thereby hangs a tail ! For our Seniors Group @ College (Silver Surfers) a Lady comes with a PAT~DOG. Who greets and is patted by everyone (The DOG not the Lady ! She dedscibes her visits to *Rest Homes* (where the Residents cant have a Dog or Cat ~ C*est la Vie) and the Staff say some Residents come alive again *When the DOG comes in !*

Blessings & Peace & Joy to Y ou & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey Cat ! ! !

September 18th, 2020 09:38

Fay Slimm. said:

As a dog lover the poem on Stella reached into my heart dear Andy -- her owners must be so happy with your lovely poem and hope she can go on greeting you for many more times to come.

September 18th, 2020 02:27

orchidee said:

Oh lol, fine write and pic Gold.
We have a neighbour\'s cat - one of a pair. It turns up for food and sleeps a while. It makes a big fuss for food. He can get bit greedy.

September 18th, 2020 02:03

dusk arising said:

I have always loved dogs and i see the very spirit of dog within your words today.

I enjoyed the pink panther variation. Have you heard this remake of an old theme tune?

September 18th, 2020 01:28

Touched by Literature.
dusk arising said:

Every author\'s inner desire is to emotionally affect their reader surely.

I am motly inspired by the poetry upon mps. Yours included.

Thinking about it, it\'s impossible to make a comment here without being inspired. Though judging by the amount of reads my work gets comapred to the number of comments i\'m failing badly or there are plain lazy readers out there.

September 17th, 2020 03:46

Touched by Literature.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

September 17th, 2020 01:45

Touched by Literature.
Michael Edwards said:

As I am and so often literature inspires my writes

September 17th, 2020 01:42

Pyotr Ilyich.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Any words to it? Maybe not. I would only sing them and ruin everything. lol.

September 16th, 2020 02:01

Pyotr Ilyich.
dusk arising said:

How can one live without the string quartets of \'Chikers?\' LOL

Ok so i\'m all ears... listening as i write... (pause)

So i closed my eyes and relaxed into this, and i mean really relaxed. I am quite amazed at the beauty of this piece and the finesse of the players. I felt various scenes of a life story were being related to me. Surprised by the gentle pizzicato and the creative use of tone and harmony.... as if an orchestra had begun to accompany them at times.

Truly amazing music. Something i had not experienced before and i must find time to enjoy.

September 16th, 2020 01:33

Neville said:

Sadder than sad and no doubt about it, truer than true...
... I am so glad you got Those memories and poetry sir...

September 16th, 2020 01:18

Trenz Pruca said:

I liked it a lot.

September 15th, 2020 23:44

MelissaJA said:

The end is so full of hope, the whole poem full of love.

September 15th, 2020 22:53

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